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Uses of Marble

Granite Depot of Charleston is a fabricator and installer of granite, marble, and quartz countertops in Charleston, South Carolina. You can contact us at (843) 940-7492.

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Uses of Marble

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Presentation Transcript

  1. UsesofMarble

  2. Countertops Graniteisapopular choiceforkitchenand bathroomcountertops duetoitsdurability, resistancetoheatand scratches,andattractive appearance.

  3. Flooring Granitetilesorslabs canbeusedtocreate durableandattractive flooringforhomes, commercialbuildings, andpublicspaces.

  4. BuildingFacades Graniteisapopular choiceforbuilding exteriorsduetoits durabilityandresistance toweatheringand erosion.

  5. Monumentsand Memorials Graniteisapopularchoice formonumentsand memorialsduetoits durabilityandabilitytobe engravedoretchedwith inscriptionsordesigns.

  6. Industrial Applications Graniteisusedinavariety ofindustrialapplications, suchasintheconstruction ofmachineryand equipment,andasan abrasiveforcuttingand polishingmaterials.

  7. GraniteDepotofCharleston 7318RabDr,NorthCharleston,SC29406 (843)940-7492. info@granitedepotcharleston.comhttps://www.granitedepotcharleston.com/

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