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I Want to be part of a church … (From young families group). •where I can belong and where people care about each other • that challenges me to live out my spirituality • where the emphasis is on life as a spiritual journey
I Want to be part of a church …(From young families group) •where I can belong and where people care about each other • that challenges me to live out my spirituality •where the emphasis is on life as a spiritual journey •where there is alternative, experimental worship, upbeat, modern, diversity of music • where people can laugh out loud and clap, embrace spontaneously in worship! •where worship relates scripture to life and is dynamic, challenging you to pay attention
I Want to be part of a church … • where the language in worshipis informal and accessible and speaks both to those inside church and those outside with no church experience • that thinks outside the box of Sunday morning service • where there are spiritual retreats • where we don’t sit in rows, but rather a circle •that pays attention to all its members • where people talk to each other
I Want to be part of a church … • that is accepting •that invites participation •that is community, where we talk to each other •that is in my neighbourhood • where elders mentor younger members •where I can participate as an adult while my child participates in children’s activities
I Want to be part of a church … •that is a comfortable informal environment for everyone • that is Affirming, a place that is not stuffy, where you can be real • that is flexible, spontaneous, innovative •that is multigenerational and children and youth are involved • that is family oriented, and where it doesn’t matter what “family” looks like! and has a good nursery
I Want to be part of a church … •that practices social justice in action as well as words •that pays attentionto what is going on in the world and acts •that makes a difference to each other’s lives and in the community •that represents Canada’s diversity •that is sensitive to the language and the terminology we use •that reflects our values and helps uslivethem. •that is willing to ask tough questions and wrestle them through !
Vision comes from listening with the heart to what God is longing for us to become
Vision connects us with God’s dream with God’s intention that we make a difference in a hurting, broken world
Shifting the Perspective from problem solving mode to Discernment Listening to the Spirit • Focus on us, our responsibility, our planning, our wisdom • Listening for the Spirit, for God’s dream for us • Listening for what God desires for us/through us • What we want • Limitations of our imagination • Connecting our energy with God’s
What does God desire for us at this point? • Where do we feel God wants us to be going? • Where are we hearing the leading of God’s Spirit?
Where does God desire fullness of life for us? • What does God want to offer us at this time? • Where does God want to challenge us? - To encourage us? • To do a whole new thing through us?
God’s Dream Vision Identity What Unique Gifts, resources, capabilities does God brings together in us? What are the unique needs and opportunities where God has placed us
Values Survey Areas of General Agreement •All ages desire to know other members of the congregation better.
Who is GSJ when we are at our very best? What 3 core factors give life to this congregation when we are at our best?
At our very best … Worship: Creative, life-giving, meaningful worship with great music that is a springboard for action and living in the world. Hospitality: Welcoming, open, flexible, accepting community that creates safe place to risk knowing one another. We practice hospitality and live inclusively. Spirituality: We are joyful, filled with spiritual vitality, a living congregation. We are following Jesus and listening for God.
At our very best … Faith Development: we have effective ministry for people of all ages strong children and youth programs intergenerational support G-St. J is a place to learn and grow .
At our very best … We have strong visionary leadership. People are engaged and involved according to their gifts in the work of the congregation. We are organized to accomplish all that we long to do. We are sustainable. We use all our gifts, including financial gifts to create and sustain and develop our ministry.
At our very best … Social Justice: We put our faith into action through outreach and relationships with the community. We are willing to put social justice issues at the forefront and be a beacon for the city with regard to tough issues. We have confidence that we can make a difference
At our very best … Innovative: We are willing and confident to experiment, - to be creative and try new things. We are open to different alternatives. We are looking to evolve and change. We are placed to take risks and innovate.
If you had a magic wand and could have any 3 wishes granted to heighten the health and vitality of our congregation so that it can live fully and sustainably into the future what would these be?
With our magic wand … • Community Building: • Work for deeper inclusivity • Integrate and include others outside the core group “in the know” people. • Equip and create the safe environment for all to be inspired to identify and use their gifts in the service of a shared vision and mission.
