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Les articles indéfinis. Grammaire. A. Révisez … les articles définis en français sont :. le stylo la table l’ agrafeuse les crayons These articles are equivalent to the word the in English. B. L’article indéfini (The indefinite article).
Les articles indéfinis Grammaire
A. Révisez… les articles définis en françaissont: lestylola table l’agrafeuseles crayons These articles are equivalent to the word the in English.
B. L’articleindéfini (The indefinite article) • In French, there are two (2) ways to say a or an before a noun.
1. un – masculine/singular • Ex. – unvélo • Ex. – unstylo
2.une – feminine/singular • Ex. - unefille • Ex. - uneagrafeuse
In French, there is only one (1) way to say some before a noun…
3. des – plural nouns (regardless of their gender) • Ex. – desfeutres • Ex. – desaffiches *NOTE – There is a liaison after des when the next word begins with a vowel…{dezaffiches}
C. Which article will I use for words that begin with a vowel sound? • For indefinite articles, you will do nothingspecial for words that begin with a vowel sound. • Knowing a word’s gender will be critical for all singular nouns when using the indefinite article. • Apply the “ends in –e rule,” but memorize any exceptions. Ex. – frère (brother)
E. Essayez…identifiez la formeconvenable de l’articleindéfini! • (You try…identify the correct form of the indefinite article!)
1. des escargots (some snails – MMM!)
2. unvélo (a bike)
3. une glace (an ice cream)
desclasseurs (some binders)
un sac à dos (a backpack)
unecalculatrice (a calculator)