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Application of Holistic Science ~ The Natural Way Nalini Patel. Holistic treatments - becoming popular – Hope of healing Want quick fixes – But lack in-depth knowledge & understanding PRANAYAMA REIKI AYURVEDA ACUPRESSURE MAGNETIC THERAPY HOMEOPATHY No side effects
Application of Holistic Science ~ The Natural Way Nalini Patel
Holistic treatments - becoming popular – Hope of healing Want quick fixes – But lack in-depth knowledge & understanding PRANAYAMA REIKI AYURVEDA ACUPRESSURE MAGNETIC THERAPY HOMEOPATHY No side effects Use of holistic treatments-over time listen 2 your body & messages Example Holistic treatments do not treat viral infections.
PRANAYAMA – Yogic Breathing Prana – oxygen – vital force energy, Yama – Control, Ayama expansion of breath. Proper breathing - positive effect on physical, mental, emotional wellbeing Babies breathe – yogic breathing – abdominal breathing Normal breath ½ to 1 litre oxygen – 1 breath – fast and shallow Proper breathing and practice, take in 3-4 litres oxygen in 1 breath – slow and deep. Think we are breathing properly –but we not. When and why do we breathe fast & shallow? Rushing around, stress, negative states, poor posture – lung capacity decreased, pollution, modern technology, lack of exercise leads to people developing shallow breathing habits. Effects of shallow and fast breathing: Negative thoughts, depression, insomnia, stomach upsets, resistance to disease reduced, stress related heart conditions
PRANAYAMA– Yogic Breathing Strange but we need to be taught how to breathe properly – yogic breathing Q: Which animals live the longest? Why: Breathe deep and slow Benefits of pranayama Energy, Natural pain killer – reduces pain, Stimulates glands – fat converted to energy, Normal BP Reduces wrinkles/spots – look younger Self-aware, enhances cognitive performance Positive outlook and self image Modern scientists now agree with ancient yogis – shallow and quick breathing – fatigue, anxiety, stomach disorders, chest pains and heart palpitations.
REIKI Universal Life Force Energy – chi – born with Reiki - energy itself Activated by attunement by spiritually evolved the Reiki master – open energy centres – chakras (vibrating energy wheels) Heal yourself and others. Treatment of mind, body & soul Aids total relaxation and stress Release.
REIKI Benefits: Balances energy Releases stress Heals holistically Helps release emotions Increases creativity Total treatment of mind, body and soul System of simplicity as hands are used After an attunement– nurses, doctors and therapists who are well acquainted with touch and feel of human body – notice vibrating energy emanating from hands when treating patients. Complements and aids positive outcome of treatments – conventional and holistic
PRESSURE POINTS ACUPRESSURE and ACUPUNCTURE – releasing blockages and energy within the meridians. Both ancient remedies. Pressure points further developed Dr Stephen Cheng MERIDIANS – network of channels throughout the human body. Qi or life force energy flows to nourish and energise the human body. Along the path of meridians there are energy pools called energy points. Located at end of meridians such as toes, ankles, knees, fingers, wrists, and elbows