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Stay updated with the latest news, events, and trends in the printing industry with Print+ Magazine. Targeted towards printing companies, executives, marketers, technologists, and customers of printed products in Ukraine.
We are interested in all the ways of printing; we know everything that is happening in the printing industry; we are the EDP participants; we are the only magazine for Ukrainian printers that goes regularly! Advertising agency "Da Vinci"Print+ magazine http://printus.com.ua, https://www.facebook.com/groups/poliukr/ Tel: +38 (044) 537 04 52, 537 01 94
target audience - printing companies executives, marketers, technologists, and customers of printed products; distribution - all over Ukraine through specialized exhibitions, editorial subscription, subscription agencies; periodicity – 10 issues per year circulation - 1.5 thousand; number of pages - up to 108 Advertising agency "Da Vinci"General information about the Print+ magazine Structure:Section 1. NewsSection 2. EventsSection 3. Office of the Director (Management in the printing industry).Section 4 (The main section). Print with us ("Prepress", “Classic printing methods", “Digital printing", "Advertising & Industries", " Postpress “)Section 5. The marketing departmentMini-studies and opinion poll on vital topics.Section 6. Supply Department http://printus.com.ua, https://www.facebook.com/groups/poliukr/ Tel: +38 (044) 537 04 52, 537 01 94
Advertising agency "Da Vinci".Print + plan for the 1-st half of 2017) * Additionally presented at the exhibitions Rema Days (06.04-07.04) and "PackExpo" (01.03-03.03.2017) http://printus.com.ua, https://www.facebook.com/groups/poliukr/ Tel: +38 (044) 537 04 52, 537 01 94
Advertising agency "Da Vinci".Print + plan for the 2-nd half of 2017) * Additionally presented at exhibitions Rex (September) http://printus.com.ua, https://www.facebook.com/groups/poliukr/ Tel: +38 (044) 537 04 52, 537 01 94
Advertising agency "Da Vinci".The cost of advertising in publications in euro http://printus.com.ua, https://www.facebook.com/groups/poliukr/ Tel: +38 (044) 537 04 52, 537 01 94
Advertising agency "Da Vinci".Other editions (Directory) Packaging in Ukraine №6: Directory • Content -- a unique database of printing houses and companies providing services for the production of packaging, suppliers of equipment and materials; • release date – March 1; • distribution - specialized exhibitions "PackExpo", Rex, Rema Days, Print + subscribers, mailing to the the key customers which are ordering packaging Directory "Printing industry in Ukraine» №13 • Content -- the only one in Ukraine verified and updated database of printers, suppliers of equipment, paper and printing materials; • release date - the end of September; • release date – September 19 • distribution - specialized exhibitions "PackExpo", Rex, Rema Days, Print + subscribers, subscription agencies, mailing to the key customers which are ordering the printing products (brand owners, retailers etc) http://printus.com.ua, https://www.facebook.com/groups/poliukr/ Tel: +38 (044) 537 04 52, 537 01 94
Advertising agency "Da Vinci".Social network for printers http://printus.com.ua The most popular resource for printers in Ukraine.Anyone can publish articles, announcements, information about the company, and communicate with colleagues.Integration with social networks • Cost of publishing: • article – €200/per month; • banners -- €100-200/per month (depending on place) • paid advertisement -- €50/per month http://printus.com.ua, https://www.facebook.com/groups/poliukr/ Tel: +38 (044) 537 04 52, 537 01 94
Advertising agency "Da Vinci".Other services • Direct mailing • Our strong point – is relevant database of printing houses and advertising agencies • The customer sets the task, and we propose how to solve it. • Industry Researchers: Our editorial staff has experience in several industry studies: • "Analysis of the primary needs of buyers of digital equipment“, "Flexography pre-press peculiarities“, “Paper market features“ and others. • The customer gets the answers to questions and customer database. • Special projects:Official exhibitions’ newspapers Rex • (Accommodation conditions specify at managers) • Complex PR* Publications and inserts in Print + magazine and other media platforms;* Promotion in social networks (Facebook, Vkontakte, Twitter);* writing of PR and SEO-articles, press releases;* distribution of customers’ materials at specialized trade shows http://printus.com.ua, https://www.facebook.com/groups/poliukr/ Tel: +38 (044) 537 04 52, 537 01 94