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Progress on sequencing tomato chromosome 12. 120 cM. S. pennelli ILs. LE_HBa0045N22. LE_HBa0026C13. IL12-1-1. IL12-1. 045N22 (Chromosome 12—Telomere P). IL12-2. IL12-3-1. IL12-3. Stack Lab--April 8,2005. Estimated euchromatin 11 Mb N. of BACs to be sequenced 113
Progress on sequencing tomato chromosome 12 120 cM S. pennelli ILs LE_HBa0045N22 LE_HBa0026C13 IL12-1-1 IL12-1 045N22 (Chromosome 12—Telomere P) IL12-2 IL12-3-1 IL12-3 Stack Lab--April 8,2005 Estimated euchromatin11 Mb N. of BACs to be sequenced113 N. of overgo markers 39 IL12-4 IL12-4-1 Silvana Grandillo CNR-IGV SOL2006
Tomato chromosome 12 Principal Investigators Luigi Frusciante(Univ.of Naples) Giovanni Giuliano(ENEA, Rome) Giorgio Valle(CRIBI, Univ. of Padua) Other Investigators Amalia Barone(Univ. of Naples) Maria Luisa Chiusano(Univ. of Naples) Mara Ercolano(Univ. of Naples) Silvana Grandillo(IGV-CNR, Portici,Naples) Alessandro Vezzi(Univ. of Padua) Funding Agronanotech (Italian Ministry of Agriculture - started October, 2004) FIRB (Italian Ministry of Research - started October, 2005) EU-SOL (European Commission - started May 2006)
Map position of overgo markers used for Chr. 12 Map Position (cM) Marker 12,5 C2_At4g03280 Map Position (cM) Marker 14,0 cLPT-6-E9 19,0 TG263 21,0 TG68 24,0 T1487 51,0 T1045 53,0 T1211 32,0 T1481 53,5 CT99 33,0 T0028 54,0 T1093 Near centromere 36,0 T0989 54,5 C2_At5g42740 39,0 T1667 55,0 T1078 41,0 cLET-8-k4 55,5 TG283 56,0 T1622 57,2 P62 57,5 T1451 65,0 T1947 57,7 cLET-8-E15 66,0 TG111 57,8 T1185 68,0 TG394 58,2 SSR20 68,5 TG367 59,0 CT189 71,0 T1266 60,0 SSR124 60,0 SSR44 60,0 cLET-8-G15 86,0 T1676 96,0 T1784 96,0 TG296 97,0 T0882 101,0 T0770 115,0 T1504 120,0 CD2
BAC validation procedure • Single colony picking • Medium scale DNA preparative • BAC-end sequencing • Fingerprinting • PCR amplification of genetic marker • Amplicon sequencing and sequence alignment • BAC physical location tested by mapping in ILs lines
PCR marker development and IL mapping PCR 1BAC C12HBa0161H10 2,3parental genotypes 4,5IL lines 6negative control 1 2 3 4 5 6 A C B Multiple alignment of :S. pennellii, M82, IL 12-2, BAC P161H10, EST T1045 and IL 8-1 S. pennellii T1045 IL8-1 P161H10 IL12-2 M82 Centromeric region T1045 E S. pennellii T1045 IL8-1 P161H10 IL12-2 M82 S. pennellii T1045 IL8-1 P161H10 IL12-2 M82
Sequencing and assemblystrategy Sequencing template: Moving from PCR product to plasmid mini-preparation Average plasmid insert size: 2000bp Usually double-barrel strategy * * (when the overlap between BACs is very high, the choice has been to sequence only one end of the plasmid clones, and then to sequence from the other end only the informative clones) Assembly program: phred/phrap/consed package Sequencing standard for each BAC: < 3% single strand region < 1% single subclone (possibly none) 8-10X coverage
Summary To date 18 seed BACs associated to 16 markers (11 mapping on the short arm and 5 on the long arm of chr. 12) have been selected for validation and sequencing. The map position of the clones is being confirmed by means of SNPs identified on the S. pennellii IL population. A total of 23 BACs are currently at different phases of the sequencing pipeline. 4 seed BAC sequences (Phase 3) have been submitted to SGN repository. In order to identify new BACs to move out of the 4 finished seed BACs, as well as of the Phase 1 or 2 BAC clones, a program complementary to the SGN Online BLAST Interface has been developed at CRIBI (Univ. of Padua). A bioinformatic platform has been built at the Univ. of Naples to provide an Italian resource for supporting the annotation of the tomato genome.
