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Gra d e 9 S cien c e Unit 1: A t oms, Elements, a n d Co m pounds. Chapter 2: Elements a r e the b uilding b lo c ks o f m a tte r . Elem e nts A pu r e su b stance th a t ca n not be b r o k en d o wn or separ a ted into simpler substa n ce s .
Grade9Science Unit1:Atoms,Elements,andCompounds Chapter2:Elements arethe buildingblocks of matter.
Elements Apuresubstance that cannot bebrokendown or separatedintosimplersubstances. Made up ofonekind ofatom. Morethan 115 elementsknown.
ChemicalSymbols Consistsof one or two Examples: letters. O Au Na = = = Oxygen Gold Sodium
Elementscan be metals, non- metals,or Metals Shiny metalloids Good conductors heatand electricity of Malleable Ductile Usuallysolid
Non-metals Tendto gasesor solids Dull be brittle Poor conductors heatand electricity of Non-malleable andnon- ductile
Metalloids Solids Shinyor dull Mayconductelectricity Poor conductors of heat Non-malleableand non-ductile Properties ofboth metals and non-metals.
Exampleof Elements Hydrogen Iron Oxygen Sodium Common pg. 41-3 Chlorine Mercury Silver Silicon
ThePeriodic Table Organizeselements according theirphysical and chemical properties. Developed by DmitriMendeleev in 1867. to
Mendeleev’s twomain contributions: 1.organizingknownelements accordingtoproperties characteristics 2.recognizingtheneed spacesforelementsnot discovered and toleave yet
Includes theelement’s name, symbol,atomic number and atomic mass.
CompleteActivity 2-2A pg. Rememberthe following... 49 #p+ = atomic # #e- = #p+ #n = atomic mass - #p+
Theperiodictableisorganized into periods andchemical families. Periods:thehorizontalrows Families:thevertical columns Elementsin thesame familyhave similarphysical and chemical properties.
ChemicalFamilies AlkaliMetals: Highly reactivewith halogens Reactivewithoxygenandwater Family 1 Low melting points Soft
AlkalineEarthMetals:Family Lessreactive 2 thealkali metals Produce brightflames Reactwith water Burnin heated air if
Halogens:Family Non-metals Highly reactive 17 http:www.teachers.tv/video/3518
NobelGases: Verystable Un-reactive Allgases Family 18
TransitionMetals Found atthe centreof the periodictable Complexarrangement ofelectrons Three are magnetic;Fe, Coand Ni
Familiesof thePeriodicTable
The Periodic Tableand the Atomic Theory Nucleus 2e- 8e- 8e- 18e-
Energylevels=2 Valence Valence energy level = 2 electron = 2 Beryllium
DrawingAtomic Diagrams… Assignment
Mostelementsin thesame familyhavethesame#of valenceelectrons (# of electrons in theoutermost energylevel). Theperiod # = the# of energy levels. Thevalenceshellof the noble gasesisFULL;thereforestable.
Gaining orlosing electrons will allowatomsto achieveakind ofstability.Metals willloseelectrons whilenon-metals will gainthem.