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ORKA Preservation Task Force first meeting Wednesday, February 8, 2012. Notes by Peter H. Garbincius Notes from meeting are interspersed (Riesselmann and Sands did not participate). m y interpretation and priorities:.
ORKA Preservation Task Forcefirst meetingWednesday, February 8, 2012 Notes by Peter H. Garbincius Notes from meeting are interspersed (Riesselmann and Sands did not participate)
my interpretation and priorities: • Not to immediately concentrate on costs! • Prime issues seem to be material handling and possible interference for CDF building refurbishment for and IARC operations • When we understand the requirements of ORKA, IARC, and theirmutual interactions, then we can work on estimates what about BNL/RHIC/sPhoenix? • Only concentrate on these ORKA/IARC issues, not on items that are independent please humor my learning curve!
CHANGES from ORKA proposal Crane hook coverage in assembly hall? Go look at it at CDF! BIG door 5’ x 8’ door 12’ x 26’ transporter CAN move beyond Central Detector installed in Collision Hall CDF solenoid remains parallel to Tevatron tunnel radiation shielding studies This area of target & K+ beam is at 710’ elevation S-shaped (dogleg) K+ beam dump to Tevatron tunnel
Doug Jensen working on design of a short 14 m 0.6 GeV/c enriched K+ beam are low-p components availability from BNL?Very likely, except for two 600 KV separators. 95 GeV from MI stopping target to beam stop
What does ORKA need from CDF?What has to go? How? When? Hanging steel CAN be removed with detector in place, needs engineered move target position Tevatron beam 723’-4.25” modify plug for close-in quads note SS insert 3o-10o ORKA fits here! 4’ high elevation change BNL may want Central Calorimeters Decision = Fall 2012?
Magnetic Circuitsmall contribution from central calorimetersno need to map B-field, plenty of K+→π+πo 3o-10o SS plug Is flux return steel just top and bottom - YES, or does it include North and South walls? - NO
comparable installation:Remove CDFSVX & CTC intact?Install ORKA in pieces in collision hall?
Can plug be modified for input beam quads while in collision hall? NO, must be done in Assembly Hall Non-magnetic Stainless Steel Plug 3o-10o. Does removing it provide enough room for Quadrupole Magnets?
out 1200 ton door – order Central Detector is #2 X-1 X-7 X-3 X-3 X-2 X ? X-4 X-4 X ? X X-5 ? SVX, CTC, and Central Calorimeter Arches are removed in Assembly Hall
questions? • When does the big Door have to be open? • How much can be done through 5’ x 8’ door? • How much access is needed to Assembly Pit, upstairs CDF building, crane, when? • Can N/S muon walls, plug, forward toroids be removed without removing central detector? • How does Cable Bridge get removed? • Even if we could remove roof of Collision Hall for later installation, do we have to remove upper notch steel hung from ceiling first?
continued… • How much space and time with big door open: • Soon to remove CDF before IARC referbishing? • Later to install ORKA during IRAC operations? • What other massive, bulky items? • Target and 600 MeV/c beamline elements • Beam stop (in d.s. tunnel) • What about provision for plasma wakefield test? • next meeting: ___________ Terry E will poll
710’ elev Limit of 50 ton crane coverage ~ 4.5’ from wall PHG – 4march2012 706’ elev garage for door 710’ elev 710’ elev
Discussion on Feb 8, 2012 • What would be ideal schedule to minimize impact on IARC schedule & accommodate ORKA? • Feb 2014 IARC building complete, begin refurbish CDF bldg • Remove CDF components now, including cable bridge, replace Solenoid & (modified) plug(s) into Collision Hall ~ 18 Months + $ X M (JDL will provide better estimate), then, if provisions made, public tours in CDF Collision Hall • End of 2014 – begin IARC operations in deep pit starting from North (far) end, leaving space for 1200 ton shield door and 1 or 2 transporters for ORKA • ORKA, if and when approved, assemble elsewhere, use just crane and 1 or 2 transporters for installation, then close shield door • IARC can expand through Assembly Hall, but would need to allow for opening door and use of 1-2 transporters
continued discussion • Would Fermilab invest in display/tours before installation of ORKA? Expenses could be saved • human engineering, life safety, egress • repurposing building from experiment => public • Even temporarily…before ORKA • Who decides this usage which implies what codes apply? • Grandfathering? • What are these saved refurbishment costs and how do they compare to, or offset some of the investment of removing CDF components? • Once we have cost estimate and timescale, Director must choose between ORKA investment (gamble), public tours, & impact on IARC operations
4march2012: Peter checked • Exact size of CDF equipment transporter: 25’ + 32” = 27’-8” x 11’-11” • Crane coverage – carriage and south catwalk as found: hook is 12’ from I-beam + 18” from wall (upstairs). I-beam is 4’ from catwalk rail, catwalk rail is 4’ from major wall (downstairs) so I-beam is at same position as downstairs wall • From 3rd floor, measured crane had another 90” = 7.5’ travel before reaching stop => 12’-7.5’=4.5’ from I-beam = downstairs wall.