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Symbolic Tools for Program Proving. Ken McMillan Microsoft Research. Presented at MEMOCODE 2012 in Arlington, VA. TexPoint fonts used in EMF: A A A A A. Program proving as SMT. In program proving, we decorate a program with auxiliary assertions, such as Loop invariants
Symbolic Tools for Program Proving Ken McMillan Microsoft Research Presented at MEMOCODE 2012 in Arlington, VA. TexPoint fonts used in EMF: AAAAA
Program proving as SMT • In program proving, we decorate a program with auxiliary assertions, such as • Loop invariants • Procedure summaries • Environment conditions • Analysis of the program yields logical verification conditions (VC's) that we can discharge with a theorem prover. • Leaving the auxiliary assertions as unknown symbolic constants, the problem of program proof becomes an SMT problem: • Find values of the unknown relations that make the VC's valid. We will examine the consequences of viewing the program analysis as a satisfiability problem.
Example • The verification conditions are: var:= 0; whileinvariantdo := ; done assert ; symbolic assertion invariant holds on entry loop preserves invariant assertion holds on loop exit • To prove the program, we must solve for • Duality: a proof corresponds to a model of the VC's.
Is it really this simple? • We need symbolic solutions, since is an infinite set. • Traditional SMT solvers can't solve for because of the quantifiers in the VC's. • In general, SMT solvers don't produce models for quantified formulas. • We need specialized tools to solve these programs • We will consider three approaches • Predicate abstraction • Property-driven reachability • Lazy abstraction with interpolants
Advantages of this view • Separates concerns • Interpreting program semantics • Proof search • Simplifies tools • No need to work with compiler intermediate representations • Re-uses tools • Verification condition generators • Logical solvers We need to know whether purely symbolic tools can perform as well as point tools that handle particular programming languages, or program representations.
Constrained Horn Clause • Many program proof systems produce VC's in the form of constrained Horn clauses: constraint in theory example: • We will call the degree of the clause • If , we say the clause is non-linear • We will next consider some examples of systems that produce VC's in this form, linear and non-linear...
Procedural programs • Consider a simple procedure (without parameters): procedure requires; ensures; begin := ; end precondition postcondition VC's are constrained Horn clauses: • Procedural abstraction, Boogie style: assert; call ; assert assert assert ; havoc x; assume assert
Solving for procedure summaries assert; call ; assert assert assert ; havoc x; assume assert solve... This is an over-approximate procedure summary
The non-linear case • Suppose we have a symbolic invariant before a procedure: assert; call ; assert The VC's have degree 2 • Nonlinear VC's make solving more involved • counterexamples are trees, not paths
Modular concurrent proofs • Consider two parallel processes: process while * do done process while * do done • Suppose has locals and we have globals • We have to kinds of symbolic invariants: • local invariants and • environment assumptions and
Modular VC's • The VC's for process are: initiation consecution non-interference environment abstraction • These VC's are: • in CHC form (the constraints are the transition relations) • non-linear (the non-interference rule)
Generic logic solvers • Type inference for dependently typed functional languages • Example: Liquid types produced TCC's in CHC form • A generic logical solver for CHC's can potentially solve all these inference problems. • We will now consider some approaches to solving CHC's based on different proof search strategies.
Predicate abstraction • Given a set of predicates , we synthesize the strongest satisfying interpretation of the unknown relations, as: • A Boolean combination over , or • A conjunction of literals over (Cartesian approximation) • Simple example: procedure P: ensures; begin if * then call P; end procedure Q: ensures begin call P; call P; end procedure main: begin y=x call Q; assert end
PA example, cont. • Our VC's are: base case of P recursive case of P Q is P twice property to prove (query) We want to synthesize a solution for these VC's using these predicates: Strategy: start with false and use counterexamples to the VC's to weaken the relational interpretation.
PA execution • All the VC's are now solved, so our property is proved. • This is the strongest solution expressible using our predicates. • But consider the query: relational interpretation failed VC • We can't repair this by weakening a relation. • If it's false, we need more predicates!
Refinement using interpolants • A factis a CHC of the form . • A fact also expresses a set of ground facts: • For example stands for • A counterexample is a proof of a ground fact that contradicts a query. • We build a counterexample as a derivation tree.
Derivation tree • Start with negation of query (we want to refute it) • Unify each P-fact with a P-rule • The derivation tree characterizes a set of ground derivations
Solving the derivation tree • By solving the constraints in the derivation tree, we derive a ground fact that contradicts the query. ) not true! Satisfiable without query: Note the constraint tree is just a BMC formula. BMC = solving for a proof of a ground fact!
Interpolating the derivation tree • If the constraints are UNSAT, we can compute an interpolant. ) predicates from interpolants • Interpolant formulas are: • bottom up refutation • only over head variables • upper bound on derivable facts
Predicate abstraction as unwinding • We can think of predicate abstraction as unwinding • Each time inductiveness fails, we add an new instance of a clause
Lazy predicate refinement • When query fails, build a derivation tree for the unwinding, and compute interpolants. predicates from interpolants: eager propagation unwinding solved! solution inductive!
