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Reach according to Orvesto Konsument/Consumer 2009:1

Reach according to Orvesto Konsument/Consumer 2009:1. Background. Period: January – April 2009 Number of interview persons: 15 597 Selection: Spar-registret (national registration), 15-79 yrs Universe: 7 221 000 individuals

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Reach according to Orvesto Konsument/Consumer 2009:1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reach according to Orvesto Konsument/Consumer2009:1

  2. Background • Period: January – April 2009 • Number of interview persons: 15 597 • Selection: Spar-registret (national registration), 15-79 yrs • Universe: 7 221 000 individuals • Sifo International has surveyed the reach three times per year since 1996

  3. New record! 538 0000 readers – SwedenSvD increases with 52.000 readers!Reach weekdays 2009:1

  4. Compared to 2008:1 - SwedenReach weekdays 2009:1

  5. New record in Stockholm 338 000 readers!Reach weekdays 2009:1

  6. Compared to 2008:1 - Stockholm Reach weekdays 2009:1

  7. New record for SvD!2002 – 2009 Reach in Sweden

  8. Gap in reach DN vs SvD, constantly decreasing

  9. Success also in Stockholm!2002 – 2009 Reach in Stockholm

  10. Gap in reach DN vs SvD - Stockholm Largest difference between DN and SvD was surveyed in the second survey in 1996 when the gap in reach was 456 000 in Stockholm

  11. SvD is also increasing in reach on Sundays, 64 000 readers!Reach 2009:1

  12. In Stockholm SvD increases with 50 000 readers on Sundays!Stockholm reach 2009:1

  13. The different sections

  14. SvD Magasinet increases with 51 000 readers! Reach 2009:1

  15. SvD Magasinet increases with 42 000 readers - Stockholm Reach 2009:1

  16. What type of readers are we increasing with?

  17. We are increasing in our strong target group – younger, well educated, high-net earners in Stockholm Reach 2008:1 vs 2009:1

  18. Comments • SvD total reach 538.000, Näringsliv 474.000. +52.000 for SvD and Näringsliv! • The highest increase is in Stockholm where SvD increases with 45.000 and Näringsliv with 49.000. SvD’s reach in Stockholm is 338.000 and Näringsliv’s reach is 296.000 in Stockholm. • The gap in reach between SvD and DN has never been this low in Stockholm! Today the gap is 235.000 readers to the advantage of DN. Since the survey of 2000:1 the gap has decreased with 207.000 readers. • DN lost 21.000 readers. 5.000 of those are in Stockholm. • In total, DI increases with 7.000 readers. In Stockholm the increase is 12.000 readers. • Aftonbladet (evening press) decreases with 56.000 readers. The decrease is mainly outside of Stockholm. • Expressen (evening press) increases with 13.000 readers. Approx half of the increase is in Stockholm. • On Sundays the total SvD reach increases with 64.000 readers to 548.000. The main increase is in Stockholm, +50.000 readers, total 334.000. • SvD Magasinet (Saturdays) increases with over 50 000 readers. DN has decreased its extra-distribution and decreases with 83 000 readers.

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