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Sectoral Social Dialogue Local and Regional Government. Committee of Regions, EcoSoc Committee 23 April 2013. 1. Social Dialogue in the public sector in Europe 2. The social partners CEMR and EPSU 3. The outcomes of the Sectoral Social Dialogue Local and Regional Government
Sectoral Social Dialogue Local and RegionalGovernment Committee of Regions, EcoSoc Committee 23 April 2013
1. Social Dialogue in the public sector in Europe 2. The social partners CEMR and EPSU 3. The outcomes of the Sectoral Social Dialogue Local and Regional Government 4. Cooperation with the Committee of Regions ?
Formal committees bringing together employer organisations and trade unions across the EU: • EPSU • - 8 million workers/ 280 trade union organisation: • Local and Regional Government ; Hospitals; • Central Government Administrations. • Also works with IndustriAll in electricity and gas and EPSU affiliates have two seats on Education social dialogue committee. • CEMR- representing employers’: • - 50 National Associations representing 100,000 local and regional authorities in Europe; • - Local and Regional Government ; European social dialogue in the public sector
Committees issue joint statements on EU policy; • Develop agenda on issues like health and safety, training and gender equality, working conditions; • Develop dialogue between Trade Unions and Employers’ at National level vis-à-vis EU Policies; • Most significant step has been in Hospitals sector with negotiated agreement on dealing with sharps which has been implemented as EU legislation. European social dialogue in the public sector
Social Dialogue The Commission’s view (reminder) “As a driving force for modernisation of the European economy and the European social model, the social dialogue holds a crucial, unique position in the democratic governance of Europe.” “It is a vehicle for core values of participation and responsibility…” “…provides a suitable framework for managed modernisation.” “The social partners are different from other organisations “because of their ability to take part in collective bargaining.” Commission Communication June 2002 • Social dialogue at European level: • Clearly defined and takes place at cross-sectoral level, sectoral level (sector social dialogue committees) and company level (European works councils) • Social dialogue at national level varies considerably with varying levels of trade union density and collective bargaining coverage and different types of social dialogue institutions and practices
Very high in some countries – not necessarily linked to trade union density • Generally higher collective bargaining coverage in the public sector Collective bargaining coverage Collective bargaining coverage in Europe- even higher in public sector EPSU Collective Bargaining Seminar Tbilissi 2012
The Localand Regional GovernmentSector • Sector employs 17 million people in Europe • Services include-depending on the country- health care, public transport, education, police services, fire services and water, social care, refuse collection, planning , parks, etc; • Expenditure:15.5% of GDP in the 27 EU states and 33.9% of total public sector expenditure; • Complexity of the sector: political and institutional, employment status and level of collective bargaining; • Majority of EU states, 23 out of 27 have two or three tiers of local government (exc. BL); • Employment status: 15 of 27 EU have special employment status, but CZ, PL and SL similar rules to private sector • e.g. BL, CZ, HU, PL, SL significant responsibility for education and health • Sectoral Social Dialogue established since 2004, first informal working group in 1996 between EPSU and CEMR-EP
Joint Response on Restructuring; • Joint Statements on the crisis; • Framework of Action 2013 Outcomes of our Committee work
Important role of LRAs as employers’ and service providers is recognised; • Recognises public sector employees and employers’ affected by cutbacks ( crisis); • Highlighted agreements reached through National Social Dialogue (Ireland, Lithuania, Slovenia) http://www.ccre.org/en/prisespositions/view/138 http://epsu.org/a/8763 Joint Response to Restructuring
Definition-A European Framework of Action consists of the identification of certain policy priorities towards which the national social partners undertake to work. These priorities serve as benchmarks and the social partners report annually on the action taken to follow-up these texts. European Framework of Action
Framework of Action: Context (i) • Follow-up to project ‘Future of the workplace; • Contribute to a social and sustainable local and regional Europe that supports the public sector as an employer; • Overarching objective to better prepare Local and Regional governments as employers’ and their employees for future scenarios of its workplace.
Framework of Action: Context (ii) • Implement FoA starting in 2013, with a first evaluation at the end of 2013. • Will serve the foundations for the upcoming work programme of this European Social Dialogue Committee for 2014-2016.
1.Funding of local and regionalauthorities • Major strengthening of social dialogue to improve public funding: • Strengthen and support Social Dialogue; • Flexible approach to public procurement: • Differentapproaches and ways of service delivery • Social Criteria in public procurement • Monitoring the impact of the crisis
2. Recruitment and retention • Analyse demographic change: • How isthisaffectingourworkforce? • Developpolicies for olderworkers • Providing jobs for young people: • How to integrateyouthintoourworkforce?
3. Skills, lifelonglearning • Look at training agreements in oursector • Existingagreements exchange • Can wedevelop guidelines on training? • Whatkind of basic training is/willbeneeded in oursectoroverall? • Movingtowards the 15% target • Links with the New Skills for New Jobs Flagship
4. Migration • Integration of migrants intoourworkforce, exploringbarriers and promoting anti-discrimination • Continue to promote active inclusion – follow up 2008 joint statement
5. GenderEquality • Continue promotingour guidelines • Dissemination and awareness-raising • Monitor impact of public spendingcuts on Equality
6.Providing sustainableworkplaces • Environmentalconcerns- addressing green jobs • Ensureemployee and employer representativeness in sustainabledevelopment • Examples in national context? • How shouldemployeesbeinvolved in such discussions?
Workingwith the Committee of Regions • Implementingour Framework of Action? • Prioritythemes for ECOS? • Thematic discussions/workshops together = Common goal : Representativity of Local and RegionalGovernment !