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Measuring the Environmental Goods And Services Sector: Issues and Challenges. Presentation of the background paper for the International Technical Workshop “Measuring Progress on ‘Greening’ the Economy: Policies and Practices”. Geneva . 14-15 May 2014. Outline.
Measuring the Environmental Goods And Services Sector: Issues and Challenges Presentation of the background paper for the International Technical Workshop “Measuring Progress on ‘Greening’ the Economy: Policies and Practices” Geneva. 14-15 May 2014
EGSS: an historicalperspective Manuals (Methodology) ESTAT practical methods OECD/ESTAT Manual ESTAT Handbook SERIEE SEEA SEEA 2003 2017 1994 1999 2014 2006 2009 2012 2013 Ecorys Latest EU data collection First EU mandatory data collection Ecotec Ernst & Young Studies (data collection) EU level First EU data collection
EGSS: data sources Selection of activities approach Selection of businesses approach, Selection of products approach Use of demand side information Use of survey based data
Recentdevelopments: EU and non-EU From 2017 EU mandatory data collection Coherence with SEEA and ESA The EU’S PROPOSED Regulation on environmental economic accounts REFINEMENT OF Methodologies proposed in the 2009 handbook Increase international comparability regular data collection IN SOME EU COUNTRIES and AVAILABILITY OF EU aggregates COUNTRIES outside Europe TRYING OUT the EGSS WORK OF international organisations on measuring the green economy
Recentdevelopments: EU regular data collection IN SOME EU COUNTRIES and AVAILABILITY OF EU aggregates EGSS country C EGSS country B EGSS EGSS country A COUNTRIES outside Europe TRYING OUT the EGSS EGSS country C EGSS EGSS country A EGSS country B
Recentdevelopments: Int. organisations WORK OF international organisations on measuring the green economy ILO: statistical definition of jobs in the environmental sector and of green jobs OECD, UNEP et al.: green growth/economyindicators WTO: list of environmentalgoods
Challenges What is the scope of the “green economy“? How CAN EGSS data be interpreted by policy-makers? Analysis What activities should be covered? Methodology How to measure Cleaner and MORE resource efficient products? Practical implementation How to get the right picture?
Summary • Countries are gaining experience in producing EGSS statistics. • Production and publication of data have been increasing. • The EGSS statistics have been recognized at the international level.
Conclusions and nextsteps Increase international comparison Facilitate production of data Move to analysis of EGSS
The environmentalgoods and services sector (EGSS) Marco Orsini mo@icedd.be 003281250480 Institut de Conseil et d'Etudes en Développement Durable asbl Bd. F. Orban 4, 5000 Namur, Belgium http://www.icedd.be/ Presentation of the background paper for the International Technical Workshop “Measuring Progress on ‘Greening’ the Economy: Policies and Practices” Geneva. 14-15 May 2014