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Return of Faulty Modem by Single Installer Process & Procedure to Comply Modem Management Nasional Network Operation. Return Schedule. Faulty modem must be returned to ML within 1 week after confirmed faulty. It is recommended to return the modem during pickup of a new modem.
Return of Faulty Modem by Single Installer Process & Procedure to Comply Modem Management Nasional Network Operation
Return Schedule Faulty modem must be returned to ML within 1 week after confirmed faulty. It is recommended to return the modem during pickup of a new modem. Modem rosakhendaklahdipulangkanke ML dalammasa 1 minggusetelahdisahkanrosak. Sebaiknya modem dipulangkansemasapengambilan modem yang baru.
Return Guideline Do not keep a faulty modem for more than 1 week once confirmed faulty. Please follow all the process in the checklist for return of modem as highlighted on the next slide. Silapastikan modem rosaktidakdisimpanmelebihi 1 minggusetelahdisahkanrosak. Pastikanprosespemulangan modem diikutimengikut checklist di slide berikutnya.
Process & Procedure to Comply • Checklist: • Arrange modem according to type. • List down modem serial number in Excel Sheet Format • Fill up MLRM11 and attached the list of modem serial number. (Item No. 2) • Seal the boxes and paste the labels on the boxes. • Send sealed boxes to ML and request ML Storekeeper to sign a copy of MLRM11. • Email the signed copy of MLRM11 and the list of serial number (in softcopy) to amillin@tm.com.my and noorasyikin.esa@tm.com.my Tick Please click next slide for further explanation.
To do list: STEP No. 1 Arrange the modems according to type in standard boxes. Asingkan modem mengikut jenis ke dalam kotak yang berasingan. • The modems should be segregated into: • Modem-modem perlulahdiasingkanmengikut: • Billion Bipac 5112S (1000001371) • DB102 (1000001370) • DB108WL (1000001893) • Innacomm W3100 (1000002614) • OIB (Set Modem danDectphone) • Innacomm W3400 (1000002686) • DLINK DSL-2640B (1000002686) • Zyxel TM6841G (1000002686) FAQ Q:Jika tidak cukup jumlah modem mengikut size kotak? A:Tetap asingkan mengikut jenis. Q:Bagaimana jika saya dah terasingkan modem OIB ke dalam kumpulan modem lain? Perlukah saya menggantikan semula? A:Tidak perlu. (Sepatutnya perkara di atas tidak dilakukan)
To do list: STEP No. 2 List down the serial number of the modem in MS Excel Sheet Format. Senaraikan serial number modem yang ingin dihantar dalam bentuk MS Excel. CONTOH: Senarai dalam bentuk excel
To do list: STEP No. 3 Fill up Form Mat 11: Fill Up Plant ID and Returned By Section, and attached with List of Serial Number listed in Step No. 2 Isikan borang MLRM 11 dan lampirkan bersama senarai serial number dari Step No. 2. Maklumat ML adadilampirkandibahagianakhir presentation ini. Senaraikanjenis modem danjumlahmengikutjenis. Contoh: Billion Bipac 5112S 20 unit Tandatangan, isimaklumatberkenaandanpilih option (C) – Warranty.
To do list: STEP NO. 4 Seal all the boxes and paste the labels. Tutup semua kotak dengan kemas dan tampalkan label.
Label Property of Telekom Malaysia Type of Modem: Quantity: Company Name: Date Delivery: Property of Telekom Malaysia Type of Modem: Quantity: Company Name: Date Delivery: Print & Cut the labels to be paste on the boxes. Print the slide in A4 format, and cut the labels to be paste on the box.
To do list: STEP 5 & 6 Boxes are ready to be send to ML. Kotak-kotak sudah sedia untuk dihantar ke ML. Important Note: Request ML Storekeeper to sign a copy of MLRM11 and email the copy along with the softcopy of Serial Number Listed in Excel Sheet to amillin@tm.com.my and noorasyikin.esa@tm.com.my once done. (Please make sure Serial Number is listed in complete set without any spaces) Failure to submit the list in full may affect your modem record and non-compliance will result in demerit. Nota Penting: Buat dua salinan MLRM11, satu untuk simpanan ML dan satu lagi untuk salinan syarikat tuan/puan. Sila emailkan salinan MLRM 11 yang telah ditandatangani penerimaan oleh pihak ML beserta senarai serial number ke amillin@tm.com.my dan noorasyikin.esa@tm.com.my . (Sila pastikan senarai serial number adalah sama seperti dalam system.