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Narender Kumbala President of India (ASPIRANT).
Narender Kumbala President of India (ASPIRANT)
FREEDOM! This will be the most common refrain heard in India every year, even as we enter the 65th year of our Independence. 65 years ago we had made a unique tryst with destiny and had embarked on a promising but perilous journey towards progress, prosperity and social justice. Since then four wars, fifteen general elections, eleven five year plans and countless insurgencies later we can safely say that we have come a long way. We are still together as a nation, aren’t we and doing very well too, thank you! Yes, it is time for celebrations and celebrations there will be - official, unofficial, formal, non-formal, government, corporate…the list is endless. In fact the celebrations have already begun, but lost among this euphoria, there lies a face; a puzzled, bemused, half happy, half sad face. The face of the ‘common man’ of this country. Yes, that elusive character who is the real Lord and Master of this country, the guardian of our political freedom! Yet we find today that the common man is languishing in the shadows of anonymity. Hunted by the brokers of power and prestige we find him at the periphery of decision making circles. It is high time we sat up and took notice of him, for he is the one who makes this country tick!
Note :- 1* Term of Jammu & Kashmir Assembly is for 6 years (Art 52 of Constitution of J&K) 2** Including 5 seats of UT’s of A&NI, Chandigarh, D&NH, D&D and Lakshadweep. 3*** Including 12 nominated members. 18% 24% 30% 28% 100%
Dream • The common man elevated to be President of India is a dream come true of all the millions of people of India united among many diversities. It revolutionizes and revitalizes the spirit of India’s democracy which the whole world hails. • This legacy will be scripted in golden letters in the history of India.
VISION • A only line prominently drawn in our country today is between the ‘heroes’ and the ‘zeros’. • On one side there are a few hundred ‘heroes’, keeping a hundreds of millions of people down on the other side. This situation has to be changed. • To propagate loving, sharing and caring. • To strive for a beggar free India. • To fully leverage the potential of technology towards mobility, ecological and good governance. • To see Indian rupee, the most sought after currencies on par with top currencies of the world. • Creating awareness towards value of voting and citizens rights.
PLANNING: • First time in Indian history a common man is daring for highest designated position in India i.e., President of India. • Until now the presidents of India are elected by consensus among different political parties by proportionate voting system. • In the forthcoming presidential elections the canvassing would be focusing on individual members of the electoral college i.e., MLAs, MPs of both houses. • Heart tendering letters • Thought provoking E-mails • Touching SMSs. • Letters: Letters will be sent personally by the candidate. • E-Mails & SMSs: Will be sent by close friends, acquaintances and well-wishers across the globe.
Arise and awake, take all the responsibility on your shoulders and stop not until the goal is achieved. • Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life; dream of it; think of it; live on that idea. Let the brain, the body, muscles, nerves every part of your body be full of that idea and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success and this the way great spiritual giants are produced. • “Our country requires heroes; be heroes; your duty is to go on working, and everything will follow of itself”
Each individual creature on this beautiful planet is created by GOD to fulfill a particular role. Whatever one has achieved in life is through his help and an expression of his will. • We all are born with a divine fire in us. Our effort should be to give wings to this fire and fill the world with the glow of its goodness.
Dare to Dream, care to Achieve. A good heart and a good mind is always a formidable combination..
To become a holistic leader, one needs to develop three types of personalities, namely visioning personality, strategic personality and operational personality. In other words, a professional must possess the qualities of a dreamer, thinker and doer. DREAMER+THINKER+DOER = HOLISTIC LEADER. If you have a deepest desire in you, the whole universe will strive to make it a reality.
Personal Profile Name: Narender Kumbala DOB: 22/01/1970 Age: 42 years Social Status: Common Man Region: Telangana Education: M.A.(Sociology) - Hyderabad Central University Languages Known: English, Hindi &Telugu. Caste: SC (Mala) Religion: Hindu Nationality: Indian Permanent Address: 43-277, Hanuman Nagar, Moula Ali, Hyderabad-500040. Present Address: Flat No-203, Santosh Apartments, West Marredpally, Secunderabad-500026. Present Occupation: M.D & CEO, Om Xpress print pack private limited, 1-1-40/1, vasavi towers, S.D.Road, Secunderabad-500003. Life Ambition: To be President of India Email: narender.kumbala@gmail.com naren@presidency.com Mobile:09246572289 Declaration: I Narender Kumbala swear in the name of god that I will faithfully execute the office of the president of India and will do the best of my ability to preserve, protect and defend the constitution and the law and will devote myself for the service and well-being of the people of India. Narender Kumbala (Common Man)
The common man running for the post of Indian President is the most hailed idea ever imagined since India’s independence. Evoking the thought of millions of people of India irrespective of the class, culture, region, state and ethnic back grounds etc. • It changes the way the common people dream, think and dare to change the world around them and optimizing the limitless opportunities-political, economical and social perspectives. • “Dare to dream, care to achieve” would be slogan of the future generations.
The electoral college – Members of both the houses of parliament and state legislative Assemblies must Listen to their Heart and give the Common Man an opportunity. It's high time to consider the Common Man For the country’s Highest designated post. Arise & Awake, Rise above Politics and Parties, Rise above Regions and Religions, Rise above Status and States, Rise above Culture, Caste and Class. The Common Man has been instrumental in voting, Electing and Empowering you since India’s Independence. It's Pay back time.
There’s so much to Achieve. There are many dreams to fulfill. And there’s so little time. It is the driving force ,this impatience that’s not letting us Indians relax, rest or recline. We must give all of our dreams a new speed. To make them come true, Fast. Narender Kumbala ( Presidential Aspirant)