With our magic wand … • Create Diverse Entry Points including different services and events beyond Sunday morning worship. • Be Christ-focused in all we do. Build on the three loves of God, neighbour and self. • Financial security: A large bequest • that we become good stewards of our money, our time, our energy our gifts.
With our magic wand … • Redefine Currency – We have more than money to offer our community and our world. • More visibility in the community • Visible environmental, ecological action • Be a leader on issues people are concerned about in the community
With our magic wand … • Work with other churches and other faiths to make a difference • Visionary leadership- in clergy but also in laity with a shared vision and mission
God’s Dream Vision Identity What Unique Gifts, resources, capabilities does God brings together in us? What are the unique needs and opportunities where God has placed us
What Concerns are you hearing in the community? • Disparity between affluent and less well-off. People are being displaced. • Our politicians are focusing on the middle class. What about the poor, the working poor in bad housing who have no voice? • Feelings of powerlessness to change things which leads to disengagement
What Concerns are you hearing in the community? • Housing- not enough affordable housing. Working poor in economically fragile situations. • Yearning for right relationship with First Nations. The UCC is committed to this. How can we be involved and build relationships? • Isolated seniors. Rising taxes forcing seniors out of their homes. • Need for all people not to be isolated and alone
What Concerns are you hearing in the community? • Young families and the stresses on them • Intolerance between groups and religions • Climate change- the groaning of the earth • Insecurity and fear because of terrorism, and reaction to it. • Erosion of health care and all the cutbacks
What Concerns are you hearing in the community? • Needs rising. • Aging volunteers • Erosion of democracy in our country • Lack of a humanitarian approach from our politicians at all levels • Governing from a bottom line approach as if money is more important than people
What Concerns are you hearing in the community? • The need to remain diligent in social justice issues • Cross generations- the need to build bridges across generations
What did we learn? Our M&S givings of over $44,000 were celebrated • All agreed that the partnerships we currently have are worthwhile and need to be continued and the relationships enhanced. • These are Centre 507, Carlington Chaplaincy, • CSAC and Emergency Food Centre • Multi-Faith Housing Initiative • Refugee Housing (Gift cards)
What did we learn? Suggestions for future reaching out the community: • Become more active partners, attend the fundraising and social events of our community partners. • A Glebe Community Calendar where all the events of our community partners could be posted and publicized. • Feed the students: Explore possibilities of working in partnership with area churches to support a youth/young adult ministry to Carleton students. (perhaps modeled on the Open Table that functions in the Ottawa U area)
What did we learn? Suggestions for future reaching out the community: • Build Relationships with Sobriety House, CMHA (already begun) and David Smith Centre • Build Partnership with GNAG (already beginning as a pilot project) • Build partnership and cooperation with area churches. Share services/events/Learning and Outreach opportunities.
What did we learn? Suggestions for future reaching out the community: • Rebuild Political Connections • Connect with Centretown UC to see if we can be helpful • Can we have a role in connection with Ecclesiax (perhaps in outreach to Carleton.? • An environmental group needs to be set up.
Vision Where do we want to go? What will it look like when we get there? What is God inviting us into?
Vision is a seeing word. Seeing into the future of what you believe God is going to create. It is not about what is here now, but about what with God’s help, we can imagine could be.
Vision connects us with meaning With purpose. It helps us see where we are going
Vision is a clear, challenging picture of the future of the ministry as you believe it can and must be. • Vision comes from the heart. It helps people see where they are going
The vision of the apostles was to become fishers of people. • The vision of Jesus was to seek the lost and the last - to preach and live the kingdom of God (God’s dream) amongst us. • The vision of Moses was to let the people go • The vision of Ezekiel was of a people coming out of the deadness of exile into being restored as a people of God • The vision of the United Church of Canada in 1925 was “That all may be One”
Vision Where do we want to go? What will it look like when we get there? What is God inviting us into?
Broad Terms – Direction Statements of our Vision for Glebe-St. James: What do you see us becoming? What is our calling? What is God inviting us into?