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Capital City Baseball Association Safety Plan

The Capital City Baseball Association in Pierre, SD has implemented a comprehensive safety plan that includes qualified safety requirements, emergency procedures, first aid training, field inspections, concession stand safety, accident reporting, and lightning policy.

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Capital City Baseball Association Safety Plan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ASAPPLAN 2019 Capital City Baseball Association (CCBA) Pierre, SD.

  2. QualifiedSafetyPlan Requirements LeagueSafetyOfficer:Peter Kienholz onfilewithLittleLeagueHeadquarters. Capital City Baseball Association willdistributeapapercopyofthisSafetyManualtoallManagers/coaches,leagueVolunteersandtheDistrictAdministrator. EmergencyPhoneNumber:911  Thislistwillbepostedintheconcessionareaanddugoutarea.

  3. ASAPPlan page2 TheCapital City Baseball Association willusetheOfficialLittleLeagueVolunteerApplicationformtoscreenallofourvolunteers. (www.littleleague.org) FundamentalsTraining:(Coaches Meeting) Atleastonemanager/coachfromeachteammustattendthetraining.Trainingwillbeatthe Pierre Georgia Morse Middle School.

  4. ASAPPlan page3 6.FirstAidTraining: Capital City Baseball Association willrequireatleastonemanager/coachfromeachteamtoattend.Everymanager/coachmustattendthistrainingonceevery3years.

  5. ASAPPlan page4 • 7.Coacheswillberequiredtowalk/inspectthefieldspriortopracticesandgames.Umpireswillalsoberequiredtowalkthefieldsforhazardsbeforeeachgame.

  6. ASAPPlan Page5 • 8.Capital City Baseball Associationhascompletedandupdatedour2019FacilitySurveyon-line, and it has been attached. • ConcessionStandSafety • Menushallbeposted&approvedbythe • SafetyOfficerandtheLeaguePresident • OurConcessionSafetyProcedureswillbepostedseveraltimesinstand.  Enclosedisacopyofthe Capital City Baseball AssociationConcessionStandSafetyProcedures.

  7. ASAPPLAN Page6 Managers/Coacheswillinspectequipmentpriortoeachgame. Umpireswillberequiredtoinspectequipment priortoeachgame. 10.TheLeagueSafetyOfficerwillInspectallequipmentin thepre-season.   11.ImplementPromptAccidentReporting. TheLeaguewillusetheprovidedincidenttrackingformfromtheLLwebsiteandwillprovidecompletedAccidentformstoSafetyOfficerwithin24-48hoursoftheincident.PleaseseecopyofaccidentReportingform.

  8. ASAPPLAN Page7 • EachTeamwillbeissuedanupdatedFirstAidKitandisarequirementtohaveitateverypracticeandgame.First Aid Kits will also be present at each consession stand. Bags of ice will also be available along with water if needed. • Capital City Baseball Association willrequireALLTEAMStoenforceALLLittleLeagueRulesIncluding: • ProperEquipmentforcatchers. • NoOn-deckbatters • Coacheswillnotwarmuppitchers • Baseswilldisengageonallfields • LeaguePlayerRegistrationDataorPlayerRosterDataandCoachand • ManagerData. • LeaguePlayerRegistrationDataorPlayerRosterDataandCoachandManagerDatamustbesubmittedviatheLittleLeagueDataCenteratwww.LittleLeague.org. • MandatoryrequirementforanapprovedASAPplan.

  9. ASAPPlan page8 15.QualifiedSafetyPlanRegistrationform is attached.

  10. 16. Lightning: Managers/Coaches must maintain strict compliance to the league’s inclement lightning policy. (Appendix A page 150). The chances of lightning occurring in the spring/summer are always present.  If at any time, lightning is visible or thunder is audible (regardless of distance), all activity must stop. Players must return to their parent/guardian and wait inside their car for further instructions. Under no circumstances is anyone allowed to carry a bat during this time. Activity may continue 30 minutes after the last flash or thunder roll has occurred. Both coaches must agree to continue play. Please refer to the Lightning Safety Flyer.

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