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Explore the Phong and Gouraud shading techniques, BRDF properties, and how lighting affects surface appearances in computer graphics. Learn about specular reflections, surface roughness, and measuring reflectance for accurate rendering.
Shading / Light Thanks to Srinivas Narasimhan, Langer-Zucker, Henrik Wann Jensen, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Hanrahan, Preetham
Phong Illumination Model See Shirley, Ch 10 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phong_shading
Key: What is interpolated when shading a triangle? Phong vs. Gouraud Shading See Shirley, Ch 10 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gouraud_shading
A more general illumination function is needed to capture the appearance of real-world objects
BRDF: Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function source z incident direction viewing direction normal y surface element x Irradiance at Surface in direction Radiance of Surface in direction BRDF :
Important Properties of BRDFs source z incident direction viewing direction normal y surface element x • Rotational Symmetry: Appearance does not change when surface is rotated about the normal. BRDF is only a function of 3 variables : • Helmholtz Reciprocity: (follows from 2nd Law of Thermodynamics) Appearance does not change when source and viewing directions are swapped.
Rendered Sphere with Lambertian BRDF • Edges are dark (N.S = 0) when lit head-on • See shading effects clearly.
Specular Reflection and Mirror BRDF source intensity I specular/mirror direction incident direction normal viewing direction surface element • Very smooth surface. • All incident light energy reflected in a SINGLE direction. (only when = )
Specular Reflections in Nature It's surprising how long the reflections are when viewed sitting on the river bank. Compare sizes of objects and their reflections! The reflections when seen from a lower view point are always longer than when viewed from a higher view point.
Glossy Surfaces • Delta Function too harsh a BRDF model (valid only for highly polished mirrors and metals). • Many glossy surfaces show broader highlights in addition to mirror reflection. • Surfaces are not perfectly smooth – they show micro-surface geometry (roughness).
Roughness Blurred Highlights and Surface Roughness
Phong Examples • These spheres illustrate results from our simple Phong Illumination model as lighting direction and nshiny are varied:
Those Were the Days • “In trying to improve the quality of the synthetic images, we do not expect to be able to display the object exactly as it would appear in reality, with texture, overcast shadows, etc. We hope only to display an image that approximates the real object closely enough to provide a certain degree of realism.” – Bui Tuong Phong, 1975
With Fresnel Reflectance Without Fresnel Reflectance http://www.graphics.cornell.edu/~westin/misc/fresnel.html
Why does the Full Moon have a flat appearance? • The moon appears matte (or diffuse) • But still, edges of the moon look bright (not close to zero) when illuminated by earth’s radiance.
Why does the Full Moon have a flat appearance? Lambertian Spheres and Moon Photos illuminated similarly
Surface Roughness Causes Flat Appearance Actual Vase Lambertian Vase
Rendered Sphere with Lambertian BRDF • Edges are dark (N.S = 0) when lit head-on • See shading effects clearly.
Surface Roughness Causes Flat Appearance Increasing surface roughness Lambertian model Valid for only SMOOTH MATTE surfaces. Bad for ROUGH MATTE surfaces.
Modeling Rough Surfaces - Microfacets • Roughness simulated by Symmetric V-groves at Microscopic level. • Distribution on the slopes of the V-grove faces are modeled. • Each microfacet assumed to behave like a perfect lambertian surface. • For more information, look into the Oren-Nayar Model
Why bother modeling BRDFs?Why not directly measure BRDFs? Measuring BRDFs • True knowledge of surface properties • Accurate models for graphics
Measuring BRDFs • A full BRDF is 4-dimensional • Simpler measurements (0D/1D/2D/3D) often useful • Lets start with simplest and get more complex
Measuring Reflectance 0º/45º Diffuse Measurement 45º/45º Specular Measurement
Gloss Measurements • Standardized for applications such as paint manufacturing • Example: “contrast gloss” is essentially ratio of specular to diffuse • “Sheen” is specular measurement at 85°
Gloss Measurements • “Haze” and “distinctness of image” are measurements of width of specular peak
Gonioreflectometers • Three degrees of freedom spread among light source, detector, and/or sample • Can add fourth degree of freedom to measure anisotropic BRDFs
Image-Based BRDF Measurement • Reduce acquisition time by obtaining larger (e.g. 2-D) slices of BRDF at once • Idea: Camera can acquire 2D image • Requires mapping of angles of light to camera pixels
Looking ahead – Real objects have texture!
Practice Problems Sketch a picture of what you think the BRDF might look like for a single incoming light direction and a particular surface. Please assume an incoming light direction 45 degrees from the surface normal. Assume a surface with both diffuse color and highlights, e.g. a green pepper. Write notes to explain your sketch. Are there types of materials for which a constant is acceptable as a BRDF? What would such a surface look like?
Practice Problems Describe an experiment to measure the BRDF that you sketched for the problem on the previous slide. What data structure would you use to store such a BRDF? Are there types of materials for which a one-dimensional function is acceptable as a BRDF? a two-dimensional function? a three-dimensional function? When do you need all four parameters to represent the BRDF adequately? When might you need five dimensions instead of four?