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Maximizing Impact: Social Psychology in Public Policy

Explore how beliefs influence client services, funding decisions, and legislative processes. Learn about upstream and downstream approaches for change in social systems. Take action to address the current budget crisis effectively.

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Maximizing Impact: Social Psychology in Public Policy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Public Policy Implications Why Social Psychology Matters

  2. Impact on Client Services • In your agency • Services are developed based on beliefs about how to improve quality of life and how to influence people. • Within systems, like DSHS or DOC • Policies and funding decisions are made based on beliefs about how to effectively influence people. • In the legislative process • Laws and budgets are supported or opposed based on social cognition patterns and responses other than those related to the topic.

  3. Ecological Systems Theory • Map out a client’s life - http://www.plymouthhousing.org/who-we-serve/videos/ • Micro • Meso • Exo • Macro

  4. Upstream Approaches • An approach that changes the context in which a behavior occurs in order to support individual change. • These are changes made to the exo and macro systems. • These changes make it easier for individuals to change their behavior. • What are some upstream approaches that will make it easier for these clients to make positive change?

  5. Downstream Approaches • Attempts to directly influence individual decision making. • Focus on the individual and possibly the micro system. • What did clients refer to that reflect downstream approaches?

  6. The current budget situation • 5.7 billion dollar deficit • Recession – high unemployment = reduced tax revenues • Failure of I-1098 • Repeal of I-1107 (candy/water/pop/gum tax) • Passage of I-1053 (2/3 vote to increase taxes) • No more federal stimulus money

  7. Cuts, cuts, cuts! • Eliminate GAU (Disability Lifeline) • Eliminate Children’s Health Program • Reduce funding for mental health • Reduce funding at universities • Eliminate medical interpreters for medicaid patients • Close McNeil Island • Reduce drug/alcohol outpatient tx

  8. Taking Action – Why do you? Why don’t you? Consider taking action in regard to the budget - contact a lawmaker, speak to others about what you know, contribute money. Think, pair and share - What are two reasons you do take action and the two reasons why you don’t.

  9. Downstream Approaches? • Have you watch Plymouth Housing videos • Teach you how to lobby. • What else could I do to convince you to take action?

  10. Upstream Approaches • Agency policies that allocate time for advocacy • Easy to use legislative hotline: 1-800-562-6000 • What would make it easier for you?

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