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Transmission Lines and Waveguides. Mode of guided waves: Modes of wave Propagation along the Lines T ransverse E lectro- M agnetic (TEM) Wave T ransverse E lectric (TE) Wave , h-Wave T ransverse M agnetic (TM) Wave, e-Wave. Transmission Line or Waveguide region is source free:
Transmission Lines and Waveguides Mode of guided waves: Modes of wave Propagation along the Lines • Transverse Electro-Magnetic (TEM) Wave • Transverse Electric (TE) Wave , h-Wave • Transverse Magnetic (TM) Wave, e-Wave Transmission Line or Waveguide region is source free: => Maxwell Curl Equations are
Solution for Wave Propagation Modes For time harmonic waves propagating along the lines( z-axis), Electric and magnetic field can be written as, in cartesian coordinate system (x,y,z),
Voltage: Potential Difference between two Conductors Current: from Ampere’s Circuital law, Characteristic Impedance
TE Wave (h-wave) Wave Impedance of a TE mode
TM Wave (e-wave) Wave Impedance of a TM mode
TEM mode: TE mode: TM mode: Parallel Plate Waveguide Boundary Condition
TEM mode: 1. Solve the Laplace Equation for Electrostatic Potential with Boundary Condition
TEM mode: 2. Find Fields from Potential 3. Compute V and I
TEM mode: 4. Characteristic Impedance and Propagation
TEM mode: 5. Transmitted Power Time average Poynting Vector Time average Power transmitted to (+z) direction along the line,
TM mode: 1. Solve the scalar Helmholtz Eq. for axial electric field 2. Find Constants by Applying B.C.
Time average Poynting Vector Time average Power transmitted to (+z) direction along the line,
TE mode: 1. Solve the scalar Helmholtz Eq. for axial magnetic field 2. Find transverse Field Components TEn mode
Time average Poynting Vector Time average Power transmitted to (+z) direction along the line,
Cut-off frequency for TM and TE mode Minimum Cut-off Frequency
With Boundary Condition, Equipotential Surface (a Conductor Surface) Rectangular Waveguide • Propagate only TE & TM wave • For TEM, Rectangular Waveguide can’t propagate TEM waves
Separation of variables Rectangular Waveguide (TM modes) Scalar Wave Equation for electric field axial component
The TM mode with lowest cutoff frequency: TM11 lowest cutoff frequency of TM11: Wave Impedance of TM mode
B.C on tangential electric fields: Rectangular Waveguide (TE modes) Scalar Wave Equation for magnetic field axial component
The TE mode with lowest cutoff frequency: TE10 lowest cutoff frequency of TE10: TE10 +TE11 +TM11 Only TE10 No propagation The Dominant Mode of Rectangular Waveguide is TE10 Only TE10 mode can propagate when
Dominant Mode TE10 Field Components
Time average Poynting Vector Dominant Mode TE10 Time average Power transmitted to (+z) direction along the line,
Boundary Condition TEM mode can propagate TEM mode: TE mode: TM mode: Coaxial Line
TEM mode: 1. Solve the Laplace Equation for Electrostatic Potential with Boundary Condition
TEM mode: 2. Find Fields from Potential
Wave Impedance 3. Compute V and I Characteristic Impedance
Separation of variables Higher Order Mode (TE mode): Scalar Wave Equation for magnetic field axial component
Bessel’s Differential Equation 1st kind 2nd kind
( ) ( ) ( ) ¢ ¢ r = f µ F f + = e a , C J ( k a ) D Y ( k a ) 0 , f n c n c ( ) ( ) ( ) ¢ ¢ r = f µ F f + = e b , C J ( k b ) D Y ( k b ) 0 f n c n c ¢ ¢ é ù é ù J ( k a ) Y ( k a ) C n c n c Þ = 0 ê ú ê ú ¢ ¢ J ( k b ) Y ( k b ) D ë û ë û n c n c for nontrivial solution , ¢ ¢ J ( k a ) Y ( k a ) n c n c = 0 ¢ ¢ J ( k b ) Y ( k b ) n c n c ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Þ - = J ( k a ) Y ( k b ) J ( k b ) Y ( k a ) 0 n c n c n c n c Can be determined Approximate Solution for n=1
Circular Waveguide • Propagate only TE & TM wave • For TEM, With Boundary Condition, Equipotential Surface (a Conductor Surface) Circular Waveguide can’t propagate TEM waves
Scalar Wave Equation for axial component --same with Higher order mode of Coaxial Line
B.C on tangential electric fields: 1. TE mode