What have we done? • Given a purely logical account of predicate abstraction with interpolant-based predicate refinement: • Generate the VC's • Unwind the VC's • If a rule fails, create a new instance in the unwinding • Compute consequences expressible with predicates • If a query fails, build derivation tree • If derivation tree is satisfiable, this is a counterexample • Else compute interpolant, refine predicates. • This approach (more or less) implemented in QARMC
Lazy abstraction with interpolants • In the IMPACT algorithm, we don't compute consequences eagerly using predicate abstraction. Instead, we simply decorate the unwinding with the interpolantsfrom the failed derivationof a counterexample. • We can generalize IMPACT from the linear case to the non-linear • In IMPACT, counterexample derivations are paths • in Duality, they are trees.
Duality algorithm • We unwind the CHC's without any eager deduction • Each time inductiveness fails, we add an new instance of a clause
Fixing the proof • When query fails, build a derivation tree for the unwinding, and compute interpolants,then update the solution with the interpolants. unwinding solved! solution inductive!
Duality of proofs and models • We want to prove a program. • To do this, we try to solve the VC's for some unknown relations. • To do this, we try to solve for a refutation (proof VC's have no solution). • If we prove there is no such refutation, the proof (in the form of an interpolant) is a solution of the VC's. • The solution of the VC's is the proof of the program. Your Zen koan for the day:
What have we done? • A fully symbolic interpolant-based approach to VC solving. • No eager predicate computation. • Method converges when subset of unwinding is inductive. • Re-use of existing facts to speed convergence and reduce BMC cost. • Method is a generalization of IMPACT to the non-linear case • BMC problems and counterexamples are trees, not paths. • Can do inter-procedural, thread modular analysis. • Using efficient interpolating SMT solver, we can handle large-grain VC's. • A single CHC can represent semantics of an entire procedure • SMT solver can efficiently search large space of execution paths • Tool can produce re-usable constructs such as procedure summaries.
Property-driven reachability • We can generalize PDR to the non-linear case [BjornerHoder2012] • In PDR, when we fail to prove a conjecture locally, we form proof sub-goalsand propagate them downward. unwinding solved! solution inductive!
What have we done? • Solved the VC's using purely local reasoning • Conjectures propagate downward, based on local counterexamples • Counterexamples and proofs propagate upward • Proofs of conjectures must be generalized (research problem) • Compute an interpolant by local proof steps. • Roughly this procedure is implemented in [BjornerHoder2012].
The story so far • We've seen that program analysis can be viewed ass solving the VC's • Familiar algorithms can be transferred to this context: • (Lazy) Predicate abstraction • Lazy abstraction with interpolants • Property-driven reachability analysis • In the process we... • Generalize these algorithms to the nonlinear case, so they can compute procedure summaries, modular proofs, refinement types, etc... • Abstract away from program languages and representations. • Allows re-use of VC generation tools • We also have lots of flexibility in generating VC's • Different granularity -- blocks, loops, procedures, etc. • Different proof rules give different proof decompositions • By expressing the auxiliary relations in the right form, we can guide the proof
Performance • The key remaining question is how much performance we may sacrifice to gain this flexibility. • Are there important optimizations we will miss? • In particular, what is lost if we don't explicitly mode control flow? • We'll look a two cases of comparison between generic logical tools and highly refined program-specific tools to try to answer this question.
Verifying Boolean programs • We compare two tools for inter-procedural analysis of Boolean programs [Bjorner and Hoder, 2012]: • Bebop (a BDD-based tool used in SLAM) • CHC solver using PDR
Full device driver verification • We compare Duality with Yogi, a software model checker extensively tuned for this application domain. • Benchmarks: randomly selected SDV examples • Procedure-level VC's generated by Boogie • Solved using duality algorithm with interpolating Z3.
Adding localization reduction • Hypothesis: large overhead due to encoding of heap using many global maps (one per structure field). • Test: Localize using bounded model checking (a standard technique). This shows what potentially could be achieved by integrating localization incrementally, or perhaps different heap encoding
Conclusion • We've seen that program verification can be viewed as solving the VC's to infer the necessary auxiliary constructs such as loop invariants, procedure summaries, non-interference conditions and so on. • Many existing verification techniques can be applied to this problem • Generalizing to the non-linear case • Allowing application to many proofs systems and languages • This allows a separation of concerns between programming language interpretation and verification algorithms • Re-use existing VC generators (Boogie, VCC, etc...) • Reduce barrier to entry in the field • Preliminary experiments indicate that the additional flexibility we gain in this may not come at a significant cost in performance.
Re-using facts about sub-trees • If we prove a fact about one instance of P, it might be true of another • We simply pose this conjecture as a query and try to verify it... ? • is covered by not used in the inductive subset • This eager inference helps to bound the unwinding.
Reusing facts about contexts • Suppose we have already proved a fact about predicate . • We can re-used this over-approximation in the derivation tree. • Facts useful in one context may useful in another. suppose we already have deduced: replace subtree by this over-approximation. If the over-approximation is UNSAT, we can compute interpolants, else, we can expand the sub-tree.
Compositional verification • Re-use of previously derived facts is essential to avoid explosion of the derivation trees • Note that a derivation tree can be exponential in the unwinding size. • This is a form of compositional reasoning. • By conjecturing a value for one predicate, we divide the verification problem in half. • The conjecture may be too strong because its sub-tree is under-approximate • May be too weak because its context is under-approximate. • Interesting heuristic issues • In case the tree is SAT, which approximated leaf do we expand. • BMC tools such as Corral and FunFrog also face this issue.