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Church Information Pack. Welcome. Thank you for your interest in the Pais Project schools outreach partnership. Our goal is to equip churches with schools-work specialists who will represent their church in the local schools.
Welcome Thank you for your interest in the Pais Project schools outreach partnership. Our goal is to equip churches with schools-work specialists who will represent their church in the local schools. This pack provides a brief glimpse of a Pais partnership, including what we can offer your church and what commitments we are looking for. To find more detailed information on Pais, our goals, our strategies, and recommendations from other partners, schools, and churches, please visit our website at www.paisproject.com If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at our National Offices. Blessings, Rebecca Bailey National Director t: 778.829.1707 e: canada@paisproject.com
What We offer A Pais partnership provides… a practical resource for reaching into the community. We aim to establish long-term connections between your church and the schools around you. Pais interns build relationships with students, school staff and administration, as well as parents. • Pais interns will represent your church in the local schools in a professional and godly way, using tried and tested strategies that have been refined over the past 15 years. • Pais has a track record of creating long-term sustainable impact on the local area bringing the church to the community in new and relevant ways. • Pais interns offer the local schools a wide variety of • services, some of which include: • # tutoring and classroom support • # help with extra-curricular activities • # workshops on self-esteem, anti-bullying, etc • (all developed with the Provincial Learning Objectives)
HOW PAIS WORKS We provide churches with young adult interns who help in the existing church ministry, and help connect the church with the local schools. Pais interns are highly-trained schools workers, with a kingdom mindset! You can expect our interns to be servant-hearted, well-equipped, and passionate. Pais interns are based in a church for one academic year and are wholly involved in the life of the church, becoming a part of the church leadership team, and church family at large. They attend weekly services, help lead the youth group, and are weekly in the schools of the community on behalf of their partner church. Pais interns will also help mentor and train the youth in your church to reach out to their peers at school, and will help them develop bible studies, discussion groups, social action clubs in order to be an active witness in their school to their fellow classmates.
Our Track Record Pais started in 1992 in Manchester, England. We began with the vision for one team in one city, equipping local churches to reach nearby schools. As our credibility grew, so did the requests for expansion. Soon, churches all over the UK were asking for teams in their area. By 2001, we had over 100 interns working in 20 cities across Britain. In 2002, we launched our first international expansion, in Texas, USA. Since then we have continued to expand, and currently have departments in six nations. We launched in Canada in 2004, in Vancouver, and now have four teams running in the Greater Vancouver area, and we were named one of the two top “Outstanding Youth Organizations” by the City of Vancouver in 2007. This coming August (2008) will see the launch of a department in Calgary.
Our Staff Pais:Global The Pais Project Global Department oversees each of the Pais departments across the world. It is run by Pastor Paul Gibbs, from England, who originally founded the Project in 1992. He currently resides in Dallas, Texas, which is the location of our International Headquarters. Pais:Canada Our Canada department is run by Rebecca Bailey, who has worked for Pais since 2001. Rebecca, who is from Kamloops, BC, pioneered the Canadian department and currently lives in Vancouver, BC, which is the location of the Pais:Canada headquarters. Rebecca has recently been named one of the top 35 Canadian Christian Leaders under 35 (more info at www.35under35.ca ) Pais:Calgary Our Calgary launch will be led by Adam Waldolf (originally from Calgary), who has worked for Pais since 2006. He will be assisted by Jenna Lockwood from North Vancouver who has also worked for Pais since 2006.
What Others are saying “The uniqueness of PAIS workers is that they are each based in a local church (as youth leaders) so there is a natural link between the relationships they build with the kids in schools and the churches in the community. The other unique thing is that the schools are welcoming the well trained PAIS workers with open arms, because their objective is to serve the schools. This allows them to build really strong relationships with students, teachers and families and to speak into their lives with the love of Christ.” -Sally Start, Alpha Canada National Director “I am highly impressed with the leadership of PAIS, and the quality of PAIS workers in our church. They have gained much credibility in the community by serving and meeting practical needs in our local schools, while at the same time, being fully immersed and committed to our local church community and vision. They carry a passion and mission that is exciting and contagious, and have laid down their lives for our teens.” -Pastor Gordie Lagore, Vancouver Eastside Vineyard "We find it a real blessing to be a partner church with PAIS. We are very impressed with the high quality and commitment of the PAIS leaders and interns." -Rev. Ed Hird, St. Simons ACiC Church, North Vancouver
What schools are saying “The [Pais] instructors were always on time, were well prepared and delivered their lessons in a professional manner. I have no hesitation in recommending PAIS as a good community partner…” -John Mullan Community School Coordinator, Tupper Family of Schools, Vancouver “PAIS volunteers have shown enthusiasm, punctuality, and have been great leaders and mentors to the children and youth in the Woodland-Grandview area. It has been wonderful having them as volunteers…” -Jennifer Wesman Coordinator of Volunteers, Britannia Elementary and Britannia High School, Vancouver “I trust that the relationship we have forged with the Pais Project will continue for many years to come. These young people have been shining role models for our students over the past two years we have been involved.” -Sandra Phillips Principal, Sir Richard McBride Elementary School, Vancouver
What We ARE looking for Could Pais help your church? Here are the questions to ask: # Do you have a vibrant and growing youth ministry? Pais is designed to supplement existing youth ministries. Our strategy to impact local schools is dependant upon our partner churches having a solid youth ministry to plug new students into. Churches are required to have an established youth ministry leadership team and program already running. Pais interns support this leadership team, and help train them in schools work. # Is your church able to sustain Pais interns? Please see the next page for associated costs, etc. # Does your church have a passion to reach and impact the local public schools? Pais is designed to help churches effectively connect with their local schools, and this is dependant upon a growing passion within the church leadership and congregation to reach into the community to un-churched youth.