Sequencing status of selected BAC clones LE_HBa0140M01 (C2_At4g03280) LE_HBa0061F16 LE_HBa0090D09 LE_HBa0026C13 (cLPT-6-E9) LE_HBa0073O10 LE_HBa0260C13; LE_HBa0206G16 (T1487) LE_HBa0075C18 (T1481) LE_HBa0163O04 (T0028) (Map position ???) SL_MboI0126D24 LE_HBa0032K07 (T0989) SL_EcoRI0082A18 LE_HBa0180O10 (cLPT-8-K4) LE_HBa0244C09; LE_HBa0146I19 (T1667) LE_HBa0161H10 (T1045) *LE_HBa0149G24 LE_HBa0021L02 (T1211) SL_EcoRI0004H16* LE_HBa0059A05 (SSR124) LEGEND LE_HBa0193C03 (T1266) # of BACs (2) Validated LE_HBa0115G22 (T1676) (5) In pipeline (6) HTGS phase 1 LE_HBa0093P12 (T0882) HTGS phase 2 (4) (4) LE_HBa0183M06 (T0770) Finished & submitted (4) Finished but problems 25 LE_HBa0147G13 (T1504 + seq TG350) Extension in progress BAC for extension at 5’ in sequencing pipeline BAC for extension at 3’ in sequencing pipeline
* * Sequencing status of selected BAC clones
Problems 1. No marker-specific amplification by PCR of few selected seed BACs 2. Problems with BAC identity: LE_HBa0075C18: BES verified, but no marker in the consensus sequence LE_HBa0260C13: no BES available at SGN LE_HBa0244C09: no BES available before sequencing, then identity not confirmed 3. Wrong map position for: LE_HBa0163O04: BES verified, marker enclosed, FISH map on chr. 7, working on assembly for hard repeat region 4. BACs with repeat regions: LE_HBa0059A05: easily resolved LE_HBa0163O04: hard repeat region ( > plasmid insert size) LE_HBa0147G13: still to work 5. BAC extention: How to move out of a sequenced BAC? Should we trust a fully automated BLASTN? How to choose the right BAC?
BAC EXTENSION: “BacEnds Extension v 0.1” developed at CRIBI (Univ. of Padua) This tool has been designed to simplify some of the problems commonly found during the BAC extension procedure in the Tomato Genome Project. Repetitive sequences may easily act as a bridge to many BAC ends belonging to a different part of the genome. The program is already available to the Solanaceae community: http://tomato.cribi.unipd.it/ USER: tomato PWD: trial For further informations please contact: Dott. Davide Campagna e-mail: davide@cribi.unipd.it CRIBI, University of Padua
BAC EXTENSION: “BacEnds Extension v 0.1” developed at CRIBI (Univ. of Padua) - This tool displays the alignments of a BAC against the available tomato BAC ends - The BAC ends are displayed showing their orientation, thus indicating the direction where the corresponding BAC is extending - The electrophoretic profiles can be opened allowing an immediate control of any discrepancy - The RAP (Repeat Analysis Program)* and Low Complexity indexes are shown indicating the “repetitiousness” of each part of the BAC - Any sequence found in correspondence to a repeat should not be considered as reliable for BAC extension *Campagna D. et al. 2005, ‘RAP:a new computer program for de novo identification of the repeated sequences in whole genomes’ ; Bioinfomatics 21 (5): 582-588
BacEnds Extention v 0.1 Sequenced BAC coordinates RAP index Low complexity index BAC end sequences Developed at CRIBI, University of Padua, by Dott. Davide Campagna (e-mail: davide@cribi.unipd.it) Available at http://tomato.cribi.unipd.it/ USER: tomato PWD: trial
BacEnds Extention v 0.1 Blast against BACENDS database Blast results parsering BAC sequence Analyse the sequence and Builds RAP index RAP database Data Structure Partial image of BACENDS alignments, RAP and Linguistic Complexity index Images of profiles aligned with blast results
Bioinformatics at Univ. of Naples • A bioinformatic platform has been built to provide an Italian resource to support the experimental annotation of the Solanum lycopersicum genome • Annotated EST database from dbEST (NCBI)* for Tomato and Potato species (updated May 2006) • Gbrowse interface for BAC annotation which has been released to the SOL community • http://biosrv.cab.unina.it • -The BACs available at the SGN site were experimentally annotated and are available through the Generic Genome Browser web interface allowing selection of reference Gene Models to test predictive approaches. • The two EST databases and the Gbrowse are cross-referenced and linked to the Solanaceae Genome Network resources to provide useful data integration. * D’Agostino, Aversano and Chiusano 2005, “ParPEST: A pipeline for EST data analysis based on parallel computing ”; BMC Bioinformatics, 6 (Suppl. 4):S9
Acknowledgments University of Naples ‘Federico II’ (Dept. DISSPA) Luigi Frusciante Amalia Barone Mara Ercolano Sara Melito Rosa Paparo Walter Sanseverino Sara Torre ENEA, Rome Giovanni Giuliano Elio Fantini Alessia Fiore Giuseppe Puglia CRIBI and Univ. of Padua Giorgio Valle Alessandro Vezzi Davide Campagna Laura Colluto Michela D'Angelo Fabrizio Levorin Giorgio Mitch Malacrida Silvia Pescarolo Riccardo Schiavon Sara Todesco Alessandro Zambon University of Naples ‘Federico II’ (Dept. DSFB) Maria Luisa Chiusano Mario Aversano Nunzio D'Agostino Alessandra Traini CNR-IGV, Portici (Naples) Silvana Grandillo Maria Cammareri Pasquale Termolino