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être ; adjective agreement

être ; adjective agreement. le français I Chapitre 3 Grammaire 1. Like avoir, the verb être is an irregular verb. This means that it does not follow the pattern of other verbs. You will have to memorize the forms individually. Je ne ________ pas très sportif.

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être ; adjective agreement

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  1. être; adjective agreement le français I Chapitre 3 Grammaire 1

  2. Like avoir, the verb être is an irregular verb. This means that it does not follow the pattern of other verbs. You will have to memorize the forms individually. • Je ne ________ pas très sportif. • Est-ce qu’ils _________ marrants?

  3. Adjectives agree in gender and number with the nouns they describe. Unless an adjective already ends in an unaccented –e, to make most adjectives feminine, add –e to the masculine singular form. • Masculine Adjectives • âgé • bleu • blond • brun • chataîn • court • fort • génial • grand • intelligent • marrant • méchant • noir • petit • vert • Feminine Adjectives • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________

  4. To form the feminine of adjectives ending in –eux or –if , make the following spelling changes before adding –e. (-eux becomes –euse) (-if becomes –ive) Masculine singular Feminine singular • sérieux • généreux • paresseux • sportif • créatif • sérieuse • ____________________ • ____________________ • sportive • ____________________

  5. These adjectives have irregular feminine forms. Masculine • long • beau • vieux • nouveau • roux • blanc • bon • gros • gentil • mignon Feminine • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________

  6. Adjectives come after the noun in French unless they describe Beauty, Age, Number, Goodness or Size. Remember these with the mnemonic device BANGS • Beauty: joli, beau, • Age: jeune, vieux • Number: un, deux, première, deuxième, etc. • Goodness: bon, mauvais • Size: grand, petit • Martin est un beau, jeunegarçonbrun. Il a un bonami, Paul. Paul est un mauvaisélèvemarrant de temps en temps, mais Martin est un bon étudiantsérieuxrégulièrement. Paul et Martin sont des grandsgarçons.

  7. BANGS adjectives: place before the noun • Translate the paragraph from the previous slide.

  8. Add –s to the singular masculine or feminine form of the adjective to make it plural, unless the adjective already ends in –s (gros) or –x (généreux), in which case, it is the same in the singular and plural forms. • Masculine • intelligent___ • sportif___ • long___ • gros • sérieux • Feminine • intelligente___ • sportive___ • longue___ • grosse___ • sérieuse___

  9. The adjectives beau (beautiful), nouveau (new), and vieux (old) are irregular, you must memorize the irregular forms below. These are placed before the noun they describe.

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