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German authorities are probing an envelope with white powder for possible infectious agents. Police sealed off a Berlin furniture store after the discovery, leading to hospital checks and vigilance for symptoms among individuals present.
Germany probeswhite powder in envelope for infectiousagents德國調查信封裡的白色粉末以防有傳染性的病媒 Oct 11, 2001 Edited by Yu yuhua Adapted from China Post 12345678
So far, "we have absolutely no indication that the letter contains the anthrax pathogen," the chief of the institute, Reinhard Kurth, told a news conference • the anthrax pathogen炭疽膿皰病菌 • a news conference 記者招待會 12345678
German authorities said Wednesday they were investigating an envelope containing white powder that was found in a parking garage for possible infectious agents • 專家;權威 • 調查 • 車庫 • 有傳染性的 • 仲介者 12345678
Police had sealed off a Berlin furniture store earlier Wednesday after a janitor found the suspiciousenvelope in the parking lot. • sealed密封 • furniture store家具店 • janitor守衛 • suspicious可疑的 • envelope信封 • the parking lot停車場 12345678
Six people were taken to a hospital to check for possible contamination and police took down the names of about 600 others in the store at the time. They were told to be alert for any symptoms. • 感染;污染 • 寫下 • 警覺的 • 症狀 12345678
City health officials said they had no immediate suspicion that the envelope contained a dangerous substance. • 官員;職員;公務員 • 疑心 • 物質 12345678
"We took all precautionsin case there would be a biological or chemical danger ," police spokeswoman Christine Rother said. "We're all really sensitized." • 預防措施 • 萬一 • 生物學的 • 化學的 • 女發言人 • 變得敏感 12345678
Anne-Luise Wesirow, the city official in charge ofinfectious diseaseprevention. • 看管; 負責 • 有傳染性的 • 疾病 • 預防 12345678