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INFORMATION PACK. RADIO FORTH. Radio Forth now delivers a market share of 20.8% Forth One adds 69,000 listeners year on year, bringing its weekly reach to 341,000 Forth 2 now delivers 89,000 listeners each week and 447 000 hours Forth One increase total hours by 35.5% year on year
RADIO FORTH • Radio Forth now delivers a market share of 20.8% • Forth One adds 69,000 listeners year on year, bringing its weekly reach to 341,000 • Forth 2 now delivers 89,000 listeners each week and 447 000 hours • Forth One increase total hours by 35.5% year on year • Forth One is market leader across all radio with a market share of 18.4% • Forth One delivers 109,000 more listeners than Real Radio • Forth One delivers 148,000 more listeners than Capital FM • Boogie In The Morning adds on 45,000 listeners and increases hours by 43.8% year on year • Boogie In The Morning has 106,000 more listeners & 661,000 more hours than Real Radio, its closest commercial competitor • Boogie In The Morning leads Breakfast listening across Edinburgh, The Lothians & Fife with a market share of 23.1% Source: RAJAR 2011 Q4 based on the Forth 1TSA Radio Forth combined 1 and 2
The Station The premier radio station for Scotland’s capital city & surrounding areas. Playing ‘More Hit Music’; Forth One has an integral role in the life of our listener. We provide first class entertainment, up to date information, creativity and most importantly LOCALNESS. Primarily targeting 25-44 year olds and home to the market leading ‘Boogie in the Morning’. Forth 2 plays ‘One Great Song after Another’ with a heritage personality line up led by Bob Malcolm at breakfast. Forth 2 reflects the area for the over 40s with a strong flavour of news and information as well as local, national and international guests..
Radio Forth – The Area • adult population 1,107,000 • men 518,000 • women 589,000 • children (10-14) 76,000 Source: RAJAR 6 months ending 1st April 2012
Competitors Source RAJAR period ending 1st April 2012 N.B. Radio Forth is made up of Forth One (FM) and Forth 2 (AM)
Total Radio Forth Source RAJAR period ending 1st April 2012 N.B. Radio Forth is made up of Forth One (FM) and Forth 2 (AM)
Radio Forth – Listening by Age 15+ 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+ Population (000s) 1107 154 181 173 199 400 Weekly Reach (000s) 378 54 69 86 86 61 Percentage Reach % 33% 36% 42% 42% 40% 20% Average Hours Listening 10.4 3.9 9.8 10.9 12.4 12.4 4 Week Reach 546 84 100 118 119 121 Percentage Reach % 49% 55% 55% 68% 60% 30% Source: RAJAR 6 months ending 1st April 2012 N.B. Radio Forth is made up of Forth One (FM) and Forth 2 (AM)
abc1 c2de women 15+ men 15+ 480 629 589 518 232 146 144 234 37% 30% 28% 40% 8.6 13.2 9.8 10.7 335 211 332 213 53% 44% 41% 56% Radio Forth – Male/Female & Social Profile Population (000s) Weekly Reach (000s) Percentage Reach % Average Hours Listening 4 Week Reach Percentage Reach % Source: RAJAR 6 months ending 1st April 2012 N.B. Radio Forth is made up of Forth One (FM) and Forth 2 (AM)
Capital FM East Radio Forth Real Reach (000s) 378 232 178 Reach % 34% 21% 16% Total Hours (000s) 3921 1729 1087 Average Hours Listening 10.4 7.5 6.1 Market Share 20.3% 9.0% 5.6% Radio Forth – Competitors in Forth’s TSA 272,000 Radio Forth listeners DO NOT listen to Real Radio 261,000 Forth One listeners DO NOT listen to Capital FM Source: RAJAR 6 months ending 1st April 20121 Base Forth TSA: N.B. Radio Forth is made up of Forth One (FM) and Forth 2 (AM) Real and Capital FM do not cover the whole of the TSA
Forth One Source RAJAR period ending 1st April 2012 N.B. Radio Forth is made up of Forth One (FM) and Forth 2 (AM)
Creative Services • Our creative specialists have extensive experience of working with a wide range of clients • Our commercials are creative, entertaining, high-quality and produce maximum results for the advertiser
Promotions • Promotions are in effect competitions specifically designed to bring an advertisers product/s to life whilst rewarding the listener and making entertaining radio. • The Radio Forth promotions team will create innovative ideas for your company that will not only benefit the listeners, but also for you as a company. • Promotions can not only generate awareness but can also create on-line opportunities to run alongside your radio promotion which can include data capture all designed to promote your business.
