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OCSD’s ESL PROGRAM. KIDS COME IN ALL LANGUAGES. New ESL Students. When a new ESL student enters a school district: The parents complete a “Home Language Questionnaire” in the office. The student is tested by the ESL Teacher using a LAB-R Exam. Parent Letters & Conferences.
New ESL Students • When a new ESL student enters a school district: • The parents complete a “Home Language Questionnaire” in the office. • The student is tested by the ESL Teacher using a LAB-R Exam.
Parent Letters & Conferences • Principals send parent letters home each fall telling parents that their child is enrolled in an ESL program. • ESL teachers participate in the parent conferences held twice a year and share an ESL Report Card with each ESL parent. • High school ESL students receive credits and grades on School Tools.
Current ESL Levels 1. B=Beginner 2. I =Intermediate 3. A =Advanced 4. P =Proficient (monitored for 2 years)
ESL Department • We have ESL teachers in 4 schools • If a student is eligible for the Oswego BOCES Migrant Education program, a tutor is provided a few days per week. • There are written ESL curriculums for grades 1,3,5, and 9-12 posted in Curriculum Mapper. • We provide an ESL Web Page at www.oswego.org
NYS Assessments • All ESL students must take and pass the *ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies assessments-with accommodations. • *NYS now requires ESL students with more than one year in US schools by January 3, 2009 to take both the ELA assessment-with accommodations, and the NYSESLAT. • All students must take the Regents exams-with accommodations.
State Assessments & Regents Accommodations For Students • Extended time (1 ½ time) • Use of bilingual glossaries or electronic translators • Tests translated into Chinese, Haitian, Creole, Russian, and Spanish (by NYSED) • Allowing simultaneous use of English and native language versions of the test *(if desired by student). • Test translated by an interpreter, if it is a rare language.
Foreign Language Credit • ESL students can earn up to five (5) units of credit for schooling in their home language from age 11: • 3 units at age 11 • 4 units at age 12 • 5 units at age 13 or older
Annual NYSESLAT Exam • Includes testing in Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening taken over a 4 day period. • Exams are ordered on-line. • 2009 Exam dates are: • Speaking: between 4/20 and 5/15 • Listening, Reading, and Writing: between 5/4 and 5/15
Threefold Challenge of ESL Students • Grasping knowledge, skills, and attitudes specific to the subject areas • A better command of the English language • An ability to interact with others and function within the social environment of the school
BICS • Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) • Can be acquired in fewer than two years. • If only an oral assessment is done, the student may appear proficient.
CALP • Cognitive/Academic Language Proficiency Skills (CALP) • Skills needed to succeed in areas such as reading, writing, math, science, & social studies • CALP will often require five-ten years for ESL student to perform at grade level
How Long Can a Student Receive ESL Services? • Until they score as Proficient on the NYSESLAT; • An annual extension is requested from the Commissioner after three (3) years. • If a student scores as Proficient on the NYSESLAT, he/she exits ESL and performance is monitored for two more years. They also receive testing accommodations
Comprehensible Input • Understandable messages, called comprehensible input, are not communicated by words alone. • Use multisensory input: visuals, realia, drawings, gestures, role-plays, graphic organizers. • Model, demonstrate, restate and simplify language; introduce key vocabulary before the lesson.
ESL Community Involvement • SUNY Oswego practicum students are sponsored ; ESL teachers speak at SUNY Oswego TESOL classes • ESL teachers speak at annual NYS Migrant Ed. Conferences • HYLI (NYS Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute)
Discover College Day • October 8, 2007 & October 15, 2008 • Visited SUNY Oswego College with over 30 ESL students from Oswego County. • Through a special grant received by Oswego BOCES Migrant Educaton Program and SUNY Oswego grants.