What are the Costs? • Annual costs to the Pais Project: • It costs us approx. $8,500/intern to effectively • run the Pais Project. However, we are committed • to raising the majority of these funds from outside • sources, to more effectively equip churches. • Annual costs to your church: • Pais charges $2,500/per intern. You will also be required to provide the following: • Ministry expenses: Any other youth ministry expenses you may incur, including, but not limited to: transportation of interns for youth functions, normal church and youth ministry activity costs, etc. This figure remains up to your discretion, depending on the needs you assess. 2. Accommodation: Your church must provide a home-stay room and board arrangement with a church family, free of charge to each intern. Interns may be moved up to three times in a year if necessary.
More Info Interested? Please contact us to book a meeting, or to see if there are any upcoming informational presentations in your area: Pais:Canada HQ 11 West 10th AvenueVancouver, BC, CanadaV5Y 1R5 t: 778.829.1707 e: canada@paisproject.com w: www.paisproject.com
Paul Gibbs Pais:Global Director Biography
Early career Paul Gibbs is the Global Director of Pais. He is 42 years old, he is married to Lynn and has two boys, Joel (12) and Levi (10). Paul is from Manchester, England and recently moved to Fort Worth, Texas. Paul’s early career was in retail management but was then called to full-time ministry in 1987. He pioneered openings into schools in Manchester on behalf of various churches at the same time as being an associate minister. In September 1992, Paul founded The Pais Project an inter-denominational youth and schools ministry, initially this was a vision for one team of Gap Year students to minister in schools in North Manchester. Now, thirteen years later, the project has over one hundred full-time staff and volunteers and has offices and teams throughout England, Wales, Northern Ireland, USA, and Germany, Canada, and most recently, Thailand. More can be found out about the project at www.paisproject.com In the mid 90’s, Paul became a Director with Youth Alive, the National Youth Department of the Assemblies of God in Britain and Northern Ireland. In this time he pioneered ‘Youthlink’ a national training curriculum and helped with various other projects including the largest annual one-day youth festival in England (secular or religious). The Youth Alive website is www.youthaliveuk.com
Church leadership In 2000, Paul became the Senior Minister at thefaithworks in Failsworth (Manchester), a growing church that has partnered with the Message Trust and is planting an Eden Project. This project encourages Christians to move into a difficult area close to the church and provide dynamic spiritual and social aid. More information on thefaithworks can be found at www.thefaithworks.co.uk In 2004 Paul has launched his own Mentoring Academy. It’s aim is to help other pioneers and passionate Christians achieve their God given goals! The web site address is www.paul-gibbs.info. In October 2005, Paul moved to Fort Worth, Texas, where he is currently the Associate Pastor at Pantego Bible Church He serves on the church Senior Leadership Team and is overseeing the repurposing of their Student Ministry into the community. Pantego’s church website is www.pantego.org Paul’s personal ministry has also expanded with his experience and he has gained international recognition within Christian circles for mentoring and training young leaders. He speaks at various Bible Colleges in the US and oversees, including Southwestern Seminary [Texas], Mattersey Bible College [UK], and Nazarene Theological College [UK]. Paul teaches particularly on the subject of pioneering, post-modernism, recruitment and leadership. His favourite subject being the Kingdom of God. Courses that he has written for seminaries such as the one at Southwestern include ‘New Essentials in Ministry’. Paul is also a popular speaker at churches and events.
Testimonials Pastor "Paul is a generous, passionate and creative man who is using his many talents in reaching people for Christ, and in training and discipline young men and women for Christian service. I highly commend him to you." David Shearman, Senior Pastor at Christian Centre Church, Nottingham, www.christian-centre.org Evangelist “Paul is an inspirational man of God who is gifted and committed to teaching, training and developing leaders. I highly recommend his Academy and know it will produce passionate, equipped, thriving people after God's own heart." Andy Hawthorne, The Message Trust, www.message.org.uk Denomination Leader “Mentoring is one of the 'gaps' that have been missing from the Church for centuries. Paul's Mentoring Academy provides an excellent, structured and practical programme for mentoring to be delivered to the Church. I strongly recommend this material to all leaders." Paul Weaver, AOG General Superintendent, www.aog.org.uk