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GWAVACon Munich

cryptovision advanced security with digital certificates Marco Smeja marco.smeja@cryptovision.com. GWAVACon Munich. internet e-mail = postcard. GW client. client. !. internet. mail server. GW server. !. !. client. GW client. !. client. GW client.

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GWAVACon Munich

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Presentation Transcript

  1. cryptovision advanced security with digital certificatesMarco Smeja marco.smeja@cryptovision.com GWAVACon Munich

  2. internet e-mail = postcard GW client client ! internet mail server GW server ! ! client GW client ! client GW client

  3. e-mail without GroupWise = unsealed letter & postcard Even not using GroupWise, at least the Admin is able to read e-mails! client client ! ! internet mail server mail server ! ! ! client client ! ! client client

  4. some basics: alice, eve, bob model Bob Eve Alice

  5. some basics: digital signature Bob Eve Alice private key public key

  6. Owner : Marco Smeja Public key: idhDFfiahidsFhfafShJidFGshgiHDdgVhio valid: 10.06.2002 – 09.06.2007 Ser.No.: 34 12 53 29 18 08 15 issuer: CA 1 Keyuse: encr, sign, auth CRL-URL: http://www.cryptovision.com/crl signature: dFGshIDhDusFhfafShHDdgVhioidhDFfiJi digital certificate

  7. some basics: public key infrastructure Trust Center / CA and digital certificates Trustcenter / CA PKI digital certificate digital certificate private key of recipient public key of sender sender recipient

  8. end-to-end e-mail encryption How e-mail encryption works client client internet mail server mail server Internet client client client client

  9. some basics: digital signature Bob Eve Alice private key public key

  10. gateway based encryption Alternative for environments without high security requirements client client internet mail server mail server client e-mail encryption gateway e-mail encryption gateway client client client

  11. identity management without pki ERP System CRM IDM Groupware DIR

  12. pki – outdated approach ERP System CRM ERP System CRM PKI IDM DIR Groupware Groupware DIR

  13. pki – modern approach ERP System CRM IDM with PKI Groupware DIR

  14. cv act PKIntegrated - architecture CA / Signatur Engine IdentityManager PKI Applications PKIntegrated Administration OCSP, SCEP iManager LDAP NovelleDirectory IdentityManager Lotus Notes, LDAP SAP HR, Peoplesoft Siemens DirX, Microsoft ADS

  15. cv act PKIntegrated – administration with iManager

  16. cv act PKIntegrated & IDM3

  17. motivation: secure e-mail with GroupWise • Due to many ID card projects, digital Signature activities and enterprise PKI projects, the S/MIME standard has overtaken PGP ! • GroupWise Client supports S/MIME using MS Crypto API and therefore even Smartcards ! • But how to integrate PKI, Digital Certificates and Smartcards into a Novell GroupWise system in a mostly effective way ?

  18. secure GroupWise e-mail in three steps • GENERATE KEYS AND ISSUE CERTIFICATES • Automated Certificate Processing and Provisioning with IDM • SECURE KEY DISTRIBUTION • Utilize SecretStore for Roaming Tasks • CLIENT CONFIGURATION • No User Interaction • No Admin Interaction

  19. New employees automatically get access to systems and applications, based on their roles. Certificates are issued automatically. generate keys and issue cretificates with IDM HR E-mail Computer Phone Certificate

  20. automated de-provisioning process HR E-mail Computer Employees leaving the company automatically lose access to the systems. Issued certificates are automatically revoked. Phone Certificate

  21. generate keys and issue certificates - film • Create new User in SAP HR (sim.) • IDM Process generates eDirectory User-Object and GroupWise Account • S/MIME Certificate Provisioning Process starts as soon as eMail-Adress is available • Certificates will be written in designated eDirectory User Attribute • Private Keys are stored in Users SecretStore

  22. generate keys and issue certificates - film

  23. SecretStore SecretStore SecretStore private key 2 private key 1 private key 3 secure key distribution with cv act pki/roamer cv act pki/roamer realises roaming keys and configures GroupWise for instant using client 1 Novell eDirectory client 2 client 3

  24. secure e-mail with GroupWise • S/MIME support • X.509 certificate support • MS Crypto-API integration • Smart Card via CSPs

  25. client configuration with act pki/roamer • x.509 certificate support • uses MS Crypto-API • Smart Card via CSPs • initial configuration is done by cv act pki/roamer

  26. cv act pki/roamer – provisioning demo • User logs into any Workstation • cv act pki/roamer reads Keys and Certificates from User SecretStore and installs into MS-CAPI Store • Finally cv act pki/roamer configures GroupWise S/MIME Settings • User can send secure e-mails • Automatic Key deletion at logout

  27. cv act pki/roamer – provisioning demo

  28. compliance a driver for you? Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) • US law aiming to grant high-quality corporate financial reporting • management is “responsible for establishing and maintaining internal controls“ • CIOs are responsible for security, accuracy and reliability of systems processing financial data PKI is a must for Sarbanes-Oxley compliance! Paul SarbanesSenator Michael G. OxleyCongressman

  29. use case: IEEE 802.1X authentication Novell eDirectory LAN client access point 802.1x Smart Card key store RADIUS

  30. workstation/cic workstation/cic workstation/cic cv act workstation/cic CA engine IdentityManager workstation 1 Novell eDirectory workstation 2 workstation 3 cv act workstation/cic provides auto-enrollment for workstations using ZENworks

  31. use case: virtual privat network (VPN) Server Client Key Store Internet VPN concentrator IPsec Smart Card Server Client Client Client

  32. use case: secure www with ssl Client Key Store Internet WWW-Portal Application Server HTTPS Smart Card Client Client

  33. use case: NMAS authentication PC Novell Client Key Store Server Novell Client Novell eDirectory Smart Card PC Novell Client PC

  34. use case: biometric user authentication Client cv act sc/interface PKCS#11 MS-CAPI proprietary Smart Card

  35. need more informations? www.cryptovision.com http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/appnote/17830.html Marco Smeja marco.smeja@cryptovision.com

  36. Questions Questions Questions Questions




  40. PKINTEGRATED REFERENCES JNET digital signatures





  45. PKINTEGRATED REFERENCES Raiffeisen Druckerei PKI


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