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Oct. 12, 2009 is Mr. Khatami’s 66 th birthday

Oct. 12, 2009 is Mr. Khatami’s 66 th birthday. His supporters showed up in his office with 66 roses and … an unusual cake. The cake looked more like a page from a book. First, a Close-up of the Roses. The birthday card/cake praised his love of culture, his openness, and his kind smile.

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Oct. 12, 2009 is Mr. Khatami’s 66 th birthday

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Oct. 12, 2009 is Mr. Khatami’s 66th birthday His supporters showed up in his office with 66 roses and … an unusual cake

  2. The cake looked more like a page from a book

  3. First, a Close-up of the Roses

  4. The birthday card/cake praised his love of culture, his openness, and his kind smile

  5. Time to cut the cake!

  6. The calligraphy on the wall is a famous line by the Sufi poet Hafez:“I have not heard a song more melodious than that of love”

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