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SOCIAL MARKETING . UBSUP Social Marketing: Concept Development By the Social Marketing Team 15 th April 2013 (KSMS). UBSUP Social Marketing: Concept Development . What is social marketing?

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  1. SOCIAL MARKETING UBSUP Social Marketing: Concept Development By the Social Marketing Team 15th April 2013 (KSMS)

  2. UBSUP Social Marketing: Concept Development What is social marketing? According to Pamela Mae: “Social Marketing is the process of influencing human behavior on a large scale, using marketing principles for the purpose of societal benefit rather than commercial profit.” Note: Social marketing programmes use data provided by the target audience to set promotional objectives The “Ps” of social marketing: people, place, product, price, participation, promotion, policy, programs, positioning, partnerhips

  3. The key components of UBSUP’s social marketing approach: • Systematic data collection & analysis to develop appropriate marketing strategies • Making toilet designs, emptying services and promoting behavioursthat fit the felt needs of the consumers • Strategic approach to promoting improved sanitation, emptying services & hand washing • Methods for effective distribution of SafiSan toilets; when demand is created at town & area level, consumers know where and how to get the productsand services • Improving the adoption of improved sanitation, emptying services or behaviors and increasing the willingness of consumers to contribute to improved sanitation • Cost effective pricing so that the product & services are affordable

  4. Process of Social Marketing concept development The developement of our social marketing concept and tools was guided by: • Indepth qualitative study in 5 towns & quantitative studies in 11 towns which obtained detailed information of what consumers know, do, and want. These data provided by the target audience defined our SM objectives and concept development • As a result, UBSUP’s social marketing approach was centered on two key processes: • Developing messages that suit target audiences- landlords and household owners • Communicating the messages in ways that are appropriate, attractive, and motivating

  5. UBSUP’s communication strategies include: • Interpersonal communication training: Strengthen the ability of CBOs, FBO and NGO fieldworkers (Animators) to reach potential latrine adopters and to promote sanitation and hygiene • Mass media: Build on existing policies and strengthen government and private-sector capacity for creative presentation of standardized messages • Print media: Develop strategies using print media, e.g. billboards, posters, site-signs, interpersonal support, and other learning materials, manuals and programme guidelines • Community-based media: Use local-level media, e.g. public address systems, and employ traditional, community-based entertainment artists, e.g. popular folk singers, dramatists, etc.

  6. UBSUP social marketing: from macro to micro The right social marketing mixes: People, regions & levels.

  7. Focus of UBSUP’s Social Marketing: The provision of safe sanitation facilities will only improve people’s health if the sanitation facilities are well used & maintained and people have good personal hygiene Accordingly our social marketing strategy will focus on: • Triggering demand for improved sanitation • Increase improved hand washing practices • Encourage proper use and maintenance of toilets through awareness creation & training • Encourage safe and proper disposal of human waste

  8. UBSUP Social Marketing: Levels of Intervention: National-level Messages, Media & Activities: • Radio & television messages (using local and national radio stations) • Newspaper advertisements/announcementsto create awareness about the UBSUP programme (targeting the general public & WSPs) • T-shirts, baseball caps (etc.) to improve UBSUP’s visibility a trigger overall demand for improved sanitation and good hygiene and hand washing practice

  9. UBSUP Social Marketing: Levels of Intervention: Town & WSP-level activities: • Road shows, police band with banners • Sanitation barazas (= public meetings) • Posters, billboards & banners • Brochures • Video presentations • TV & radio messages (using local radio stations) • T-shirts & baseball caps • SMS messaging • Visits to treatment works

  10. UBSUP Social Marketing: Levels of Intervention: Community/area-based activities: • Public announcements • Sanitation barazas • Posters, billboards & banners • Brochures & flyers • Presentations by local experts & opinion leaders • Drama group performances • Radio messages (using local radio stations) • T-shirts and baseball caps • SMS messaging • Visits to treatment works

  11. UBSUP Social marketing: Levels of intervention Plot & household level community/area-based activities: • House visit programmes (1st & 2nd visit) • Brochures & hand-outs • Manual for the Social Animators • Manuals for the beneficiaries • T/shirt & capes for the first 100 adopters of improved sanitation • Hygiene promotion encourages people to adopt safer practices in the household to prevent sanitation-related disease

  12. UBSUP Social Marketing: Levels of Intervention: Key outputs to date: • Mascot, slogan, rider • Posters & banners • Brochures & manuals • Social Animators Hand book • Song & skit • Programmes & public announcements • Baseball cap, t-shirt, sticker • Data collection questionnaire to measure customer satisfaction • Messages for the Chiefs, PHOs & opinion leaders for use in public meetings • Overall programme for community mobilisation • TV commercial (animation)

  13. UBSUP Social marketing: Levels of intervention Under construction: • Toilet application procedures (final draft) • Manuals for the beneficiaries • Scale-model for demonstration • TV & radio advert

  14. Thank You!

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