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GIN Commission Structure. Yon Cole 5/29/2010. View the complete Commission Structure and the other tools I have created for members & affiliates: http://mygin.ws/info. You Start your Adventure in GIN as an Affiliate or as a Member. $1000 & $150/month. FREE.
GIN Commission Structure Yon Cole 5/29/2010 View the complete Commission Structure and the other tools I have created for members & affiliates: http://mygin.ws/info
You Start your Adventure in GINas an Affiliate or as a Member $1000 & $150/month FREE Every Member is also an Affiliate
As an Affiliate, your Job is to promote GIN and sign up new Members in GIN
As an Affiliate, you get paid a commission on every new member that you sign up. $200new member commission Total Payment this month $200 New Member
As an Affiliate, you also qualify for additional “override” commissions, in any month that you sign up at least 1 new member $200and qualifies for override $200Override Commission New Member $200 $200 $200Override Commission Total Payment this month $600 New Member New Member
As you grow your network, your commissions also grow.With two active dues-paying members you are a Bronze Affiliate
As a Bronze Affiliate, you receive commissions on 5 levels and you also receive commissions on the monthly dues of the members in your network $20Override Commission on new members on levels 3,4,&5 $200and qualifies for override commissions Dues Paying Member New Member Dues Paying Member $30 commission on membership dues for first two levels Dues Paying Member Dues Paying Member Total Payment this month $340 $200 New Member
Until You have 10 Members that you have personally sponsored, your goal is to continue signing up more new Members. As you do, your commissions expand. Silver Affiliate, 4 dues-paying members, Commissions by level:Levels 1 & 2 = 20%Levels 3-6 = 2% Bronze Affiliate, 2 dues-paying members, Commissions by level:Levels 1 & 2 = 20%Levels 3-5 = 2% Gold Affiliate, 6 dues-paying members, Commissions by level: Levels 1 & 2 = 20%Levels 3-7 = 2%
Once you have 10 personally sponsored members, a new dynamic enters the picture! To reach the next level you must help others build their networks! Platinum Affiliate, Automatically qualify for commissions (no longer need to personally sign up a new member to qualify) Commissions by level:Levels 1 & 2 = 20%Levels 3-6 = 2%Level 7 = 3% To go PLATINUM you need: 10 personally sponsored dues paying Members, who each have 1 dues paying member of their own At this point the Platinum Affiliate is earning a minimum of $600/month passive residual income - but almost certainly much more!
Once a Gold Affiliate has 10 personally sponsored dues paying members, there is tremendous incentive to help those members sign up their first member. At this point, EVERY Gold Affiliate will be motivated to learn how to work with any of their members who are slower to get started. “Hey Joe, You’ve been a member for a month and still no sign-ups! Let’s fix that!” “I can accept the help, but I’m doin’ this, that’s it PERIOD!” (PLEASE & THANK YOU!)
SO! You make it to PLATINUM! You take a deep sigh of relief – “I will never miss out on another commission!” But something new happens now! To reach the next level you must HELP your members GO PLATINUM TOO! To go ONE STAR PLATINUM, you must have another platinum somewhere in your network. Think of what this means: It means that the affiliate closest to going PLATINUM is likely going to receive a tremendous SURGE of help from the new Platinum shooting for the next level! Consider this as added incentive to be closest to platinum when someone in your upline goes PLATINUM! A One Star Platinum is paid Commissions by level:Levels 1 & 2 = 20%Levels 3-6 = 2%Level 7 = 4%
Understand the mindset of a PLATINUM! Starting at PLATINUM, to move to the next level, new PLATINUMS must be made. But they only count if they are in separate LEGS of your organization. In this picture, a ONE STAR platinum, is now needing to help someone else become platinum In this scenario the BLUE LEG already has a Platinum! So support it, but it won’t be WORKED to develop the next Platinum. Similarly the two possible Gold Affiliates along the RED LEG are in fierce competition. Let them Play it out. We need 20 distinct LEGS with Platinums before you reach the Level 12 CHAIRMAN Affiliate. But look at the Green Path, with 6 new members, The One Star might just go for it and fill in those spots FOR the Gold Affiliate – Especially if he already has enough personally sponsored affiliates for Three Star Platinum (25).
THREE STAR PLATINUM & Breakaway Starting at THREE STAR PLATINUM, the commission structure pays out on potentially the ENTIRE network built by that individual who did the RIGHT THINGS, LONG ENOUGH, CONSISTENTLY. Breakaway commissions for a Three Star Platinum are 2% for all commissions after level 7 and up until three {Three Star Platinums} are encountered. 7 Levels 1st Breakaway zone (downline beyond level 7, but before any other Three Star Platinums (or above) 1st Break away ends at the first Three Star Platinum (or above) 2nd Breakaway zone (downline on the “other side”/”far side” of another Three Star Platinum or above).
Breakaway Visualized For the first 7 levels, the normal commission structure applies. This symbol indicates another Three Star Platinum (or above) 7 Levels Green lines show First Breakaway Amber lines show Second Breakaway Red lines show Third Breakaway Blue lines are beyond the 3rd Breakaway and are not part of the commission structure
What you need to qualify for each level Remember, Platinum requires 10 personally sponsored members (in 2nd month with dues paid), who each have 1 member (in 2nd month with dues paid).
What you need to qualify forYOUR COMMISSIONS Sell at least one GIN Membership in the month to qualify Ensure that you maintain the minimum requirements for a Platinum Affiliate, and commissions are automatically paid. New Member Remember, Platinum requires 10 personally sponsored members (in 2nd month with dues paid), who each have 1 member (in 2nd month with dues paid).
YOUR COMMISSIONS earned by Recruitment Depth Level View the complete Commission Structure and the other tools I have created for members & affiliates: http://mygin.ws/info