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Challenge Problem

Learn about the central nervous system, autonomic functions, brain lobes, and brain dysfunctions in this comprehensive guide with illustrations and challenges.

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Challenge Problem

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  1. Challenge Problem 1.  The central nervous system includes the  A.   spinal cord B. spinal nerves C. effectors D. sensory receptors. 2. Describe 3 functions of the autonomic nervous system. 3. Dendrites…. Finish the statement 4. Another term for a neuron being stimulated is a neuron being d_________. 5. When a neuron is at rest, it is negative inside or positive inside?

  2. Challenge Problem 1. Get a note packet from the front. 2. How many parts of the brain can you identify? 3. Why doesn’t the brain fix itself 4. Why does it hurt more to get an injury in certain areas than others? 5. Another term for a neuron being stimulated is a neuron being d_________. 6. When a neuron is at rest, it is negative inside or positive inside?

  3. The Brain Ch. 7c

  4. The Brain • Functional Anatomy • Cerebral Hemispheres • Diencephalon • Brain Stem • Cerebellum

  5. Cerebral Hemispheres • Anatomy • Most superior part of the brain • Fissures separate parts of the Cerebrum • 2 hemispheres (left and right) • 4 lobes each • Frontal Lobe • Parietal Lobe • Occipital Lobe • Temporal Lobe

  6. Check: tallest person • 1. Identify the functional parts of the brain. • 2. Identify the lobes of the brain

  7. Cerebral Hemispheres • Physiology • Frontal Lobe • Language comprehension • Voluntary movement • Parietal Lobe • Somatic Sensory Area • Occipital Lobe • Visual • Temporal Lobe • Auditory (hearing) • Olfactory (Smell)

  8. Cerebral Hemispheres • Broca’s Area • Junction of temporal, parietal & occipital lobes • Speech area

  9. Check: longest hair • 1. If a person got into a bicycle accident and was having trouble understanding you talking to them, where is their injury? • 2. If a person had surgery in Broca’s area in their brain, what might be affected?

  10. Cerebral Hemispheres • Sensory and Motor functions • Perception and control are crossed • Left Brain senses and controls right side of body • Right Brain senses and controls left side of body

  11. Diencephalon • Diencephalon (interbrain) • Thalamus • Hypothalamus • Regulates body temperature, water balance, metabolism • Regulates emotions such as appetite, sex, pain, pleasure • Pituitary Gland

  12. Challenge Problem • 1. If a person was diagnosed with a tumor on their hypothalamus, what functions could be affected?

  13. Brain Stem • Midbrain • Sends messages into and out of the brain • Vision and Hearing reflexes • Pons • Breathing Control • Medulla oblongata • Control: heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, swallowing, vomiting, etc. • Reticular formation • Controls Asleep/Awake

  14. Check: Person with best grade • Explain why an injury to the brain stem is SO serious

  15. Cerebellum • Inferior and Dorsal to the Occipital Lobe • Functions: • Timing for Skeletal muscle activity • Balance • Equilibrium • Monitors body position

  16. Person with worst grade • In professional sports, who do you think has the most well developed cerebellum? How do you know?

  17. Protection of Central Nervous System • Meninges • Cerebrospinal Fluid • Blood-Brain Barrier

  18. Challenge Problem • Coordination and balance are controlled by the _________. • Why might it be so bad for a person to have a brain tumor on their brain stem? • Someone with problems regulating their appetite and water balance could have an issue with which part of their brain? • Back in the day, people would have a lobotomy, which removes connections in their frontal lobe. What might result if that happened?

  19. Meninges • 3 layers of connective tissue protecting CNS • Dura Mater • Means “tough or hard mother” • Outer most layer - thick and tough • Arachnoid Mater • Means “spider mother” • Middle layer - web-like • Pia Mater • Means “gentle mother” • Innermost layer

  20. Cerebrospinal fluid • Watery “broth”, like blood plasma • Forms watery cushion around brain and spinal cord • Protection from injury and trauma • Is made from filtered blood • Circulates and renews at a constant rate

  21. Blood-Brain Barrier • Least permeable capillaries feed nervous system • Prevents serious chemical imbalances • Prevents disease from passing into CNS • Some substances still easily pass into brain • Alcohol • Nicotine • Anesthetics

  22. Brain Dysfunctions • Concussion • Slight injury: dizzy, briefly lose consciousness • Contusion • Brain tissue destruction: coma • Progression of brain injury/healing • Cerebral Edema • Brain Swelling • Cerebrovascular Accident • Blood circulation to brain is stopped: clot, ruptured blood vessel. Brain tissue dies

  23. Paper Brain Instructions Stay in regular seats until I’m finished with roll • Color brain • Cut out meticulously • Fold at the appropriate lines • Fold and tape beginning at longitudinal fissure • Fold and tape sides • Put on cerebellum • Put on bottom • Put on the stand (ground)

  24. Girl feels no pain • 1. circle words that you don’t know • 2. underline stuff we have talked about in here or in other classes • 3. put a square around things that deal with the nervous system • 4. put an * next to stuff you thought was interesting

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