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Social marketing

Social marketing. Nuriyatul Lailiyah. Defining Social marketing. The used of marketing principles and techniques to influence a target audience to voluntary accept, reject, modify, or abandon a behavior for the benefit of individuals, groups, and society as a whole. Social marketing.

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Social marketing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Social marketing Nuriyatul Lailiyah

  2. Defining Social marketing • The used of marketing principles and techniques to influence a target audience to voluntary accept, reject, modify, or abandon a behavior for the benefit of individuals, groups, and society as a whole

  3. Social marketing • Most often social marketing isu used to influence an audience to change their behavior for the sake of improving health, preventing injuries, protecting the environment, or contributing to the community.

  4. What does social marketer want from target audiences ? • Accept a new behavior • Reject potential behavior • Modify a current behavior • Abandon an old behavior

  5. facts • Behavioral change is voluntary • Social marketers cannot promise a direct benefit or immediate payback in return for a proposed behavior change. • Apply a customer orientation to understand what target audiences currently know, believe, and do.

  6. facts • The process begin with marketing research to understand market segment and each segment’s potential needs, wants, beliefs, problems, concerns, and behaviors. • Marketers then select target market they can best affect and satisfy. • Establish clear objectives and goals. • Use 4 major toolbox in the marketer’s toolbbox: 4P:product, price,place, promotion. (marketing mix)

  7. Divide the market into similar groups (market segment), • measure the relative potential of each segment to meet organizational and marketing objectives • choose one or more segments.

  8. What’s the differences? • Commercial marketing : sell goods and services • Social marketing: sell behavioral change • Commercial: primary aim is financial gain. • Social: individual or society gain Competitors • Commercial: often identified as other organization offering similar goods or services that satisfy similar needs. • Social: competition is most often the current or preferred behavior of the target market and the perceived benefits associated with that behavior.

  9. Social marketing is more difficult than commercial marketing: • Give up an addictive behavior • Change a comfortable lifestyle • Resist peer pressure • Go out of their way • Be uncomfortable (take VCT test) • Establish new habits (excercise 5 days a week) • Spend more money

  10. Be embarrassed • Hear bad news (have your cholesterol tested) • Risk relationship (take keys from a drunk driver) • Give up leisure time (volunteer) • Reduce pleasure (shorter showers) • Give up looking good • Spend more time

  11. Similarity • Customer orientation • Exchange theory is fundamental • Marketing research is used • Audiences are segmented • Marketing mix is applied • Result are measured and use for improvement

  12. Social Issues • Issues related to increasing quality of people’s life. According to the locus: • Global Issues • National Issues • Local Issues

  13. Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga Sumber: Komnas Perempuan (dalam Hasyim dkk, 2:2009)

  14. Kasus kekerasan terhadap perempuan di Jawa Tengah tahun 1999-2008 Sumber: LRC-KJHAM, 2009

  15. Data korban kekerasan terhadap perempuan di Jateng 1999-2008 Sumber: LRC-KJHAM, 2009

  16. Kasus Kekerasan terhadap perempuan di Jateng Nov ‘08 – Okt 2009 Sumber: LRC-KJHAM, 2009

  17. For Improved Health • Tobacco use • 1200 people die by tobacco (Thanks for smoking) • Most of smokers in Indonesia are poor. (LP2K Semarang) • Fruit and vegetables intake • only few Indonesian consume enough fruit and vegetables everyday • Osteoporosis • 3 from 10 people in Indonesia potential in having osteoporosis

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