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Service To Handicap Children:- Trustee and medical consultant of disha school of handicap children at Jaipur. for 20 years serving handicap children.<br>The vision of disha is to create a society that has equal opportunity for all. This is accomplished by abilities and special needs followed by individualized programme tailored to individual needs and abilities. We cater to children with cerebral palsy, developmental disabilities, hypoxic encephalopathy autism spectrum disorder, music diseases, genetic disorder, spine bifida and other congenital neurological disorders.
SERVICE TO SOCIETY 1.SERVICE TO PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY CHALLENGED CHILDREN AT DISHA INSTITUTE: - Being a trustee and Medical consultant of institute has contributed for the care; education & improving of support system to physically and mentally challenged children in Disha institute. The Vision of Disha is to create a society that has equal opportunity for all. While the challenges are numerous. They are not insurmountable. I took back at the year gone by with great satisfaction for two major reasons that Disha, through its dedicated activities has shown tremendous results in improving the quality of life of the persons with disabilities and secondly, the government has also pit its attention on the issues when we witnessed a significant increase of concern among the people towards this most vulnerable section of society. The most hearing accomplishment is that the research wing is established at Disha. Also the prospect of starting a center for Children with learning disability leaves me excited and hopeful of achievements in this comparatively new concept. I believe that we will continue to celebrate to celebrate the milestones and the new beginnings, as we did in the past, and we look forward to many more opportunities in the coming years to celebrate the going commitment and successes that will take place in the times to come. OUR VISION: A Society with equal opportunities for all. OUR MISSION: To facilitate empowerment of the Persons with disability, their families and support service, To widen scope of service delivery in the field of rehabilitation. To open opportunities for professionals to pursue specialized higher education in disability. To provide a platform for the Human resource development of multidisciplinary professionals in the field of rehabilitation. OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: Center for special education Therapeutic services o Physiotherapy o Occupational Therapy 1
o o o o Vocational Training Teachers training Outreach Programs Sensory Integration Speech Therapy Aquatic Therapy Hippotherapy 2
‘SAKSHAM’ (STATE OF ART PHYSIOTHERAPY CENTRE FOR HANDICAP CHILDREN) CENTRE FOR THERAPIES AT DISHA The Goal of the saksham Centre for therapies is to limit the physiological and psychological effects of several & multiple disabilities in children and to improve overall mobility and abilities to perform activities of daily living abilities and special needs followed by individualized programme tailored to individual needs and abilities. We cater to children with cerebral palsy. Developmental disabilities, Hypoxic encephalopathy Autism Spectrum Disorder, Music diseases, Genetic disorder, Spine bifida and other congenital neurological disorders. Saksham has an updated pediatric rehab facility with neuro- developmental therapy, occupational therapy, aquatic therapy, multi-sensory integration, speech & language therapy and audiology. This is accomplished by a PHYSIO THERAPY Physio therapy aims to reduce the detrimental effects of abnormal tone due to spasticity or dystonia. It consists of a stepped care approach beginning with exercises, seating devices, referrals for splinting, corrective casting and surgery. The ambulation programme is directly towards children with the potential to ambulate. Care is also 3
taken for other physical ailments of orthopedic, geriatrics and adult neurological disorders. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Occupational therapy works as a facilitator for independent living including feeding, mobility, and toileting transferring and environmental hardware. it also works for promoting skill developments activities. Services are also provided to assess and recommend adoptive devices modified for independent living. SENSORY INTEGRATION THERAPY This Programme is based on the principle that children with special needs have a deficient sensory processing which can be improving by a co- ordinate programme, consisting of delivery of multiple sensory stimuli to the brain in the form of proprioceptive , kinesthetic, vestibular, visual and auditory signals. AQUATIC THERAPY Aquatic Therapy provides therapeutic facilities in the water environment, enabling the beneficiary to achieve many functional milestones which otherwise are difficult to achieve on land. Children with a variety of different disabilities such as cerebral palsy, mental retardation, autism etc participate in the aquatic therapy programme. It may be noted that the pool water is heated to an optimum temperature through the year through solar panels. SPEECH THERAPY Speech Therapy Comprises of assessment & rehabilitation of children with speech, language & communication disorder, oro- motor & swallowing difficulties. Cases including early identification are referred from the CSE and home management. Some of the areas of disorders addresses are misarticulation dissiliency, voice disorders and others. Parental counseling for developing & carrying out a home based intervention programme forms an improving aspect of the therapy TECHNOLOGIES AT SAKSHAM (State of Art Physiotherapy centre for Handicap children) 4
