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Helmholtz International Summer School on Modern Mathematical Physics Dubna July 22 – 30, 2007. Quantum Gravity and Quantum Entanglement (lecture 2). Dmitri V. Fursaev Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna, RUSSIA. Talk is based on hep-th/0602134
Helmholtz International Summer SchoolonModern Mathematical Physics Dubna July 22 – 30, 2007 Quantum Gravity and Quantum Entanglement (lecture 2) Dmitri V. Fursaev Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna, RUSSIA Talk is based on hep-th/0602134 hep-th/0606184 Dubna, July 26, 2007
some results of 1st lecture • entanglement entropy in relativistic QFT’s • path-integral method of calculation of entanglement entropy • entropy of entanglement in a fundamental gravity theory • the value of the entropy is given by the “Bekenstein- Hawking formula” (area of the surface playing the role of the area of the horizon)
effective action approach to EE in a QFT - “partition function” • effective action is defined on manifolds • with cone-like singularities - “inverse temperature”
effective action on a manifold with conical singularities is the gravity action (even if the manifold is locally flat) curvature at the singularity is non-trivial: derivation of entanglement entropy in a flat space has to do with gravity effects!
CONJECTURE(Fursaev, hep-th/0602134) • entanglement entropy per unit areafor degrees of freedom of the fundamental theory in a flat space
Open questions: the geometry was “frozen” till now: ● Does the definition of a “separating surface” make sense in a quantum gravity theory (in the presence of “quantum geometry”)? ● Entanglement of gravitational degrees of freedom? ● Can the problem of UV divergences in EE be solved by the standard renormalization prescription? What are the physical constants which should be renormalized?
assumption the Ising model: “fundamental” dof are the spin variables on the lattice low-energies = near-critical regime low-energy theory = QFT (CFT) of fermions
at low energies integration over fundamental degrees of freedom is equivalent to the integration over all low energy fields, including fluctuations of the space-time metric
This means that: (if the boundary of the separating surface is fixed) the geometry of the separating surface is determined by a quantum problem fluctuations of are induced by fluctuations of the space-time geometry
entanglement entropy in the semiclassical approximation a standard procedure
fix n and “average” over all possible positions of the separating surface on • entanglement entropy of quantum matter - pure gravitational part of entanglement entropy - some average area
“Bekenstein-Hawking” formula for the“gravitational part” of the entropy • Note: • the formula says nothing about the nature of the degrees of freedom • - “gravitational” entanglement entropy and entanglement entropy • of quantum matter fields (EE of QFT) come together; • - EE of QFT is a quantum correction to the gravitational part; • the UV divergence of EE of QFT is eliminated by renormalization of the Newton coupling;
renormalization the UV divergences in the entropy are removed by the standard renormalization of the gravitational couplings; the result is finite and is expressed entirely in terms of low-energy variables and effective constants like G
conditions for the separating surface the separating surface is a minimal (least area) co-dimension 2 hypersurface
Equations - induced metric on the surface - normal vectors to the surface - traces of extrinsic curvatures
NB: we worked with Euclidean version of the theory (finite temperature), stationary space-times was implied; In the Lorentzian version of the theory space-times: the surface is extremal; Hint: In non-stationary space-times the fundamental entanglement may be associated to extremal surfaces A similar conclusion in AdS/CFT context is in (Hubeny, Rangami, Takayanagi, hep-th/0705.0016)
Stationary spacetimes: a simplification a Killing vector field - a constant time hypersurface (a Riemannian manifold) is a co-dimension 1 minimal surface on a constant-time hypersurface the statement is true for the Lorentzian theory as well !
