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This article provides an overview of the Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed (COMT) project, including its accomplishments, science priorities, and goals for the year ahead. It also highlights specific projects and infrastructure developments within the COMT, such as the development of a hypoxia forecasting system and improvements to the SciWMS cyberinfrastructure.
US IOOS Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed:Roundup and Progress Becky Baltes COMT Project Manager April 14, 2015
Outline 2 • Science Priorities and Drivers • COMT Infrastructure Accomplishments • Project Accomplishments • Year Ahead
Science Priorities and Drivers • Ecological Forecasting Roadmap • Storm Surge Roadmap • OFS Development Cycle • * Federal Operational Requirements • * Administrative – ToR, Implementation Plan Aspiring Drivers: • CO-OPS 5 year Requirements Plan • NOS Implementation Plan • IOOS RA User requirements
Projects GoMx- Hypoxia Cyber Infrastructure Fennel et al. JGR SURA issue (2013) SciWMS image below for Ruoying He's model rendered directly from a DAP server. WCOFS Wave Inundation CB- Hypoxia 4
Transitioning an Estuarine Hypoxia Model to Operations in the Chesapeake Bay Objective: Assess suite of estuarine dissolved oxygen models to make recommendations for producing predictions of hypoxia within Chesapeake Bay Infrastructure Developments: • Code is ready for testing • Learning the requirements for transition • Connecting to CO-OPS development cycle • Part of pilot for EFR Hypoxia Team
Seasonal and Short-term Forecast System and Nutrient Load Scenarios for Hypoxia Prediction in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Objective: Implement and demonstrate a real-time hypoxia forecasting system applicable to the hypoxia-prone Northern Gulf of Mexico. Infrastructure Developments: • NCCOS, EPA and ONR engaged in process • NCCOS coordinating COMT work as it funds complimentary work and plans out year work • EFR Pilot project in planning process Fennel et al. JGR SURA issue (2013)
Cyberinfrastructure for COMT Objective: • Improve function and performance of SciWMS so it can be used to visualize all compliant model results and observational data stored on the COMT archive server • Develop a SciWMS based web client to perform the visualization • Infrastructure Developments: • IOOS Catalog coordination • Visualization tools SciWMS image below for Ruoying He's model rendered directly from a DAP server.
Puerto Rico/U.S. Virgin Islands Surge and Wave Inundation Objectives: • Extend the present wave/surge operational forecasting capability from mild-sloped coastal areas such as the US East and Gulf of Mexico coasts to steep-sloped areas such as around Caribbean and Pacific islands • Transition this capability to NOAA’s National Hurricane Center and local WFOs. Infrastructure Successes: • Jamie Rhome’s visit to the COMT All Hands Meeting A model doesn’t need to be transitioned for the testbed work to be a success. That’s not necessarily even the best case scenario.
The West Coast Project Part of a larger NOAA development project for a West Coast Ocean Forecast System (WCOFS) Objectives are to: • Compare 3 ROMS based models as a step toward a coordinated super-regional modeling capability for the U.S. West Coast. • Compare performance of 3 different bio-chemical models (NPZDO, NEMURO, COSINE) within a single ROMS domain.
WCOFS Ocean Data Map Climatology NWS NCEP Central Operations (NCO) NWS NCEP Environmental Modeling (EMC) RTOFS (HYCOM) Gather data NCO/PMB Decode to BUFR NCO/SIB WCOSS BUFR tanks (/dcom) TNC tranjb NWSTG/TOC “Gateway” SMS “new” data query job NCO & EMC LDM GTS Background state QA/QC procedures NOS Operational Oceanographic Products & Services (CO-OPS) WCOFS (ROM) Innovation NDBC Variational Analysis 1st guess Background state QA/QC procedures SSH, SST, T, S, u, v, w (SSS, HF radar, chl-a, …) IOOS RAs Innovation Boundary conditions Model Forecast System Variational Analysis 1st guess Analysis NAVO SSH, SST, T, S, u, v, w (SSS, HF radar, chl-a, …) FTP via DAPE Forecast Model Forecast System Analysis Archives: Reproduce, Monitor, Reanalyze NESDIS FTP via DDS/PDA Forecast
Systems Development Life Cycle • WCOFS Research and Development:: • Reviewed by the Project Review Board (PRB) and the Model Advisory Board (MAB) • Passed the gate criteria to enter Phase 4 – Development and Testing • WCOFS Operations: Reviewed by the MAB Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 6 Phase 5 Phase 4
COMT Future Funding for FY15-FY17 Make progress on the “Aspiring Drivers” Connecting with CO-OPS/CSDL Requirements process Connect with other agencies for coastal processes Re-evaluate ToR and governing structure
Organizational Chart EOB TSG? TMG
COMT Ongoing Goals • Advance common infrastructure for access, analysis and visualization of all ocean model data produced by the Federal Backbone and the IOOS Regions • Improve R2O and O2R by building stronger relationships between academia and operational centers through collaboration • Advance skill metrics and assess models in different regions and dynamic regimes • Transition models, tools, toolkits and other capabilities to federal operational facilities • Allow for both continuity of effort and new projects