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Characterization. Definition. The methods an author uses to develop the ___________ of a character personality. Methods: Indirect. 1) What a character says 2) What a character does ( action ) 3) What a character looks like ( appearance ) 4) What other characters say about him/her.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Characterization

  2. Definition • The methods an author uses to develop the ___________ of a character personality

  3. Methods: Indirect • 1) What a character says • 2) What a character does (action) • 3) What a character looks like (appearance) • 4) What other characters say about him/her

  4. Methods: Direct The author tells you about the character’s personality. Sponge Bob is a grotesque mutant of a sea monster with little to no brains and a deceitful smile that he can play off as cute.

  5. “I can’t stand gym class! I’m not that athletic and there’s no way I’ll be able to do 40 push ups! How am I supposed to get an A?” Method? Indirect characterization – character’s speech

  6. Jamie walked to the bus stop and looked around quickly. No one was in sight. She took out her red Sharpie and wrote “Luv Bug” on the bus terminal sign. Her name, her tag, marked that she was there, that she existed. She smiled to herself and walked away. Indirect characterization –character’s actions

  7. In conclusion… • Be aware of a character’s clothing • THINK about what a character says • Try to understand WHY a character acts a certain way

  8. Characterization IS… PERSONALITY

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