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Evian Water

Evian Water. John Rivera MultiMedia. Advertising a simple drink, Evian Water. Evian is using elaborate techniques such as gliding and swimming babies on T.V. commercials, and an appeal to women on it’s web site to advertise water. Techniques on T.V.

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Evian Water

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Evian Water John Rivera MultiMedia

  2. Advertising a simple drink, Evian Water. • Evian is using elaborate techniques such as gliding and swimming babies on T.V. commercials, and an appeal to women on it’s web site to advertise water.

  3. Techniques on T.V. • Commercials using naked babies flying and swimming through crystal clear water creates a fantasy world that is appealing. • The babies smiling and laughing having a good time without worries or concerns suggests that by drinking Evian water you will be free to do whatever you want such as in your childhood.

  4. Techniques on the Web • The splash page on www.evian.com presents women of different background appealing to women of different ethnicity. • The target audience are women between their teens and early thirties. • The women in the web site are thin suggesting that drinking Evian water is healthy and a way to be thin.

  5. Effectiveness • Evian has been successful in selling it’s product, water, which should be free. The only difference between most water is saying it is from a special place or location and that it is purified. • Advertising plays a big part and using it’s knowledge about who drinks water Evian sells water.

  6. Water is Water • Most other water advertisements of water are different such as Aquafina, “So Pure we Promise Nothing,” but in reality it is all the same stuff. • Some of the only differences is the labeling, the bottle and some water products don’t have all the mineral deposits.

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