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Workers with Disabilities

Explore the societal shift in perspective towards hiring individuals with disabilities. Discover the impact on business and society, presented by Gary Karp. Understand the importance of this conversation and the unique abilities people with disabilities bring to the workforce.

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Workers with Disabilities

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Business Hiring & Retaining Workers with Disabilities A Radical Perspective Shift for Society Thursday, July 21, 2011

  2. Gary KarpAuthor, Speaker, Trainer www.moderndisability.com

  3. 70-minute presentation The Agenda 20-minute Q&A

  4. 70-minutepresentation The Agenda The Foundation How It Looks

  5. The story has changed Why This Conversation? Important business issue Affects us personally

  6. Who arepeople with disabilities?

  7. There are 54 millionof them in the united states.

  8. There are 24 million of them ...who are working age,and report having a disability. Spinal CordInjury

  9. They are people with… mobility ophysical sensory or cognitive Post-PolioSyndrome impairments.

  10. There are people with… visible or invisibledisabilities. FacialDisfigurement

  11. There are people with… Childhood or adult-acquireddisabilities. Fibro-myalgia

  12. There are people with… significant or nominal degreesof impairment. Blindness

  13. There are people with… Identify with having a disabilityor not. Down’sSyndrome

  14. They are your… neighbors, yourcolleagues, yourfamily members. Dyslexia

  15. They are… people. Real, whole people. ShortStature

  16. There are 24 millionof them ...who are working age,and report having a disability. Spinal CordInjury

  17. 24 Million Employed 72% Unemployed

  18. 24 Million 17.25 Million Not Working Employed 72% Unemployed

  19. 24 Million 10.75 Million Want to Work 63% prefer to work Employed Don’t want to work

  20. 3.5 million can and want to work! 24 Million Employed 67% prefer to work, but can’t Don’t want to work

  21. Changed Their lives have MuscularDystrophy

  22. What it meansto have a disabilityis different... LimbLoss • ...than it has ever been before in history.

  23. Obstacles have fallen. ...and possibilities haveexploded. Diabetes

  24. ? Question

  25. Stay-at-Work / Return-to-Work

  26. Stay-at-Work / Return-to-Work

  27. Stay-at-Work / Return-to-Work The fundamental reason for most lost workdays and lost jobs is not medical necessity, but the non-medical decisionmaking involved in and the poor functioning of a little-known, but fundamental practice employed by U.S. and Canadian disability benefits systems – the stay-at-work/return-to-work process.

  28. TheInteractive Process

  29. TheInteractive Process Should be solid with your HR and Disability Management departments / staff.

  30. ? Question

  31. Changed have Things

  32. are more mobile. People With Disabilities Spina Bifida

  33. more mobile Quadriplegia

  34. more mobile Quadriplegia

  35. more mobile Quadriplegia

  36. more mobile CerebralPalsy

  37. live in a moreaccessibleworld. People With Disabilities MultipleSclerosis

  38. more accessible ChemicalSensitivity

  39. more accessible TheCurb Cut Effect ChemicalSensitivity

  40. more accessible Deafness

  41. UniversalDesign. Epilepsy

  42. are more educated. People With Disabilities ...and so are more career-oriented. Vision Loss

  43. more educated BipolarDisorder

  44. more educated BipolarDisorder

  45. are healthierand more active. People With Disabilities ThalidomideBirth Effect

  46. more healthy Carpal TunnelSyndrome

  47. more healthy Carpal TunnelSyndrome

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