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TG10 status report

TG10 status report. L. Pandola INFN, Gran Sasso National Laboratories for the TG10 Task Group. Gerda Collaboration Meeting, Tuebingen November 9th – 11th, 2005. MaGe: what’s in the common part?. Radioactive isotopes and 2 b. Cosmic ray muons. PNNLiso RDMiso decay0. cosmicrays musun.

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TG10 status report

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TG10 status report L. Pandola INFN, Gran Sasso National Laboratories for the TG10 Task Group Gerda Collaboration Meeting, Tuebingen November 9th – 11th, 2005

  2. MaGe: what’s in the common part? Radioactive isotopes and 2b Cosmic ray muons PNNLiso RDMiso decay0 cosmicrays musun Generators AmBe wangneutrons neutronsGS G4gun SPS TUNLFEL General Neutrons g beam

  3. MaGe:physics list Low Energy package: includes fluorescence and atomic effects Standard package EM physics QGSP_BIN_ISO list from M. Bauer. Optimized for DM and for m-inducedneutron production* Hadronic physics Default list Optical physics Off On Cut realms Different cuts selectable according to application (e.g. for CR they are more relaxed). Cuts can be different in different regions of the set-up * [M.Bauer, Proc. of V Inter. Workshop on the Identification of DM]

  4. top m-veto water tank neck lead shielding cryo vessel tank PMT Ge array reflector and WLS crystal MaGe: the Gerda-specific part Gerda main geometry and test stands LArGe set-up at GS LArGe set-up at MPIK

  5. 6.2 years annihilation peak Muons crossing the detector Phase I: 9 Ge crystals (total mass: 19 kg). Energy threshold: 50 keV Energy spectrum without and with the crystals anti-coincidence background reduction of a factor of 3-4 Energy (MeV) (1.5  2.5 MeV): 2.1·10-3 counts/keV kg y Physics list dependence < 25%. Total systematics ~ 35%

  6. Natural decay chains of 238U and 232Th (assuming broken equilibrium) Cosmogenically produced isotopes 68Ge and 60Co Surface contamination with 210Pb Radioactive contaminations MaGe is used for detailed Monte Carlo simulation of contaminations in the inner parts of detector Components: Analysis:Anti-coincidence between detector and segments (Phase II detectors), energy cut Studies performed in Munich

  7. Conclusions The development of the MaGe framework is ongoing regularly mutual benefit (debugging, extensions) A common dedicated MaGe poster was presented at the TAUP in Zaragoza: contribution in the Proceedings A large variety of applications has been succesfully performed with MaGe: cosmic rays, neutrons, radioactive contaminants, optical photons (including WLS) First consistency check of hadronic physics with FLUKA (16N in water), in addition to the existing work! Validation of EM physics with radioactive sources (60Co and 133Ba with the existing detectors) at GS and Hd Draft of a TG10 paper concerning m-induced background

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