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Venezuela. History.

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  1. Venezuela

  2. History Venezuela was originally inhabited by several Indian tribes, including the Caracas, Arawaks, and Curmanagatos. After Columbus discoveres the area in 1498, the Spanish began conquering the coastal regions and offshore islands. Spain controlled Vnexuela until 1821, when the forces of Simon Bolivar were victorious at the battle of Carabobo, and a republic was declared.

  3. Type of Goverment Since 1959 Venezuela has had progressive, freely-held democratic elections. Spanishis the official language.Englishand a variety of dialects are also spoken. It has no officialreligion, but 96 percent are Roman Catholic.

  4. Business Practices

  5. Appointments • They write the day first, then the month, then the year. • The workweek is Monday through Friday 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. • Avoid scheduling appointments two or three days before a holiday.

  6. Negotiating • Letters, brochures, and other documents should be translated into Spanish. • Do not mention bringin in an attorney until negotiations are complete. • Topics to avoid are the goverment, personal relationships, and the infuence of the US in South America.

  7. Time Venezuela is four hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T. -4), or one hour ahead of U.S. Eastern Standard Time.

  8. Protocol

  9. Greetings • A firm handshake is the standard greeting. • While shaking hands, announce your full name; the Venesuela will do the same.

  10. Gestures • Venezuelans greet friend with a brief embrace called abarazo, a squeeze of the arm, and sometimes a kiss on the cheek. • Venezuelans converse in a very close prosimity to one another. • During conversations Venezuelans often touch each other arm or jacket.

  11. Gifts • It is best postpones giving business gifts until you have established a friendly relationship. • You may give gifts to the children of the colleagues. • When going to a Venzuela Home never arrive empty handed.

  12. Dress • Venezuelan women are very fashionable. Women should pack their best business clothes and one cocktail dress. • Details as high-quality watches or jewerly are impressive to the Venezuelans. • Men are conservative.

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