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House Local Government Committee

House Local Government Committee. Elizabeth Wefel January 23, 2018. CGMC’s Mission. The CGMC is dedicated to a strong Greater Minnesota. Our mission is to develop viable, progressive communities for businesses and families through strong economic growth and good local government.

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House Local Government Committee

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Presentation Transcript

  1. House Local Government Committee Elizabeth Wefel January 23, 2018

  2. CGMC’s Mission The CGMC is dedicated to a strong Greater Minnesota. Our mission is to develop viable, progressive communities for businesses and families through strong economic growth and good local government. To meet that goal, we support fair property taxes, good land use planning, sensible environmental regulation, a balanced transportation system, and effective economic development tools.

  3. CGMC Represents 97 Cities Across the State • LGA/Property Taxes • Economic Development • Annexation and Land Use • Transportation • Environmental Regulation

  4. CGMC Structure • CGMC members set legislative priorities and positions • CGMC Board, with input from membership, directs work of the lobbying team • The law firm of Flaherty & Hood, P.A. does the legislative advocacy and organizational management for the CGMC • CGMC has no staff of its own

  5. CGMC and LMC • LMC works on behalf of all cities in Minnesota and therefore can’t weigh in on issues that impact regions differently • CGMC works exclusively for Greater Minnesota on issues that have a more significant impact on rural cities • CGMC works cooperatively with LMC, Metro Cities, and other Local Government Groups often

  6. What CGMC does at the Legislature • Research issues • Initiate legislation • Gather support • Lobby, Lobby, Lobby! • Connect city officials to their legislators on the issues • Advocate through the media • Provide updates and “action alerts” to members

  7. Intersection with local government • On many issues the committee faces, LMC advocates on behalf of all cities. • CGMC is most active on land use and annexation related issues

  8. Annexation = Good Land Use Policy • Process by which Minnesota’s land use goals are achieved • Policy recognizes that sound urban development and preservation of agricultural land and open spaces essential to economic growth • City government best for intensely developed land. Townships best for ag, open space and rural

  9. Annexation = Good Land Use Policy • Why annexation? • Promote efficient government • Promote fair distribution of property tax burdens • Protect the environment, including our water • Preserve agricultural land and open space • Help the state meet CO2 reduction goals • Countless examples of how annexation protects environment and promotes economic growth • Detroit Lakes, Winona, Austin, Staples

  10. Annexation – The Basic Types • Annexation by Ordinance • City passes ordinance declaring land that is urban/suburban in character to be annexed if certain criteria met • Orderly Annexation (annexation by agreement) • City & township agree in advance for triggers and process • Contested Case Annexation • Petition to Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) from city, township, property owners, or another combination • Since 2013, 133 Annexation by Ordinance filed and 126 Orderly Annexations

  11. Annexation & Local Government Committee • Changing the annexation laws is contentious • Best approach to legislation is achieving agreement between cities and townships • Without agreement, it’s winners and losers in a zero sum game. • Current system could use tweaking, but needs to be mutually acceptable

  12. www.greatermncities.org THANK YOU!

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