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Alberta Northern Pintail Banding 2012

Alberta Northern Pintail Banding 2012. Partners: AB NAWMP – CWA – CWS – EC S&T – USFWS – Viterra. Background.

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Alberta Northern Pintail Banding 2012

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  1. Alberta Northern Pintail Banding 2012 Partners: AB NAWMP – CWA – CWS – EC S&T–USFWS – Viterra

  2. Background • Since 2005, Canada shifted its duck banding program to target NOPI instead of Mallards. This shift was to address concerns about population declines of NOPI and to try and improve our understanding of their survival, harvest distribution and demographics. Currently, there is little guidance on NOPI specific banding needs • Rice et al. (2008) determined that banding approximately 1,818 males and 3,881 females annually should provide reasonably precise 3-year average estimates of survival. As such, the prairie Canada banding objective for NOPI in 2012 and moving forward was 6000 banded pintails equally divided among three banding sites.

  3. Banding Locations

  4. Locations Scouted

  5. Banding Effort • With funding from AB NAWMP & California Waterfowl Association (CWA), ad assistance from USFWS, Banding effort was expanded in 2012 to three sites. In order to increase efforts to band NOPI in Alberta, in accordance with the agreement for funds from AB NAWMP, one site was earmarked as an AB site. The other two sites were treated as was done in 2011 with one located in the west (pacific) block of the and one in the east (central) block. • Blocks are predominantly based on band returns from flyways. Ideal banding locations have accessible concentrations of NOPI with few other species. This reduced the likelihood that Teal and Mallards will consume the bait and take over banding sites.

  6. Results • 2012 provided several challenges and banding totalled 2400 NOPI, (below expected given increased effort). With additional knowledge gained this year with unique conditions of low NOPI numbers and an abundance of wetlands, we will use this information to improve our future efforts.

  7. Sullivan Lake had several concentrations of NOPI on trapping sites, but appeared to be feeding on invertebrates. Capture rates reflected their aversion to grain, and as a consequence, traps. Similar troubles plagued Many Island lake Weather also hampered Sullivan lake with frequent severe storms that forced traps to be left open. Sullivan Lake NOPI = 358 MALL = 630 BWTE = 108 Total = 1103 West (Pacific) Block aka Alberta sites Many Island Lake NOPI = 1503 MALL = 491 BWTE = 31 Total = 2030

  8. Summary • AB NAWMP funding facilitated the hiring of 2 banding crew members for 5-weeks. This resulted in the addition of an Alberta banding site for 2012 (N=2), relative to 2011. • Because of this, Alberta representation in prairie NOPI banding efforts was increased for 2012. • NOPI are considered a duck species of greatest management concern and continued elevated banding effort within Alberta will produce representative data to help understand NOPI demographics and guide management

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