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Cycling. This Way. The _______ cheered for their team. b) adept. c) spectators. d ) demonstration. a ) collective. Keep on Going. spectators – noun – people who observe. This Way. You Blew It Try Again. It’s a thrill when scientists prove a new theory in a ________.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cycling This Way

  2. The _______ cheered for their team. b) adept c) spectators d) demonstration a) collective

  3. Keep on Going spectators – noun – people who observe This Way

  4. You Blew It Try Again

  5. It’s a thrill when scientists prove a new theory in a ________. c) demonstration b) spectators a) adept d) prominent

  6. Keep on Going demonstration– noun – something that proves clearly; an explaining or showing by the use of visible examples. This Way

  7. Mr. Rodriguez and Mrs. Johnson are _______community leaders b) demonstration c) prominent d) luxury a) spectators

  8. Keep on Going prominent– adjective – well-known or important; very noticeable This Way

  9. A yacht is a _______ that most of us cannot afford. b) prominent c) luxury d) prevail a) demonstration

  10. Keep on Going luxury– noun – something that adds to a person’s comfort or pleasure but is not really necessary This Way

  11. We must try to ______ over everyday obstacles. b) prevail c) maneuvered d) collective a) luxury

  12. Keep on Going prevail – verb – to be greater in power or influence; triumph or succeed This Way

  13. Jackson _____ the large boat skillfully past the smaller ones. b) luxury c) prevail d) maneuvered a) prominent

  14. Keep on Going maneuvered – verb - used skillful or clever moves or plans This Way

  15. The success of the fund raiser was due to the _____ efforts of the entire 6th grade. d) spectators b) collective c) adept a) maneuvered

  16. Keep on Going collective – adjective – of, relating to, or done by a group of persons: united This Way

  17. Bonnie is _______ on the balance beam in gymnastics. b) maneuvered c) collective d) adept a) prevail

  18. Keep on Going adept – adjective – highly skilled, expert This Way

  19. The Wright Brothers Wilbur Orville This Way

  20. Words are Fun See you next week A Susan Ging Lent Production

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