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TRU-6 - TATU. Haywood County’s TATU Program. Taught to each fifth grade class in the school system by TRU Club youth leaders Additionally taught to after school and summer programs Youth leaders attend a day-long training with additional refresher courses

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TRU-6 - TATU

  2. Haywood County’s TATU Program • Taught to each fifth grade class in the school system by TRU Club youth leaders • Additionally taught to after school and summer programs • Youth leaders attend a day-long training with additional refresher courses • The youth leaders then teach the program to the fifth graders • Adult leaders are always present for supervision • The classes are 45-60 minutes depending on how much time the teacher can spare

  3. October 2009 TATU Training

  4. Planning • Dependable Adult leader • Good way to contact your youth (text tree etc.) • Positive working relationship with the school system • Community knowledge of TRU and TATU • Short, Clear directions that are user-friendly (see TATU Notebooks)

  5. Cover with space for identifier Teaching Tips Activity List Vote With Your Feet Chemicals Found in Tobacco Tobacco Poster Child Short of Breath Straw Activity Lung Demonstration Mr. Gross Mouth Social Smoking Skit BB Activity TATU Notebooks

  6. Display board Tobacco education posters Props for chemicals Stickers Straws Lungs Mr. Gross Mouth Supplies for Social Smoking Skit BBs NC Quitline Materials Camera Materials Needed

  7. Lessons Learned • Tell the youth leaders that class starts 10-15 minutes before it actually does so everyone is on time • Remember your audience -take stock of your props/ boards/posters etc • Youth are cool and our educational materials need to be cool too

  8. Contact Info • Diana Manee dmanee@haywoodnc.net • Traci Clark hitop9@dnet.com

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