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CTSA Imaging Working Group. Coordinated by: RSNA (Radiologic Society of North America) DTRI (Duke Translational Research Institute). Rationale for RSNA Interest and Involvement. RSNA Strategic Plan Goals.
CTSA Imaging Working Group Coordinated by: RSNA (Radiologic Society of North America) DTRI (Duke Translational Research Institute)
RSNA Strategic Plan Goals • Conduct activities to meet the educational and continuing professional development needs of RSNA members. • Promote high quality science and research in radiology, radiation oncology, and radiologic physics. • Maintain the preeminence of the annual meeting as a scientific and educational forum. • Pursue excellence in publications and communications to advance radiologic science and education. • Foster productive relationships with other organizations and corporate entities for the purpose of strengthening radiology. • Foster relationships with international physicians and societies in recognition of an increasingly international radiologic community. • Govern and manage RSNA in an effective, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner.
RSNA Strategic Plan Goals • Conduct activities to meet the educational and continuing professional development needs of RSNA members. • Promote high quality science and research in radiology, radiation oncology, and radiologic physics. • Maintain the preeminence of the annual meeting as a scientific and educational forum. • Pursue excellence in publications and communications to advance radiologic science and education. • Foster productive relationships with other organizations and corporate entities for the purpose of strengthening radiology. • Foster relationships with international physicians and societies in recognition of an increasingly international radiologic community. • Govern and manage RSNA in an effective, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner.
Goal 2: Promote high quality science and research in radiology, radiation oncology, and radiologic physics. • 2.1 Facilitate successful applications for funding from NIH and other sources. • 2.2 Increase awareness of cutting edge developments and research opportunities vital to the future of radiology. • 2.3 Stimulate the pursuit of cutting edge developments and research opportunities vital to the future of radiology. • 2.4 Identify, stimulate and support research opportunities in residency and fellowship training. • 2.5 Enhance the readiness and capability of the radiologic community to conduct research. • 2.6 Prepare professionals in radiologic sciences for an increasingly quantitative future. • 2.7 Increase the Research and Education Foundation resources.
Goal 2: Promote high quality science and research in radiology, radiation oncology, and radiologic physics. • 2.1 Facilitate successful applications for funding from NIH and other sources. • 2.2 Increase awareness of cutting edge developments and research opportunities vital to the future of radiology. • 2.3 Stimulate the pursuit of cutting edge developments and research opportunities vital to the future of radiology. • 2.4 Identify, stimulate and support research opportunities in residency and fellowship training. • 2.5 Enhance the readiness and capability of the radiologic community to conduct research. • 2.6 Prepare professionals in radiologic sciences for an increasingly quantitative future. • 2.7 Increase the Research and Education Foundation resources.
CTSAs and IRATs • RSNA coordination of CTSA Imaging Working Group is modeled after AACI (American Association of Cancer Institutes) coordination of NCI-funded Image Response Assessment Teams (IRATs) • Significant overlap of investigators in IRATs and imaging components of CTSAs
How is it funded? • RSNA provides administrative and logistical support from the operating budget of its Scientific Division, headed by Dr. Linda Bresolin. • RSNA contracts with Duke University for a percentage of Dr. Sullivan’s time. • Dr. Reynolds’ time is included as part of his duties as Project Leader of the Imaging Core under DTRI.
Emory Center for Systems Imaging (CSI) Education/ Training (Hu/Meltzer) Molecular Tracer Development (Goodman) Imaging Instrumentation/ Methodology (Hu) Computation & Image Processing (Votaw) Oncology Neuroscience Cardiovascular Cross-Cutting Scientific Programs Transplantation/Regenerative Vaccines/Inflammation 4 Pillar Themes
Common themes among CTSA imaging programs • Inventory both imaging resources and imaging trials • Create an imaging Core or centralized imaging resource – some virtual, some physical • Increase accessibility to information, expertise (possibly consultative) and equipment related to imaging • Utilize/Integrate imaging in translational research • Increase knowledge of imaging biomarkers and their use as endpoints in clinical trials • Implement or improve image storage and analysis – PACS and analytical tools • Develop mechanisms for data sharing • Provide training in translational researchto new and established investigators • Develop innovations in imaging
RSNA-Duke Role in Developing an Imaging Working Group within the CTSA program • Organizational meeting, Chicago, Nov 27, 2007 • Requests for regular conference calls, wiki, periodic meetings • Conference call with NCRR & NIBIB staff Jan 2008
RSNA-Duke Role in Developing an Imaging Working Group within the CTSA program • Conference calls with grantees, Feb 12 & Apr 11 2008 • Requests for subcommittees on: • Core resources • Imaging Informatics • Clinical Trials • Education • Quantification
Participation in this Imaging Working Group and Subgroups is open to all interested people. • (Modeled after the NCI-funded caBIG Workspaces).
IWG Subcommittees in development: • Core Resources • Brian Reynolds, PhD, Duke • Imaging Informatics • Brad Erickson, MD, PhD, Mayo • Clinical Trials • Gary Dorfman, MD, Cornell • Education • Katarzyna Macura, MD, PhD, Hopkins
Core Resources Subcommittee • Share information about organization, management, finances for core resources • Promulgate “best practices” • Provide “support group” for non-faculty-member Core Managers (e.g., career development issues, etc.)
Imaging Informatics Project Group • Goal: Develop an inter-operable imaging informatics infrastructure that enables maximal sharing of image-derived data and information from research that can be widely deployed to CTSA sites, IRAT sites, Cancer Centers and other major research facilities employing medical imaging. • Methods: 1. Monthly (TBD) teleconferences in which participants discuss what and how to achieve goal 2. Participate in CTSA Informatics activities and Imaging Informatics activities in other venues 3. Establish task groups focused on components of the larger plan 4. Consider arranging/participating in a workshop on imaging informatics needs / available tools for research 5. Develop proposals and plans for prototypes / test installations
Clinical Trials Subcommittee • Develop UPICT (Uniform Protocols for Imaging in Clinical Trials) • Help CTSA imaging groups establish procedures for imaging involvement in development of and review of clinical trial protocols at their institutions • Develop a proposal for a multi-site demonstration project related to imaging in clinical trials (e.g., a validation study of an imaging biomarker).
Education Subcommittee • Inventory resources available to imagers and users of imaging to educate them about appropriate methodology for clinical trials. • Develop educational activities or resources to fill gaps identified by above inventory.
Future Plans • Full conference calls q 2 mos • Subgroup conference calls TBD, maybe monthly • Face-to-face meetings: • October 2, 2008, Pentagon City, VA, all day (with ACRIN meeting) • December 2, 2008, Chicago, 3 to 5 PM (with RSNA meeting) • 2009, TBD, 1.5 days (with IRATs) • Google group established • Web site under development
Future Plans • Determine appropriate interactions with Translational Steering Committee, and other Steering Committees • Determine appropriate interactions with other relevant subcommittees, task forces, etc.
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