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Tips for Academic Success

Tips for Academic Success. Gulnur Esenalieva. Contact information Room 110 Ext 295 E-mail: esenalieva_g@mail.auca.kg. Differences between your secondary education and AUCA. What is a credit hour? How many credits do you take each semester?

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Tips for Academic Success

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tips for Academic Success

  2. GulnurEsenalieva • Contact information • Room 110 • Ext 295 • E-mail: esenalieva_g@mail.auca.kg

  3. Differences between your secondary education and AUCA • What is a credit hour? How many credits do you take each semester? • How many hours outside class are you expected to study/prepare? • What do you do if you are having problems? • What GPA do I need to maintain my academic status and renew my Financial Aid? • What happens if my GPA falls below 2.0? • What is class rank?

  4. Campus Resources • You will meet your Academic Advisor the first Friday of orientation week • The Role of the Advisor • Did you know there is a free tutoring center on campus for Math, Writing and Economics? • WARC is open 6 days a week; to make an appointment, go to Room 226 or 228. • Did you know there is a Psychological Counselor at AUCA, that provides free services?

  5. RenataMambetova,Psychological Counselor • Sessions are typically 60 minutes (some students attend only one session; other students attend 2-6 sessions) • Reasons for seeking counseling included learning difficulties and a wide range of personal/family issues Additional information: • Workshops on stress management and time management were offered in the fall 2011 • Pamphlets have been created on a variety of topics

  6. RenataMambetova • Contact information: • Mambetova_r@mail.auca.kg • Office #219

  7. Academic Leave and Withdrawal Policy • Students may take Academic Leave for up to two semesters during their time at AUCA • Reasons students take Academic Leave • Withdrawal Policy (deadline is the end of the 10th week of classes) • Always check with your professor and advisor before deciding to withdraw from a course

  8. Scholarship Renewal • Do you have your Financial Aid/Scholarship award letter? • The letter will provide the requirements to renew your award • Students who receive merit-based scholarships must maintain a 3.2 overall GPA; students who receive need-based awards must maintain a 2.7 GPA. Renewal for donor scholarships vary. • What happens if you do not meet renewal criteria?

  9. GPA Calculation • GPA is the number of quality points divided by the total number of GPA credit hours Please note: Courses that are designated as pass/fall do not count toward the GPA (example Sports, and some Arts classes)

  10. Grading Scale Grade Quality Points A 4.0 A- 3.67 B+ 3.33 B 3.0 B- 2.67 C+ 2.33 C 2.0 C- 1.67 D+ 1.33 D 1.0 D- 0.67 F 0.00 * A “W” (Withdrawal) grade does not impact the GPA

  11. Grade Forgiveness Policy • If you receive an “F” in any course at AUCA, you must repeat the class (preferably, as soon as it is offered again) • Provided you pass the class the second time, grade forgiveness will be applied (and the “F” will be removed from the GPA calculation; which is critical for maintaining academic status and renewal of Fin Aid) • Please note: although your GPA does not take into account the first course grade, the class will always remain on your AUCA transcript. • If you earn an “F” two times for the identical course, this is grounds for dismissal from AUCA

  12. Components of your degree • Your Major (number of credits vary by department) • General Education Requirements • Electives (Law and Econ majors do not have room for electives) • Academic Minor (please note: IBL, ECO, SFW and PSY majors do not have time to complete a minor in 4 years)

  13. Graduation Requirements • Earn at least 240 non-repeated credits (the only repeatable courses are Sports and studio Arts) • Complete General Education requirements • Complete the requirements for at least one academic major • Earn a minimum 2.0 GPA • Earn a maximum of 90 credits of introductory credits (100-level) • Pass all State Exams and the ELPT • Complete and Defend a Senior Thesis

  14. General Education Requirements ALL STUDENTS MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: • First Year Seminar (24 credits) • Kyrgyz OR Russian Language (6 credits) • Mathematics (6-12 credits, depending on the major) • Computers (3 credits) • Natural Sciences(Ecology/Geography/Geophysics/ History and Philosophy of Science) (3 credits) • History of Kyrgyzstan (4 credits; sophomore year) • Manas Studies (2 credits, sophomore year) • Intro to Philosophy ( 4 credits; sophomore year) • Social Sciences (12 credits; outside your major) • Humanities (6 credits; outside your major) • Sports (? credits) • Arts (6 credits)(except for Business and Law)

  15. Course and Advisor Evaluations • Course and Advisor Evaluations are very important to AUCA • Please make sure to take the time to complete these online evaluations • Your answers are completely anonymous • Course and advisor evaluations take place near the end of each semester

  16. Communicating with Faculty and Advisors • When speaking with a professor or your advisor, address them with respect; meet with faculty and advisors during their office hours • When writing an email, please: • Use proper grammar • Make sure the content is appropriate • Show respect (ex. Dear Professor …) • Include your full name • Do not expect to receive an answer immediately Why is it so important to develop rapport with faculty?

  17. The Future • Although you just started at AUCA, it is not too early to think about, and prepare for the future • Your undergraduate academic record will impact your future career and graduate school plans • Think carefully before you make decisions • Ask for help when you have problems

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