the black hole entropy is a particular case for stationary black holes the cross-section of the black hole horizon with a constant-time hypersurface is a minimal surface: all constant time hypersurfaces intersect the horizon at a bifurcation surface which has vanishing extrinsic curvatures due to its symmetry
remarks ● the equation for the separating surface ㅡmay have a different form in generalizations of the Einstein GR (the dilaton gravity, the Gauss-Bonnet gravity and etc) ● one gets a possibility to relate variations of entanglement entropy to variations of physical observables ● one can test whether EE in quantum gravity satisfy inequalities for the von Neumann entropy
some examples of variation formulae for EE • change of the entropy under • the shift of a point particle • mass of the particle • shift distance - change of the entropy per unit length (for a cosmic string) - string tension
subadditivity check of inequalities for the von Neumann entropy strong subadditivity equalities are applied to the von Neumann entropy and are based on the concavity property
Araki-Lieb inequality: B entire system is in a mixed state due to the presence of a black hole 2 1 black hole - entropy of the entire system
strong subadditivity: c d c d f 1 2 f a b b a
rest of the talk ● the Plateau problem ● entanglement entropy in AdS/CFT: “holographic formula” ● some examples: EE in SYM and in 2D CFT’s
the Plateau Problem (Joseph Plateau, 1801-1883) It is a problem of finding a least area surface (minimal surface) for a given boundary soap films: - equilibrium equation - the mean curvature - surface tension -pressure difference across the film
the Plateau Problem there are no unique solutions in general
the Plateau Problem simple surfaces catenoid is a three-dimensionalshape made by rotating a catenarycurve (discovered by L.Euler in 1744) helicoid is a ruled surface, meaning that it is a trace of a line The structure of part of a DNA double helix
the Plateau Problem other embedded surfaces (without self intersections) Costa’s surface (1982)
the Plateau Problem Non-orientable surfaces A projective plane with three planar ends. From far away the surface looks like the three coordinate plane A minimal Klein bottle with one end
the Plateau Problem Non-trivial topology: surfaces with hadles a surface was found by Chen and Gackstatter a singly periodic Scherk surface approaches two orthogonal planes
the Plateau Problem a minimal surface may be unstable against small perturbations
more evidences:entanglement entropy in QFT’s with gravity duals
Consider the entanglement entropy in conformal theories (CFT’s) which admit a description in terms of anti-de Sitter (AdS) gravity one dimension higher N=4 super Yang-Mills
Holographic Formula for the Entropy (bulk space) extension of the separating surface in the bulk 4d space-time manifold (asymptotic boundary of AdS) separating surface (now: there is no gravity in the boundary theory, can be arbitrary)
Holographic Formula for the Entropy Ryu and Takayanagi, hep-th/0603001, 0605073 CFT which admit a dual description in terms of the Anti-de Sitter (AdS) gravity one dimension higher Let be the extension of the separating surface in d-dim. CFT 1) is a minimal surface in (d+1) dimensional AdS space 2) “holographic formula” holds: is the area of is the gravity coupling in AdS
a simple example 2 – is IR cutoff 1 2
the holographic formula enables one to compute entanglement entropy in strongly coupled theories by using geometrical methods
entanglement in 2D CFT is the length of ground state entanglement for a system on a circle c – is a central charge
example in d=2:CFT on a circle - AdS radius A is the length of the geodesic in AdS - UV cutoff • holographic formula reproduces • the entropy for a ground state • entanglement - central charge in d=2 CFT
Some other developments ● D.Fursaev, hep-th/0606184 (proof of the holographic formula) • R. Emparan, hep-th/0603081 (application of the holographic formula to interpretation of the entropy of a braneworld black hole as an entaglement entropy) • M. Iwashita, T. Kobayashi, T. Shiromizu, hep-th/0606027 (Holographic entanglement entropy of de Sitter braneworld) • T.Hirata, T.Takayanagi, hep-th/0608213 (AdS/CFT and the strong subadditivity formula) • M. Headrick and T.Takayanagi, hep-th/0704.3719(Holographic proof of the strong subadditivity of entanglement entropy) • V.Hubeny, M. Rangami, T.Takayanagi, hep-th/0705.0016 (A covariant holographic entanglement entropy proposal )
conclusions and future questions • there is a deep connection between quantum entanglement and gravity which goes beyond the black hole physics; • entanglement entropy of fundamental degrees of freedom in quantum gravity is associated to the area of minimal surfaces; • more checks of entropy inequalities are needed to see whether the conjecture really works; • variation formulae for entanglement entropy, relation to changes of physical observables (analogs of black hole variation formulae)