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1. IOI education: linked to UNCLOS. End of WW II expanding national claims of sea, fishing zones; over fishing, marine pollution; Need for disarmament; and support to development of new nations;
1. IOI education: linked to UNCLOS • End of WW II expanding national claims of sea, fishing zones; over fishing, marine pollution; • Need for disarmament; and support to development of new nations; • Genesis of IOI combination of Law of the Sea, disarmament in marine sector, development, all based on Principle of Common Heritage of Mankind, with 4 dimensions: Economic; Ethical; Enviromental; Peace and Security;
2. IOI formally established June 1972 • Selfregulating Institute at Royal Univ. Malta; • Purpose: to promote research and peaceful uses of ocean space and its resources including regulation of uses; then the economic potential in focus; • Research on scientific, ecological, economic, legal requirements-all relevant to Law of the Sea; • Pacem in Maribus conferences, dialogues; • Training courses, fellowships, seminars, regional studies;
4. Early developments • Understood need for changing attitudes rel. Fisheries management, marine pollution (ref. Stockholm Conf. 1972), economics, warning systems, food supply, integrated management of soil, water, forest, harmonisation of key national policies, planning for regional development, conservation-thus need for inter-disciplinary, multi-purpose education; enhance public information, bridge gap marine-other sectors, role of ocean in life-support system into education
5. Task of IOI • Promotion of education, training, research-not a research institute; legal, social, economic, technic; • Training, education into focus end of 1970s, also responding to needs of negotiations, implementation of Law of the Sea-need of assistance to new nations; support from SIDA, CIDA to course development, training on EEZ management: global course run at Dalhousie; regional in coop. UNEP, with hosting nations;
6. Approach: interdisciplinarity and participatory • Learning by interaction, exchanges, dialogue, group work, problem solution, practical work; • Aim to educate decision-makers to find priorities, formulate practical solutions; assignments gave use of different disciplines, and linkages; • Governments stimulated by seeing benefits of integrating ocean management in national development; identified restructuring+training needs; in South Pacific into USP, and IOI centre;
7. Overview • In first decade implemented about 40 education, training programmes; • In 1993/95, six operational centres, by 2008: 25; • Actions rose from 5-6/year to 20, even 60 in 2007, • For professionals, students, leaders, officials; • Network covers subjects of major socio-economic concern for oceans, coasts, involving large segments of society, communities, policy makers, managers, practitioners;
8. UNCLOS enters into force 94+UNCED 1992 • Focus on implementation with capacity building, training and education thus directed to priorities; • IOI Centres close to universities linking the actions to research and local, provinsional, regional issues; addressing Agenda 21, combination of UNCLOS andUNCED agreements; ecosystem and integrated management, environmental economics; multi-languages; Leadership seminars, global-regional;
9. Experiences • Participation of communities and local NGOs increase • Cultures, values, traditions integrated into multi-purpose education and training; • Awareness of linkages natural systems, ecosystem services, availability of resources, everyday items, generated demand for education (science, technology, environmental economics+knowledge) and institution building; • Regional training links global issues in national policies
10. Experiences • Coordination can be improved with networking, sustained training, integration of sectors, disciplines, programmes, departments; • Technology co-development, transfer increasing; • Overlaps between agreements used to facilitate implementation through training approach; • Regional hearings identified priorities, and basic human needs for empowerment, security; eco-villages, community-based training, education
11. Experiences This generates sustainability, trust, with local NGO; Covering living marine resources, fishing technologies, food processing and safety, aquaculture, risk management and reduction, warning systems, disaster preparedness, communication facilities, micro-loans, credits, insurance; priorities: livelihoods, empowerment Youth, Wommen and the Sea dedicated programme;
12. Entering New Millennium • Role of oceans, coasts in service economy, globalisation; multipurpose training transcends departmental, discipline-oriented structures; • Accessibility to, participation in globalisation, communication revolution; financial limitations for students, time limits for professionals, need for distance learning; credits, degree-awards, and short-term refreshing courses; • Constraints on universities, cutting programmes;
13. Revised strategy • Step-wise development of OceanLearn programme 2003/2004: more coherence, coordination, networking of courses, cross-crediting; distance learning being developed, applied; potentially seeking degree awarding; • Quality assurance, provide credits, certification; • Partnerships with several of same objectives: various assessments, UNESCO/IOC, UNEP, LME • Prim target: students, professionals, managers
14. Courses include • Ocean governance: global and regional; • Integrating biodiversty conservation and sustainable tropical coastal tourism development; • MPAs: development, implementation; • Riskreduction, integrated management e.g. for coastal tourism development; • Traditional ecological knowledge and MPA; • Coop: Train/Sea/Coast, UNEP, GEF, UNESCO;
15. Focus and experiences • Empowerment, poverty abatement, livelihoods, women and youth; • Persistency, advocacy, high-level training/leadership seminars generates participation of leaders in negotiations, agreements, support of ocean/coastal management policies; creation of ICP and evaluation of linkages of agreements to support education and implementation;
16. Comprehensive human security • Need for change attitudes, behaviour; • Principle of Common Heritage of Mankind, and vision of Sustainable development • Four dimensions: economic; ethical; peace and security; environmental; • Training, education addressing related institutional development: jurisdictional control, enforcement, surveillance, compliance;
17. UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014 • IOI focus on coastal ecovillages; Women, Youth and the Sea: ocean governance, marine ecology; fisheries biology, coral reefs, HAB monitoring, integrated-adaptive management; on-line ICM; • Regional governance including education on EU marine policy; operational oceanography; • Further orientation towards sustainable development-addressing MDGs: education; poverty; gender; sustainability;
18. Aim and experiences • Mid-to-senior level officials; students; women-whose participation leads to sustainability; • Interdisciplinary, multi-purpose,practical solutions, group and field work, applications; • Helped create critical mass of ocean governance professionals, practitioners: seen in leading positions, in many nations, participation in agreements, supporting ocean governance policies; now focus on young, coming people;
19: Overall experiences so far • Increasing need for ocean, coastal governance education confirmed, with Common Heritage Principle, this connects to genesis of IOI, still valid; decadal developments and adjustments; • Major human problems increasingly global: making governments, authorities aware of benefits of integrating ocean, coastal management in national policy leads to request for education; • Address comprehensive human security aspects;
20. Experiences • Learning by interaction, dialogue, field applications; using UNCLOS and UNCED agreements; WSSD and various assessments; • Pacem in Maribus conferences as base for dialogue, exchanges across sectors, disciplines, age groups, genders; North-South and South-South; use of regional hearings, updates; • Confirm need for interdisciplinary, multipurpose education at university level; and role of ocean into school education system.