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Instant Messaging Transcripts

Instant Messaging Transcripts. Pilot Project and Request for Collaborators Heidi Senior University of Portland senior@up.edu. Chronology Spring 2007 IM service launched Spring 2009 Meebo Notifier Summer 2009 Widget locations expand. Chronology Spring 2007 IM service launched

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Instant Messaging Transcripts

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Instant Messaging Transcripts Pilot Project and Request for Collaborators Heidi Senior University of Portland senior@up.edu

  2. Chronology • Spring 2007 IM service launched • Spring 2009 Meebo Notifier • Summer 2009 Widget locations expand

  3. Chronology • Spring 2007 IM service launched • Spring 2009 Meebo Notifier • Summer 2009 Widget locations expand

  4. Until October 2009: Transcripts copied & pasted into Word file Since then: kept in Libstats

  5. Basic Statistics: • Date / Day of Week • Time of Day • Time to reference desk reply • Length of conversation • MeeboGuest or Personal Account?

  6. Basic Statistics: • Date / Day of Week • Time of Day • Time to reference desk reply • Length of conversation • MeeboGuest or Personal Account?

  7. FY 2009 Questions Received by Day of Week

  8. FY 2009 Questions Received by Day of Week

  9. Ryan, J., Daugherty, A. L., & Mauldin, E. C. (2006). Exploring the LSU libraries’ virtual reference transcripts: An analysis. Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship, 7(3): n.p. Retrieved from http://southernlibrarianship.icaap.org

  10. Ryan, J., Daugherty, A. L., & Mauldin, E. C. (2006). Exploring the LSU libraries’ virtual reference transcripts: An analysis. Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship, 7(3): n.p. Retrieved from http://southernlibrarianship.icaap.org

  11. Ryan, J., Daugherty, A. L., & Mauldin, E. C. (2006). Exploring the LSU libraries’ virtual reference transcripts: An analysis. Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship, 7(3): n.p. Retrieved from http://southernlibrarianship.icaap.org

  12. Next Steps • Use of “computer mediated communication” (Maness, 2008) • Evidence of effective reference behaviors (Ronan et al., 2006) Maness, J. M. (2008). A linguistic analysis of chat reference conversations with 18-24 year-old college students. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 34(1), 31-38. Ronan, J., Reakes, P., & Ochoa, M. (2006). Application of reference guidelines in chat reference interactions: A study of online reference skills. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 13(4), 3-23. doi:10. 10.1300/J106v13n04̱02

  13. Join me! Heidi Senior, senior@up.edu

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