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Current EMEP and GAW activities in Bulgaria

Explore the collaboration between NIMH, EMEP, and GAW in air pollution modeling studies in Bulgaria. Learn about monitoring, modeling systems, data analysis, and research collaborations in Southeastern Europe.

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Current EMEP and GAW activities in Bulgaria

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  1. Current EMEP and GAW activities in Bulgaria EkaterinaBatchvarova

  2. In kind contribution to EMEP – 1990s • NIMH was collaborating with the EMEP-EAST center and conducted modelling studies • - parameterization schemes (ABL, deposition) • - numerical schemes • - modelling for the area of Southeastern Europe • These studies were led by Prof. Dimiter Syrakov The Ministry of Environment has started background monitoring at the synoptic station of NIMH at the top Rojen in Rhodope mountain

  3. At NIMH During the period 2000 - 2008 The FP6 BULAIR capacity building project coordinated by Prof. DimiterSyrakov made possible the implementation of the Models-3 system at NIMH A NATO SfP grant at the Institute of Geophysics as Bulgarian partner and lead by Aristotles University – Prof. DimitriosMelas and further Bulgarian Greek collaboration based on transboundary air pollution studies between the countries

  4. At NIMH after 2008 Participation in the COST action on Chemical Weather and a corresponding national funded project resulted in an operational ozone forecasting system at NIMH – prof. Dimiter Syrakov A bilateral cooperation with Roshydromet started measuring campaign at the second background station of NIMH – Ahtopol Sodar, sonic, ozone for the moment

  5. At MOEW - Rojen Difficult to follow responsible staff changes Data are public since 2010 NIMH had solar and precipitation measurements but the laboratories did not meet the requirements to analyze chemical composition of precipitation

  6. Study area, instruments and data Location of the Meteorological Observatory of Ahtopol(60 km south-east of Burgas) and Google map of the region

  7. Study area, instruments and data Sonic and solar radiation at 4.5 m; Air temperature and the humidity at 2 m in a thermometer screen Ozone measurements since July 2011 Scintec Flat Array middle range instrument (MFAS) with frequency range 1650 – 2750 Hz. Setup in summer 2008: 47 levels from 30 to 500 m with resol. 10 m.

  8. Measurements and Analysis Wind speed (a); wind direction (b); air temperature (c); relative humidity (d); st. dev. ac. temp.(e); glob. solar radiation (f); st. dev. vert. wind sp. (g); st. dev. wind dir. (h); friction velocity (i); and sensible heat flux (j) on 2 August 2008 (black solid lines); 6 August (red dashed lines); 5 August 2008 (dark blue solid lines); 5 September 2008 (orange dashed lines).

  9. Classification of sea breeze types

  10. Analysis charts from UK Met Office archive (2008) at 00 UTC 2 August 2008 (a) No sea breeze, large scale forcing 6 August (c) Interaction large-local scale weather forcing 5 August 2008 (b) Clear sea breeze front in the morning weaker in afternoon and some gradual change 5 September 2008 (d) Sea breeze at Ahtopol - very similar to 5 Aug

  11. Sodar data on clear sea breeze days

  12. Sodar data on days when sea breeze develops in interaction with a large scale process – gradual change of sea breeze direction throughout the day

  13. Further analysis in 2009 from sonic data

  14. Wind direction 25 June 2009 (a) – a sea breeze front in the morning and in the afternoon 7 July 2009 (b) – a sea reeze front only in the morning 1 July 2009 (c) – gradual change of wind direction throughout the day

  15. June 25 and July 07 2009

  16. Further analysis of sodar data in 2009 7 May 2009 Example of closed sea breeze circulation – reverse flow aloft and a zone of weaker winds Plans: Mesoscalemodelling and comparisons with data for case studies and from a climate run Ozone measurements at a Black Sea coastal site since summer 2011

  17. Acknowledgements A research collaboration between the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (NIMH-BAS) and the Research and Production Association (RPA) “Typhoon” - Russian Federal Service on Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet). The contribution of E. Batchvarova is also supported by the Danish Research Agency Strategic Research Council (Sagsnr. 2104-08-0025) “Tall wind project” and the EU FP7-People-IEF VSABLA (PIEF-GA-2009-237471). The work is also related to COST Actions ES0702 (EG-CLIMET) and ES1002 (WIRE).

  18. Thankyou for your attention

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