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Communications Tools to Guide Your College Through Q2S

Communications Tools to Guide Your College Through Q2S. Q2S Communications Plan. Internal Website Live now. External Website Version 1: Live June 2010 . Video Messaging In production now for external site. Social Media Mid-summer 2010. Banner Ads for College Web Sites Mid-summer 2010.

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Communications Tools to Guide Your College Through Q2S

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Communications Tools to Guide Your College Through Q2S Q2S Communications Plan

  2. Internal Website Live now

  3. External Website Version 1: Live June 2010

  4. Video Messaging In production now for external site

  5. Social Media Mid-summer 2010

  6. Banner Ads for College Web Sites Mid-summer 2010

  7. Enewsletter Platform Issue 1 (internal): On proof Issue 2 (internal): Mid- summer 2010 Issue 3 (external): Mid-summer 2010 Subsequent Issues: Monthly or as needed

  8. Key Message Points Complete; Available on www.TCSGSemester411.com

  9. PowerPoint Templates Complete; Available on www.TCSGSemester411.com

  10. Comprehensive FAQs Complete; Available on www.TCSGSemester411.com Updated as needed

  11. Catalog Insert Complete; Available on www.TCSGSemester411.com

  12. Print Ads June 2010

  13. Posters June 2010

  14. Other Communications Tools Planned • Press Kit & Media Messaging: Mid-summer 2010 • Podcast Q & A: Late summer 2010 • Quick Facts Guide: Mid-summer 2010 • Conversion Guidebook: Late summer 2010 • Academic Calendars: Mid-summer 2010 • Direct Mail Student Letters: Late summer 2010

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