The latest cutting0- edge technology available at our centre is:- Un weighing support system with gait training Movement therapy Sound proof audiology department Speech software- “Dr. Speech: Speech *& voice therapy” Solar heated aquatic pool Electrotherapy modalities CENTER FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION The centre for special education is the bed rock on which Dish stands. The focus is on educating students with special needs in a specially designed way that addresses individual differences and needs. The process involves individually planned and systematically monitored arrangement of teaching procedures,adap- ted equipment, materials and accessible settings for students from the age 2 to 30 years. The goal is to enhance the potential of each student till it reaches to their highest ability level. The centre caters to the following disabilities: Cerebral Palsy Mental Retardation, Down syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Multiple Disabilities. To achieve optimum results, the CSE has been categorized into four different groups. Early Intervention, Academics (NIOS), Functional Academics and Recreational Group. Co- curricular activities such as games and sports, art and craft, dance and music. Along with computer and library facilities. Emphasis on Early Intervention progressed to Inclusion of two students in the mainstream school. Emphasis on life skills focusing mainly on personal hygiene and overcoming sexual desires. Introduction of touch screen computers for students which enhances their learning ability making it easy, fun and interesting. 5
Advanced adapted equipments used in therapy department have shown immense progress in the beneficiaries. CENTRE FOR THERAPIES The centre for therapies at Disha is rendering rehabilitative services to persons with multiple disabilities through a holistic approach catering to the individual needs of beneficiaries. With a view to upgrade the therapy services and bring them up to the best national standards several latest physiotherapy machines are added and the speech therapy unit 6
has been upgraded by introducing audiology. Our grateful thanks to Rotary Mid town, Jaipur for their magnanimous financial support which made this up gradation possible. The Centre offers the following services: Physiotherapy Aquatic therapy Occupational Therapy Equine Therapy Sensory integration Speech therapy including audiology The physiotherapy unit is equipped with new machines like un weighing support system, Treadmill trainer Motomed movement therapy and other hi tech physiotherapy modalities. Ms. Sheela Nanavati a well known highly trained and experienced physiotherapist has joined the centre as a consultant therapist. The Aquatic Therapy at Disha is expanding every day. It mainly focuses on therapeutic facility in the water environment using the water properties which enable the beneficiary to achieve many functional milestones and helps in achieving functional independence. In sensory Integration improvement in self confidence has been seen in a few children. Who are able to use the swing with ease of which they were frightend earlier. 7
CENTER FOR PRE VOCATIONAL AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Students between the age group 14-18 years, who have not been able to cope with academics, are introduced to pre vocational training. The focus being on helping them learns functional academic along with pre requisite skills leading to economic independence. Four students from pre vocational unit, promoted to vocational training unit Five students trained to assist the teachers in the classroom activities like feeding, transferring students to other classroom and other related activities. Four students are able to convey messages in the school premises from one person to another. Most of the students are able to play an important role in organizing of Disha products. exhibitions 8
KITCHEN UNIT The kitchen is a place to experiment and achieve. Where young adults develop a senes of pride in learning to cock. Preparing dishes & various other delicacies ART & CRAFT UNIT A place to create beauty through playing with colors where a cluster of activities enhanced students aesthetic needs. 9
STITCHING UNIT This unit enables the students to find suitable jobs as per their abilities in different textile related industries. Disha provides them assistance in learning the basic skill required in the above stated field. SKILL BASED TRAINING UNIT Here students learn to operate different kinds of achiness helping them to devlop skills which will make them ready for self employment. Contact Information of Dr. Sudhir Bhandari Email id :- info@drsudhirbhandari.com :- Drs_bhandari@yahoo.com Phone No :- +91 0141-2710234 +91 0141-2710434 Website :- http://www.drsudhirbhandari.com/ 10