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Be Safe. Always carry your school I.D. with you Walk in hallways and into your classroom and sit in assigned seat Keep hands and feet to yourself Avoid distractions ( technology) Report suspicious/threatening activity to a trusted adult. Be Responsible.
Be Safe Always carry your school I.D. with you Walk in hallways and into your classroom and sit in assigned seat Keep hands and feet to yourself Avoid distractions ( technology) Report suspicious/threatening activity to a trusted adult
Be Responsible Follow the school and classroom rules Follow school dress code Always have a pass during class time Place trash and recyclables in appropriate containers Have required supplies and turn in assignments on time
Be Respectful Always use appropriate language Respect the property of others and their right to learn Leave your space (classroom, cafeteria, hallway, restroom, etc) clean Be mindful of visitors Enter/exit classroom and school in an orderly manner
Be Present Be part of the 96% club ( no more than seven days of excused absence per school year) Walk into classroom and sit in assigned seat before the tardy bell rings Always give your best effort and be ready to learn
How wonderful it is that no one need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.Anne Frank
Dress Policy Exposure/Appropriateness • Exposure of underwear is prohibited. Therefore, pants or shorts that hang below the buttocks and/or the top of the underwear are prohibited, and tops should not expose bras or cleavage. • Exposure of MIDRIFFS and CLEAVAGE is prohibited as a distraction to the educational process. • Holes in jeans that expose skis in prohibited as a distraction to the educational process. • Skirts, or shorts should not be shorter than mid-thigh. • Tights/Stockings/Leggings must be covered by a top that extends to mid-thigh. • Any other exposure of the body between the armpits and mid-thigh, because of TIGHT FIT, SHEER or THIN fabric, or the LACK OF APPROPRIATE UNDERGARMENTS is prohibited. • Halter tops, backless/topless dresses, wife-beaters and camisoles are prohibited. • Sleepwear including pajama tops and/or bottoms is strictly prohibited and should not be worn on campus.
Dress Policy (cont’d) Hats/Headgear/Sunglasses • Bandanas are prohibited on campus at all times. • Only Washington Prep HEADGEAR may be worn or seen on campus. Washington hats and headgear cannot be altered in any way. • Hats and headgear must be removed when inside buildings. Hoods on “hoodies” should not be worn over the head in the classroom. Religious headgear is exempt from this policy. • Curlers, hair nets, wave caps and scarves should not be worn at any time on campus.
Dress Policy (cont’d) Gang-Related Items • Items incorporating symbols or colors that can reasonably be interpreted as gang-affiliated are not to be worn at school. These include revealing tattoos, jewelry, belts, or other items with gang-related symbols or designs. • NO WHITE T-SHIRTS. Message Clothing • Items which are obscene or vulgar, sexually suggestive, inflammatory in nature, or gang, drug, or alcohol related are prohibited.
Dress Policy (cont’d) Health & Safety • Chains, accessories, or clothing that could create a safety or health hazard are prohibited. • Shoes must be worn at all times as required by State Law. • Students and clothing should be clean. • Open toed sandals and shoes are a safety hazard in a school environment and must not be worn on campus.
“General” rules for excellent student behavior Clean Campus • At Washington Preparatory High School, we take pride in our school and understand the importance of a clean campus. Each student is expected to dispose of his/her own trash and recycle material appropriately during breakfast and lunch. No outside food is allowed on campus during school hours. This includes food/beverages brought on to campus by parents, guardians, relatives, or friends. • Students may be asked to clean tables or pick up paper on the campus when behavior warrants punishment. Absolutely no gum is allowed on campus.
“General” rules for excellent student behavior Closed Campus • For safety reasons, Washington Preparatory is a closed campus. Students are not allowed to leave campus at any time without permission from authorities and a written verifiable note from parents or legal guardians. Students are expected to enter campus immediately upon arrival at school and are not permitted to leave. • The policy of Washington Preparatory High School and the Los Angeles Unified School District is that only parents/guardians or relatives designated on the emergency card may pick up students after school or during school hours. There are no exceptions to this policy unless special arrangements with an administrator are made prior to the end of the school day.
“General” rules for excellent student behavior Cell Phone Use • Students are to turn off cellular phones and store them in a backpack, purse, pocket, or other place where they are not visible during class times or school activities. Students must comply anytime a request is made by school personnel to cease the use of a cellular phone or electronic signaling device on campus before, during, and after school. If such a device is observed by staff during class times or school activities, it shall be confiscated until redeemed by a parent or guardian. Parents must make arrangements with a Dean to retrieve confiscated item. • Washington Preparatory High School and Los Angeles Unified School District assume no responsibility for the loss, recovery, repair or replacement for any personal electronic devices brought onto school property at any time. School Administration will not spend time to locate these prohibited items if lost or stolen.
“General” rules for excellent student behavior Bicycles/Skateboards • For safety reasons, students are not allowed to ride bicycles or skateboards at any time on campus. If students are observed riding or skating on campus, the bicycle or skateboard will be confiscated and may only be redeemed by a parent or guardian. Students are responsible for securing their bicycles and skateboards. Bicycles may not be brought into classrooms or offices. Washington Preparatory High School and Los Angeles Unified School District assume no responsibility for the loss, recovery, repair or replacement for any bicycles or skateboards brought onto school property at any time.
Bullying & Hazing Policy • The Los Angeles Unified School District is committed to providing a safe and civil learning and working environment. The District takes a strong position against bullying, hazing, or any behavior that infringes on the safety and well-being of students, employees, or any other persons within the District’s jurisdiction or interferes with learning or the ability to teach. The District prohibits retaliatory behavior against anyone who files a complaint or who participates in the complaint investigation process. BUL-5212.0 (8/27/10)
Bullying & Hazing Definitions • Bullying is a comprehensive term that describes the deliberate antagonistic action or creation of a situation with the intent of inflicting emotional, physical, or psychological distress. The behavior may be a single or repeated act and may be electronic, indirect, non-verbal, psychological, sexual, social, physical , or verbal. • Hazing is any method of initiation, pre-initiation, or rite of passage associated with actual or desired membership in a student organization or student body, whether or not the organization or body is officially recognized by an education institution, which is likely to cause serious bodily injury, personal degradation or disgrace that results in physical or psychological harm.
Types of Bullying • Cyber-Bullying, Electronic Bullying, Sexting • Disability Bullying • Emotional, Psychological, Relational or Social Bullying • Indirect Bullying • Nonverbal Bullying • Physical Bullying • Racial/Ethnic/Religious Bullying • Sexualized Bullying • Verbal Bullying
Student Responsibilities • Do not engage in or contribute to bullying or hazing behaviors or words. • Treat everyone with respect. Be sensitive as to how others might perceive your actions or words. • Report bullying or hazing to a teacher or administrator. • Never engage in retaliatory behavior or ask, encourage, or consent to anyone retaliating on your behalf.
Prep Pride Let’s have a great 2013-2014 school year! • Be Respectful • Be Responsible • Be Safe • Be Present