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The Greatest King: The Story of Prophet Sulayman. Prophet Sulayman’s Wisdom.
Prophet Sulayman’s Wisdom • One day Dawood, was sitting, as usual, solving the problems of his people when two men, one of whom had a field, came to him. The owner of the field said: “O dear Prophet! This man's sheep came to my field at night and ate up the grapes and I have come to ask for compensation.” Dawoodasked the owner of the sheep: “Is this true?” He said: “Yes, sir.” Dawood said: “I have decided that you give him your sheep in exchange for the field.”
Prophet Sulayman’s Wisdom • Sulayman, to whom Allah had given wisdom in addition to what he had inherited from his father, spoke up: “I have another opinion. The owner of the sheep should take the field to cultivate until the grapes grow, while the other man should take the sheep and make use of their wool and milk until his field is repaired. If the grapes grow, and the field returns to its former state, then the field owner should take his field and give back the sheep to their owner.”
Prophet Sulayman’s Wisdom • Dawood responded: “This is a sound judgment. Praise be to Allah for gifting you with wisdom. You are truly Sulayman the Wise.” • It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet SAW said: “While two women with their babies were out, a wolf snatched one of the babies. • The two women quarreled. Each one claimed that the wolf snatched the other’s baby.
Prophet Sulayman’s Wisdom • And each one claimed that the baby left was hers. • When they went to Sulayman he said: “Bring me a knife so I can divide the baby between you. Each one will take half.” • The younger woman begged: “No! Give it to her.” • Sulayman concluded that the real mother was the younger one because she preferred foregoing her baby rather than getting it divided into two pieces.
Questions • What did the owner of the field complain? • What verdict did Dawood give? • Why did Sulayman object and what was his verdict? • Was Sulayman’s judgment sound? How? • What moral lessons do you learn from this incident? • What method did Sulayman adopt to express his objection at his father’s judgment? • What was the issue of the two women?
Questions • How did he solve this critical problem? • What important characteristic of a mother do you learn from this incident? • What characteristic of Sulayman do these cases bring out?
Allah Subjected the Wind, the Sea and the Jinn to Sulayman • Sulaymanhad control over the wind. • When he wanted to go to a war he would have a raft and put all his army and needs on it. • The wind would then carry him in a short morning or evening, the distance which requires a whole month to cover on foot or on camelback. • It was a prediction through the miracle of Sulayman that in the future man would be able to cover long distances in a short period. • Sulayman also had control over the jinn. • They live on earth but are invisible to us.
Allah Subjected the Wind, the Sea and the Jinn to Sulayman • They can be Muslims or non-Muslims, good or bad. • Their father is Iblees, who arrogantly disobeyed Allah and was rejected. • They built basins (huge dishes) around which men could gather and eat. • Allah made a fountain of brass to help Sulayman for his various worldly necessities and requirements, i.e., war and building. • Some of the jinn were not sincere and viewed their work as a penalty.
And to Solomon (We made) the wind (obedient): its early morning (stride) was a month's (journey), and its evening (stride) was a month's (journey); and we made a font (fountain) of molten brass to flow for him; and there were jinns that worked In front of him, by the leave of His Lord, and if any of them turned aside from Our command, we made Him taste of the penalty of the Blazing Fire.
36. Then we subjected the wind to His power, to flow gently to His order, Whithersoever He willed,- • 37. As also the evil ones (rebellious jinn), (including) every kind of builder and diver,- • 38. As also others bound together in fetters. • 39. "Such are Our Bounties: whether you bestow them (on others) or withhold them, no account will be asked." • 40. And he enjoyed, indeed, a near approach to us, and a beautiful place of (final) return.
Questions • What did Allah subject to Sulayman? • What did he do when he intended to travel to distant places? • What do you know about the jinn? • What did the jinn do for Sulayman? • Why did Allah make a fountain of brass for Sulayman? • Did all the jinn obey Sulayman willingly?
The Death of Prophet Sulayman • ZaidibnAslam said: “Sulayman ordered the jinn to build a palace from slabs of glass without doors, and he stood up to pray leaning on his staff whereupon the angel of death came and took away Sulayman’s soul while he was leaning on his staff. At that time the jinn were working and looking at Sulayman thinking that he was alive. But Allah sent the worm of the earth which slowly gnawed away his staff and he fell down. When the jinn saw that they dispersed and went, as Allah said in Surah Saba’:
The Death of Prophet Sulayman • Then, when we decreed (Solomon's) death, nothing showed them his death except a little worm of the earth, which kept (slowly) gnawing away at his staff: so when he fell down, the Jinns saw plainly that if they had known the Unseen, they would not have tarried in the humiliating penalty (of their task).
Questions • What was the last order that Sulayman gave to the jinn? • What was Sulayman doing while the jinn were working? • How did Sulayman die? • How did the jinn come to know of his death? • What are the lessons that you learn from this incident? • How can one get a good end of his worldly life?
Assignment • List ways in which Sulayman was unique from other prophets. • What lessons can be learned from the ant that saved her people? • Write a short profile for Prophet Sulayman. • Write in your creative way the story of Prophet Sulayman and the ants. • What is the moral of the story of Sulayman and the ants?
Assignment • What is the moral of the story of Sulayman and the horses? • What did Prophet Sulayman build in Jerusalem and for what reason he built it? • Was Sulayman a wise judge? Support your answer with a story that proves your answer.