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News on Outreach Activities in ALICE. Yiota Foka for the ALICE collaboration. 13th Outreach Meeting Vienna, 10 October 2003. Input Needed. Participation to Master Classes for the World Year of Physics 2005. Preparation for CERN Open Day next October.
News on Outreach Activities in ALICE Yiota Foka for the ALICE collaboration 13th Outreach Meeting Vienna, 10 October 2003
Input Needed Participation to Master Classes for the World Year of Physics 2005 Preparation for CERN Open Day next October Memo of EPOG to funding agencies See agenda of CERN EPOG meeting, April 2003 http://agenda.cern.ch/age?a03574
European Outreach Group The aim of the European Outreach Group is to make best use of resources for outreach activities in Europe. Members: national delegates (~20 countries), CERN, DESY, teachers… now Americans joining It meets two times per year, one of those at CERN. Menu for the Vienna meeting - to define receivers for Memoto Funding Bodies and Ministers of Science in Europe to promote professional science outreach activities. - to define institutes to be financed for setting up “master classes” EPOG was approached by funding agencies to prepare proposals for 2004-2005 festivities (Year of Physics and CERN Open Day)
Master Classes M.Kobel (German delegate) presented master-classes and experience from UK and Germany; interesting results from evaluation statistics See http://agenda.cern.ch/age?a03574 2nd day, Master Classes, M.Kobel and //www.europhysicsnews.com/full/21/article7/articl7.html
CERN Open Day and ALICE • P. Catapano (CERN) presented the organization put in place • to prepare the 50 year CERN festivity • ‘how has our vision of the universe changed the last 50 years’ • 19.10.2004 : VIPS day(possibly in GLOBE from Swiss expo) • lunch, Keynote, DATA GRID Challenge concert • 16-17.10 04 : Open Weekend • publications, CORE event (travelling exposition) • stamps, euro-coins in member states • parallel activities in member states, live webcast • travelling exposition http://agenda.cern.ch/age?a03574 1st day, Events, P. Catapano ALICE has to be ready in a year
Outreach material and activities New ALICE web page for public; in progress http://alice.web.cern.ch/Alice/AliceNew/public/ Old ALICE outreach web page still in use http://alice-outreach.web.cern.ch/ALICE-outreach/ Exposition at Point2, TPC Field Cage New ALICE model at Point 2 New ALICE leaflets, Folders forVIPS, more Posters Old Brochures in several languages Posters start being translated in French and Spanish Visits and events First ALICE Industrial Award New Articles in CERN bulletin, courier and international press New Photos, event displays at PhotoDataBase ALICE animations, videos, films
‘old’ ALICE Brochure versions available - English - French - German - Italian - Swedish - Greek also in the new CERN template
‘new’ ALICE Brochure much simpler, in view of CERN Open Day versions available - English - French Being printed
‘new’ ALICE VIP Folder ALICE event display used for T-shirts and photos from the new brochure With collection of outreach material and possibly silver bookmark with the ALICE Logo
some VIP’s visits Walter Henning, director of GSI, the German heavy-ion research centre at Darmstadt, on 14 April. ….and school children Germans and Americans with wine award to guides Gordan Markotic, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Croatia to the United Nations and other international organisations in Geneva, Professor Gvozden Flego, Minister of Science and Technology, Republic of Croatia, on 23 September.
Work in progress and ToDo Point2 visits • several postersat the ‘entrance wall’ • photos from the calendar in the counting room • and panels outside the small elevator • re-use of L3 expo platform and panels • duplication of Bat. 40 expo and expansion • - 2nd ALICE model (VECC , Calcutta and C. Decosse) • - detector expo models
TPC Field Cage at Point 2 • exposition model of chamber from GSI (P. Steltzer et al) • guide on call (T. Meyer booked) • explanatory photos, eng. Plans, poster • vitrine and real pieces to help explanations ==> ready for the 14th April visit by W. Henning Thanks to Tom, Martin, Tony... ==> filmed by C. Chimal ==> photographed by P. Ginter
Arrival of Dipole Magnet Coils Covered by CERN video and photo service and local press Each coil is 5 m long, 6 m wide, and more than 3 m high, weights more than 20 t Made by Sigmaphi, Vannes (Bretagne)
First ALICE Award to Industry ALICE presents its first award to Industry.On 19 June, a French company received the first ALICE award to industry. ST Technologies has provided ALICE with a key device for the design of a very sophisticated chip for the readout of the ALICE Time Projection Chamber.
…via the outreach web page: ALICE Articles and News Articles in CERN Bulletin, Courrier, international press ALTRO chip STM press release
CERN Courier Special HIF ALICE prepares for still higher energies. Collisions of lead ions at the LHC will take heavy-ion physics into a new high-energy regime. Also ALICE Industrial Award
Next CERN Courier issue Article by Maurice Jacob training of ALICE young people
….and more Photos Photographer P. Gienter visited CERN beginning of August and took photos of the ALICE TPC Field Cage and Magnet (Chinese technicians) Those pictures are not Ginter’s hopefully they will become part of a photostory for GEO-like magasins
ALICE gadgets • cups • pens • calendar • Christmas card New T-shirts Calendar for 2004 in preparation
…via the outreach web page:useful links • simulated events and geometry of detectors • heavy-ion collisions material in preparation in http://alice.web.cern/Alice/outreach/GREEKTV.html
Animations and Videos CERN Video News http://webcast.cern.ch/cds/videos/CERN-VIDEOCLIP-2003-011/CERN-VIDEOCLIP-2003-011.ram TPC Field Cage animation can be used for virtual reality show New PbPb collision at LHC energy by URQMD Transport of tracks through the experiment Cosmic ray animation
URQMD model, simulation by Weber PbPb collisions for LHC energy, ECM = 5.5 TeV/nucleon
The ALICE Collaboration on time for the CERN open day !! 1000 members 77 institutions 28 countries C. Decosse and Y. Schutz; new Brochure C. Decosse, P. Gienter and visits P. Buncic et. al TPC animation A. Gheata, geometrical modeler and transport F. Telles et al, cosmic ray animations Tatiana, Karel’s daugther PhotoDataBase Sasha, Yves son; web pages Outreach contact persons in each project
Aknowledgements to CERN’s Press Office Photo Service Video Service Print Shop Reception and in particular Christine Vanoli design/ETT