Sponsorship • The best form of advertising they say is word of mouth and that’s exactly how sponsorship works on radio, but at a much faster pace. It gives advertisers the opportunity to get their branding message as a stand alone credit within a show which reduces the chance of clashing with other advertisers. • Radio Forth offers many sponsorship opportunities, from show sponsorships, to information features and coupled with on-line sponsorship the Radio Forth team will identify the package/s that are right for your business.
Forth Online Forth Online is the online proposition for Forth One and Forth 2. As well as offering visitors information on the station, music and presenters, the sites provide all the latest local, national and international news updated by Forth News plus essential local information updates on travel, weather and sport. Visitors are also given many chances to win with great competitions and we're immersed in our local area with a comprehensive 'Near You' section. We strive to provide plenty ‘sticky' content through the use of galleries, videos and opportunities to listen again.
Forth Online Figures Over the last 6 months, we have had an average of 607,648 page impressions a month by 135,793 unique users spending an average of 13.2 minutes on our sites Throughout the winter weather forthone.com was the premier resource for information during the bad weather. Councils, transport agencies and providers as well as other media organisations were advising people to visit our sites for updates.
One Size Doesn’t Fit All We don’t believe that an ‘off the shelf” campaign works for each client and we love to tailor your online advertising solution to your specific needs, objectives and, of course, budget. An online campaign sits nicely alongside any/all your other advertising strategy. For clients, we provide a bespoke online advertising solutions ranging from simple display and directional media, through to feature page advertorials and competitions and even viral videos, email shot campaigns and a social networking strategy.
Online Opportunities Just some of the online opportunities that are available to you include Directional Media Your logo/artwork would appear on the site with a click through to your site. There are 3 variations: Banner, MPU, Skyscaper This is available on the Homepage or through-out the rest of the site (or both) Sponsorship Sponsorship of a existing or new area (eg Galleries, Near You, Win, Newsletter) includes logo, artwork and links to your site. Price is dependent on area of sponsorship and length of campaign Feature Page Advertorial A page or sectional will be created for your campaign and will include any copy, logo, artwork and pictures. Competitions and chances to win often increase the number of visitors your page and there is an opportunity for data capture Additional extras include video, downloadable vouchers or social network strategy • Forth One and Forth2 VIP Club Mailout • Inclusion • Prominent feature in our monthly Newsletter email and would include copy, artwork or images and click thru • Solus • - Similar to an inclusion but with a Solus Campaign you will be the only message within the email
6 2 5 4 3 1 7 5 4 3 6 1 7 2 Feature Page (with competition) Feature pages are copy led pages featuring approximately 500 words and pictures to punctuate the article. DIRECTIONAL MEDIABanner Imagery DIRECTIONAL MEDIAMPU Brand logos and livery are always included in article pages to establish brand awareness. Key Messages DIRECTIONAL MEDIASkyscraper Article pages are predominantly copy led creative solutions. 250 – 500 words should focus on your key messages. Win Mechanic Online winning mechanic always sits at the end of article. Custom Forms These entry forms permit the inclusion of question fields, opt in fields and demographic data capture.
VIP Club Our VIP Listener Club has a membership of over 42,700 people and growing all the time. Our club consists of people who have actively signed up to receive information, updates and offers from us. It is through this database that we first launch our fantastic station events like Boogie on the Boat, The Radio Forth Awards and Jingle Ball. This breeds loyalty to the station and the club and offers you the opportunity to market directly to our highest affinity group.